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  • ID:4-20486682 2024年广东省中山市八年级下学期期末质量模拟英语试卷(无答案及听力题)


    11506200114935002024年广东省中山市八(下)期末质量模拟卷 (时间: 70 分钟 满分: 100 分) 一、 语法选择 (时文) (本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分。) Sometimes, the kids in Stephanie Williams’s kindergarten (幼儿园) class need a little encouragement. Some students wanted gifts, but Kameron only wanted to be  1  first one on the bus. That way, he  2  spend a little time with his good friend, school bus driver Charles Frierson. As a result, each morning he had to get up  3  than other students. ? At the beginning of the school year Kameron  4  some difficulties in class. Because of his behavior (行为), he was sent to the  5  office almost every day. He always felt  6  in school. However, hanging out with Mr. Charles helped Kameron get out  7  trouble. ? They shared some time together each afternoon. During the few minutes, Charles would talk with Kameron, tell jokes  8  him up when he was upset. They talked about any problems Kameron was having in school. The bus driver even cheered him on at his weekend baseball games. ? Kameron’s teachers saw a huge change happen to him  9  he started talking to Mr. Charles every day. So did Kameron’s mom. In fact,  10  was so thankful for what the driver did. ? ( ) 1. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. A. could B. must C. should ( ) 3. A. early B. earlier C. earliest ( ) 4. A. has B. has had C. was having ( ) 5. A. teacher B. teachers’ C. teachers ( ) 6. A. unhappy B. happy C. happily ( ) 7. A. of B. to C. with ( ) 8. A. cheer B. cheering C. to cheer ( ) 9. A. or B. after C. but ( ) 10. A. he B. she C. it 二、 完形填空 (本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分。) Ou Pingqin was a teacher in a special school in Huangshi. The school was for  11  and mute (哑的) students who can’t hear or speak. ? After Ou finished college, she went to this school  12  and have worked there for nearly sixteen years. The headmaster of the school said, “She worked hard and  13  the most carefully. She was one of the most excellent teachers in our school. She got on well with the students and was also the most welcome teacher among the students. For students, she was like a mother. They called her ‘Little Mother’.”? One day, when she was talking with her students in the dormitory (宿舍), something heavy was falling down. It was  14 . At that time, without thinking about herself,she pushed two students away, but she was  15  heavily. However, she  16  working with great pain (疼痛) later. ? One of her workmates said, “Ou Pingqin was not only a teacher but also a mother to her students in her class. She  17  their studies and even their life.” A student’s parent said, “She was very warm?hearted. My  18  lost his father who fed the family. Every month, the teacher gave him 100 yuan to buy books. We really thank for the help and  19 .”? Ou Pingqin’s  20  and spirit have caught much attention in the country. She was popular with the students and she gave them great love. She is really a beautiful teacher. ? ( ) 11. A. poor B. rich C. deaf D. blind ( ) 12. A. completely B. recently C. alone D. abroad ( ) 13. A. learned B. taught C. realized D. challenged ( ) 14. A. dangerous B. safe C. strange D. usual ( ) 15. A. encouraged B. hated C. checked D. hit ( ) 16. A. enjoyed B. imagined C. continued D. stopped ( ) 17. A. gave up B. depended on C. tried out D. cared for ( ) 18. A. daughter B. son C. wife D. husband ( ) 19. A. money B. training C. food D. advice ( ) 20. A. pressure B. decision C. kindness D. progress 三、 阅读理解 (本大题共15小题, 每小题2分, 共30分。) A Bird Paradise   At Bird Paradise you can see more than 400 kinds of birds and even feed some of them by hand for 8 yuan each time. You can also visit different kinds of birdhouses. Malls and Markets   Walk through Orchard Road’s modern malls(商场). Then try an open?air shopping experience at the markets. There you can buy inexpensive clothes,toys and old furniture(家具). Night Safari   Night Safari lets you see animals that are active at night in their natural environment. Walk through the park at night to get close to the animals from seven different areas. Sentosa Island   The island is just in the south of the main Singapore island. It is another interesting place. If you want to hang out on the beach and read a good book,there is no better place to do it than Sentosa beach. ( ) 21. How much do you need to pay each time if you feed the birds at Bird Paradise? A. 400 yuan. B. 80 yuan. C. 40 yuan. D. 8 yuan. ( ) 22. Where can you enjoy outdoor shopping? A. At Night Safari. B. At Bird Paradise. C. At Malls and Markets. D. At Sentosa Island. ( ) 23. What can you do if you go to Night Safari? A. Hang out on the beach. B. Watch animals. C. Buy some clothes. D. Feed and eat with birds. ( ) 24. Which of the following is NOT? A. Both Bird Paradise and Night Safari are parks. B. There are over 400 kinds of birds at Bird Paradise. C. At Malls and Markets clothes and toys are expensive. D. The Sentosa beach is the best place if you want to read a good book on the beach. ( ) 25. The passage may come from a magazine about     . ? A. travel B. animals C. islands D. shopping B Humans share the earth with many different kinds of wildlife. However, many of our animal friends may not be around for much longer. According to the Living Planet Report 2020 by World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) in October, populations of several animals, including mammals (哺乳动物), birds and fish, had fallen to sixty?eight percent since 1970. According to the report, one of the biggest reasons of wildlife loss is human activities. They affect three quarters of the world’s land. Many forests have been cut down to make farmland. About 300 kinds of mammals are dying out because humans are over?eating them. Another example is the over?fishing of the oceans, the Guardian showed. The Chinese paddlefish (白鲟) was one of the world’s largest freshwater (淡水的) fishes. It could grow to 7.5 meters. The fish has a big nose so it is also called “elephant fish”. The Chinese paddlefish was an ancient fish. It first appeared in the Jurassic period (侏罗纪时期). However,scientists from China said recently that the Chinese paddlefish had died out. “The challenge we face is to find ways to meet the needs of our growing population while protecting the environment,”the WWF said. It has called on world governments and businesses to work together to protect people and nature. To protect endangered animals, there are following things we can do. For example, we shouldn’t use things made of whale parts. We should all play a part in taking care of the beautiful earth and live in peace with the lovely animals. ( ) 26. The population of mammals had fallen to     since 1970. ? A. 68% B. 70% C. 80% D. 90% ( ) 27. What does the underlined word “affect” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Pay attention to. B. Take care of. C. Make a difference to. D. Play jokes on. ( ) 28. According to the passage, what is NOT the reason of wildlife loss? A. Making farmland. B. Over?eating and over?fishing. C. Killing animals for parts of their body. D. Weather change. ( ) 29. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Elephants like eating the Chinese paddlefish. B. About 300 kinds of mammals are dying out because of over?fishing. C. The Chinese paddlefish appeared on the earth before human. D. The Guardian has called on world governments and businesses to work together to protect people and nature. ( ) 30. Which of the following is the best title of this passage? A. The Earth We Share B. Animals in Danger C. Human Activities D. Different Kinds of Wildlife C 配对阅读。 左栏是对五个人的问题的描述, 右栏是七种解决方法的介绍, 请为每个人选择一种合适的解决方法。 ( ) 31. My best friend in my class is very sad,because her mother is badly ill. I want to help her,but I don’t know what to do. ( ) 32. I always think about many things before going to bed,so I can’t fall asleep. I feel very sleepy and tired during the daytime. ( ) 33. My classmate broke my watch. It was a gift from my best friend. I was so angry that I had a fight with him. ( ) 34. I want to decorate (装饰) my room and make it more beautiful and comfortable,but I don’t want to spend too much money on it. ( ) 35. I bought a pair of sports shoes which was 1,000 yuan. My grandfather knew this and he was very angry with me,because I spent too much money on the shoes. A. Don’t fight with him any more. You need to cool down and solve the problem with the teachers’ help. B. First of all,you have to know that you aren’t old enough to know what real love is. Try to be a common friend with him. You should keep your mind on your schoolwork. C. Old men had a hard time in the past,so they don’t waste anything. You should understand your grandfather first. Then you may say sorry to him and don’t waste money any more. D. If you can’t sleep at night,you’d better relax before going to bed. You may listen to some soft music or read something for fun. Don’t drink tea before you go to bed. E. You can buy some cheap but beautiful cloth to cover the wall or old furniture. Put up photos you like instead of those expensive ones. Finally,keep your room clean and tidy all the time. F. You could help look after her mother and tell her the trouble is nothing,because all of her classmates will give her a hand as long as she needs. G. You’d better spend some time talking with them and telling them what you think. I believe they will understand you. 五、 短文填空 (时文) (本大题共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 共15分。) 36830292100 her thank interest mostly from surprise be skill since sell once young   her thank interest mostly from surprise be skill since sell once young  请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使文章完整连贯。 注意每空一词,每词仅用一次。 Bella-Jay Dark is from Weymouth, England. She showed an  41  in drawing. To her family’s  42 , she told them she was going to write a book last year.  43  parents thought it was just “one of those things” children say, but she was serious.? Her book The Lost Cat has been printed by Ginger Fyre Press. It has  44  over 1,000 copies already. The 5-year-old girl has been thought to be the world’s  45  writer by Guinness World Records. Dorothy Straight  46  held the record. Her book How the World Began was printed in August 1964 when she was at the age of 6. Bella said that she got the idea for The Lost Cat  47  one of her drawings. “At first, it was just a picture. My daddy said I could make a book and a story from the picture,” she said. They went to a book show and someone there said they wanted to print it. According to her mother,Chelsie Syme,Bella has always had a great imagination  48  she was three. “We  49  so happy for Bella and can’t believe that her book can really come out,”Syme said.“ 50  you so much for the support (支持) she has already got so far.”? 41. ?  42. ?  43. ?  44.?  45.? 46. ?  47. ?  48. ?  49.?  50.? 六、 读写综合 (本大题共25分。) A. 回答问题 (本题共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分。) I am Jack. One place that is really important in my life is my grandmother’s house. She lives in a small village in the south. I go to visit my grandmother every summer. I can get away from the city and relax. The village is just a group of white houses on a hillside (山坡) with some small shops. But it’s really peaceful. One reason why I like the village is that it’s a beautiful place. My grandmother has a lovely garden and we can sit under the trees, drinking sweet tea and talking. It’s so comfortable. But the main reason why this place is so important to me is my grandmother herself. She is so kind to me, and wonderful to talk to. Also, she’s a great cook and the meals she prepares are simple, but so fresh and delicious. And she’s always giving me snacks during the day, so I always return home feeling cool, refreshed (神清气爽的) and fat! I really love visiting my grandmother for the holidays. I think that I probably couldn’t live somewhere like that all the time. It would be hard to live in a small village where everybody knows each other. I’d like to live in a busy and exciting place. But I think this small village is the best place for me to take a break and stay with my grandmother. 51. When does Jack go to visit his grandmother? _________________________________________________________________________________________ 52. What is on the hillside in the village? _________________________________________________________________________________________ 53. Why is the village so important to Jack? _________________________________________________________________________________________ 54. How does Jack feel when he returns home? _________________________________________________________________________________________ 55. Where would Jack like to live? __________________________________________________________________________________ B. 书面表达 (本题共15分。) 如果可以选择, 你以后喜欢住在安静的乡村还是热闹的城市呢? 请你根据以下思维导图内容提示用英文写一篇短文, 谈谈你未来向往的住处和理由。 注意: 语句连贯, 词数80左右。 作文的标题和开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 Living in the Village or in the City In my opinion, life in the village is completely different from that in the city. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

  • ID:4-20486681 Module 9 Friendship 单元测试卷(无答案)外研版八年级英语下册

    初中英语/外研(新标准)版/八年级下册/Module 9 Friendship/本模块复习与测试

    1150620011137900Module 9单元测试卷 时间:80 分钟 分数:100分 一、单项选择(20分) ( )1.Day day,the child is growing taller. A.in B.by C.on D.of ( )2.Whenever Mary reads an interesting story,she can't keep it to and wants to share it with her friends. A.she B.her C.hers D.herself ( )3.The old man often feels because his children live far away. A.crazy B.lonely C.hungry D.sleepy ( )4.I invited him to watch the football match,but he my invitation. A.accepted B.received C.refused D.sent ( )5.If you don't stay for more time,I think you will regret Beijing. A.leave B.to leave C.leaving D.left ( )6.My mother encourages me hou sework. A.does B.do C.doing D.to do ( )7.Miss Black is a good teacher.She is always all her students. A.afraid of B.worried about C.patient with D.angry with ( )8. More than 100 million people in over 200 countries like basketball China. A. to include B. includes C. include D. including ( )9. After the students their exams, they celebrated by having a party. A. passed B. failed C. joined D. gave ( )10. None of them talked. They finished their meal in A. silence B. order C. place D. public 二、完形填空(10分) A special present was given to me when I was 12 years old.It was_1. That was the early autumn of my first year at a high school,and my old school was far away.As a result,no one knew who I was.I was very 2,and afraid to3 friends with anyone. Every time I heard the other students talking and 4_,I felt my heart broken.I couldn't talk to anyone_5_my problem,and I didn't want my parents to worry about me. Then one morning,my classmates had fun talking with their friends,but I sat at my desk_6 as usual.At that moment,a boy entered the classroom.I didn't know who he was.He walked past me and then turned back.He looked at me and,7 a word,smiled. Suddenly,I felt the touch of 8 and friendly. It made me 9happy, lively and warm. That smile_10_my life. I started to talk with the other students and made friends. ( )1.A.a smile B.a problem C.a book D.a card ( )2.A.happy B.lonely C.clever D.friendly ( )3.A.take B.bring C.treat D.make ( )4.A.laugh B.laughing C.laughed D.to laugh ( )5.A.in B.to C.with D.about ( )6.A.happy B.happily `C.unhappy D.unhappily ( )7.A.in B.with C.without D.for ( )8.A.anything bright B.something sad C.anything sad D.something bright ( )9.A.think B.smell C.regret D.feel ( )10.A.changed B.broke C.won D.lost 三、阅读理解(30分) A There are three kinds of friends in our daily life—friends for a reason(you lived next door to each other growing up),friends for a season(primary school,high school,college...)and friends for a lifetime.Sometimes,the season of life passes and friends fall out of touch because of no reason.However,a once-healthy friendship may break up.There are six common signs(迹象)that the so-called friendship does not last forever,according to Suzanne Degges White: 1.You realize that going out with a friend leaves you feeling worse,not better. 2.You begin to try and find reasons to avoid spending time with a friend or wanting to cancel(取消)plans once they've been made. 3.Your friend only seems to"like you”or want to spend time with you when she needs something from you. 4.Your friend tries to isolate(孤立)you from other relationships in your life—for example,saying bad words of your close partners or other friends. 5.You find yourself trying to make excuses for your friend's behavior or"protect”your friend from other friends because you think others may hurt your friend. 6.While friendships are based on social exchange(交换),“red flag"friends only get more things from the"friendship bank" than they ever put into it. As students,we should make friends with others who can help us make progress and give us a hand when we are in need. ( )1.How many kinds of friends are there in our daily life in Paragraph 1? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. ( )2.What does"friends for a season”mean? A.You live next door to your friend when you are growing up. B.You make friends in primary school,high school,college and so on. C.You live with your friends for a lifetime. D.You fall out of touch with your friends because of no reason. ( )3.Which sign shows you the so-called friendship does not last forever? A.You feel very happy when you go out with your friend. B.You begin to try and find reasons to avoid spending time with a friend. C.Your friend wants to spend time with you even if she doesn't need anything from you. D.Your friend will protect you when you are in trouble. ( )4.As students,what kind of friends should we make? A.Helpless. B.Careless. C.Rude. D.Helpful. ( )5.Where is the material(材料)probably from? A.A school newspaper. B.A dictionary. C.A storybook. D.A music report. B True friends are not easy to find,so we should do our best to find real friendship and keep it. When we are with friends,we should try to bring them closer to us.Smiling is one of the easiest ways.People like to see happy faces greeting them. When we talk to someone,we can ask questions to help him or her keep talking.Don't ask personal questions,or they may want to walk away. Listening is an important part when you are with friends.You should listen carefully to what people are saying,and respond in the right way.Body language can show that you're listening. Some people have the same interests and hobbies as you do.It's the same interests you have. You may spend hours talking about easier to make friends with them. ? Friendship may last for all our whole life.We should try to keep it long. ( )6.Why should we try to keep our friendship? A.Because we can't find new friends later. B.Because it's hard to find true friends. D.Because real friendship will not last long. C.Because real friendship always lasts quite short. ( )7.If we are with friends,we should to bring themcloser to us. A.cry B.laughC.smile D.repeat ( )8.What does the underlined word"respond"mean in Chinese? A.大笑 B.应答 C.书写 D.拼写 ( )9.What kind of person is easier to make friends with? A.People who never stop talking. B.People who are good at body language. C.People who like asking personal questions. D.People who have the same interests as you do. ( )10.What does the writer think of friendship? A.We should try to keep it long. B.We should make friends with all people. C.Friends must have the same hobbies. D.Friends should always be together. C It's hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. Be outgoing,get out of the house and do things with other people.It's easier to make friends when you have similar interests. Show people what you are good at.Talk about the things you like and you do best.People will be interested in you if there is something interesting. Look people in the eye(正视)when talking with them.That way,they'll find it easier to talk to you,or people may think you're not interested in them and stop being interested in you. Be a good listener.Let people talk about themselves before talking about yourself.Ask lots of questions.Show an interest in their answers. Make friends with the people you really like,not just with those who are easy to meet.Be friendly to people.That way,you'll have a bigger group of people to choose and more chances to make friends. ( )11.If you you will have more friends. A.get out and talk to people B.stay at home C.like talking D.are good at asking questions ( )12.If you look right and left when people talk to you,they may think you are A.looking for something B.worrying about something C.happy to see them D.not interested in them ( )13.Linda is talkative(健谈的).But she doesn't like listening to other people.Linda should A.show off(炫耀)to other people B.be a better listener C.look people in the eye D.make friends with other kinds of people ( )14.You should be if you want to have more chances to make friends. A.cool B.more careful C.more friendly D.hard-working ( )15. The main idea of this passage is A. that it is hard to make friends B. about how to make friends C. about not talking about yourself D. about being friendly to others 四、任务型阅读(10分) When we meet new people,we don't begin by telling them our life story.We start with small talk,like traffic or weather.People make small talk just about anywhere,but there are certain places where it is very common.Most often,small talk happens in places where people are waiting for something.People with many different relationships use small talk.The most common type of people to use small talk are those who do not know each other at all.Though we often teach children not to talk to strangers,adults are expected to say at least a few words in certain situations. Small talk can start new friendship.When we begin conversations with new people,we use small talk to find common interests.Small talk even helps people get a job.So,how can you make small talk lead to a new friendship or job? First of all,choose something around you that you share with the other person.Next,keep the conversations going.Compliment(赞美)the other person to make him or her feel comfortable,and ask questions to show interest.Third,talking to strangers is not an easy thing for shy people. But with more practice,small talk does get easier.Some people think things like traffic or weather are just too small.However,small talk is anything but small.In fact,it is actually a big deal! 1.Where does small talk happen most often? 2.What type of people use small talk most common? 3.What advantages(好处)can small talk bring you? 4.About making small talk,how many pieces of advice did the writer give you? 5.How do you keep the small talk going? 五、阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。(10分) usual whether touch someone friendship lonely close classmate they gift This year Mary studies at a new junior high school.She feels at first.She wants to make friends with her ,but she finds most of are foreigners.Then she misses one of her friends,Linda.Their lasts for years.But they had a quarrel(争吵)last month.Looking at the that Linda sent her before,Marymisses Linda more than_ .She holds the phone,but she is afraid to call her.She worries about_ Linda will answer her telephone.Luckily,Linda answers her telephone.When Linda hears that it is Mary,she is and she says that she misses Mary very much.At that moment,Mary feels that she is happier than else in the world. 六、补全对话(5分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A:Morning,this is Friendship Helpline. B:Hello.1. . A:Can I help you,Wang Fei? B:Please give me some advice on how to make friends. A:OK.2. When you smile, people think you are friendly to them. B:I agree with you.What else? A:3. . B:But how do I start a talk? A:First,you can say something nice about him. B:Good idea.Then,what questions can I ask him? Α:4. ..For example,What's his favourite singer?""What sports does he enjoy?"and so on. B:Thank you for telling me so much. A:5. . 七、书面表达(15分)假如某英语报社举办有关朋友和友谊的征文,请你根据如下 提示,发表自己的看法,写一篇90词左右的英语短文并投给该报社。 提示:1,每个人都需要朋友,没有朋友的人生就像失去了阳光; 2.朋友是可以分享快乐和痛苦的人; 3.朋友之间要互相帮助。

  • ID:4-20486674 Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?单元练习(含答案)人教版七年级英语上册

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/七年级上册/Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?/本单元复习与测试

    新人教版七年级上册Unit 4单元练习 第一部分 语言运用 I. 完形填空 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选择中选出最佳选项。 Hello! I’m Zhou Ning. I am a student in Grade Seven now. My school 1 is very interesting. I have seven 2 this school year. Biology is my favorite 3 it is very interesting. Our biology teacher Mrs. Li works very 4 . She teaches us very well. We 5___ her carefully in class. I have many friends at school. They like 6 subjects. Wang Ying likes English. She is 7 with words. She can 8 a lot of English words in a short time. In her free time, she often 9 me with my English. But she doesn’t like maths. She thinks numbers are 10 . Liu Chang likes geography. I ask her the 11 . And she tells me she can 12 things about the world in geography class. She wants to be a very 13 geography teacher like Miss Lin. Oh, it’s eight o’clock. Our class 14 now. We are all in the 15 . What is this class? It is maths. ( )1. A. book B. life C. seat D. picture ( )2. A. subjects B. days C. friends D. games ( )3. A. but B. so C. because D. or ( )4. A. much B. up C. back D. hard ( )5. A. come at B. listen to C. go to D. look for ( )6. A. long B. important C. different D. modern ( )7. A. nice B. short C. large D. good ( )8. A. remember B. mean C. raise D. put ( )9. A. raises B. works C. helps D. loves ( )10. A. delicious B. boring C. clean D. amazing ( )11. A. sound B. notice C. information D. reason ( )12. A. play B. take C. learn D. tell ( )13. A. same B. excellent C. young D. early ( )14. A. begins B. gets C. gives D. spends ( )15. A. desk B. activity C. building D. classroom II. 短文填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。 Zhang Qiang is fourteen years old. He is 16.________middle school student now. Today is the 17.________ (one) day for him to go to middle school. He 18._______ (have) ten subjects to study from now on. And history is his favorite subject of 19._______ (they) all. He thinks history is very 20._______ (use). He is good at science, too. He often helps his classmates 21._______ it in his free time. What does he want to be in the future? He says he wants to be a 22._______ (science) and do good things for the people. Zhang Qiang can play some 23.________ (instrument). He often plays for us in his free time and he can play the guitar very well. He likes sports, too 24.________ they are good for health(健康). Now he is on the playground. He plays football with his classmates. What an 25._______ (excite) class it is! His school life is very interesting. Do you think so? 第二部分 阅读 III. 阅读理解 阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Peter Of all the subjects, PE is my favorite. I play football very well and I am on the school team. Football is an exciting game for me. I often play with my friends after school. I want to be a football player in the future. Alice My school life is happy. My favorite subject is history. I read different kinds of books. And I like reading history books very much. I can learn a lot from them. I go to our city library on Saturday. There I can read some new books. Frank My favorite subject is geography. I can know about countries in the world. I like to travel to places of interest. This year I plan to travel to Australia. ( ) 26. How does Peter like football? A. Important. B. Interesting. C. Exciting. D. Excellent. ( ) 27. Who does Peter often play football with? A. His brothers. B. His teachers. C. His classmates. D. His friends. ( ) 28. What does the underlined word “them” refer to? A. New books. B. History books. C. The libraries. D. Favorite subjects. ( ) 29. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “plan”? A. 计划 B. 设想 C. 准备 D. 答应 ( ) 30. Which of the following is the proper title for the passage? A. Different students B. Three friends C. Favorite subjects D. School life B Hello! I am Tina. I come from the UK and I live in Shijiazhuang now. Now I am a student in a middle school. This term(学期)is from September 1 to December 31. I have many subjects this term. They are Chinese, English, math, history, computer and some other lessons. Of all these subjects, Chinese is my favorite. Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher. Her class is very interesting. Every week we have six Chinese classes and I like every class very much. At school, I have a good friend. Her name is Liu Qian. We are in the same grade, but in different classes. She is tall and beautiful. She likes dancing and singing. She wants to be a singer in the future. For her study, she studies very hard every day and maths is her favorite subject. She thinks maths is very useful in life. ( ) 31. How long is this term? A. Three months. B. Four months. C. Five months. D. Six months. ( ) 32. What do the students think of Miss Zhang’s class? A. Boring. B. Important. C. Exciting. D. Interesting. ( ) 33. What does Liu Qian want to be in the future? A. A singer. B. A teacher. C. A doctor. D. A worker. ( ) 34. Why does Liu Qian like maths? A. Because it is easy. B. Because she has a good teacher. C. Because it is useful. D. Because she studies very hard. ( ) 35. Where can we read this passage? A. In a magazine about health. B. In a book about sports. C. On a website about travel. D. In a newspaper about school life. IV. 阅读表达 阅读下面短文,按要求完成46~50题。 My name is Wang Jianhui. I am a student in No. 4 Middle School. I am in Class Five, Grade Seven. Our class has forty students. Our teachers are kind to us and they teach very well. This year I have seven subjects. And history is my favorite. I learn a lot of useful things in my history class. And some stories in history teach me how to do things. But my friend Li Hui don’t like history. He think history is too boring. I want to help him with it. In my free time, I have many hobbies. Swimming is my favorite. I go to the swimming class on Monday and Thursday. And on weekend I watch swimming games on TV. I want to be a swimming player in the future. 46、47题完成句子;48~50题简略回答问题。 46. Wang Jianhui is in ____________________________, Grade Seven in No. 4 Middle School. 47. Wang Jianhui learns a lot of ____________________________________ in his history class. 48. Why doesn’t Li Hui like history? __________________________________________________________________________ 49. When does Wang Jianhui go to the swimming class? __________________________________________________________________________ 50. What does Wang Jianhui want to be in the future? __________________________________________________________________________ 第三部分 情景交际 X. 补全对话 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Hi, Li Ping! What do you want to do? B: Hi, Wang Juan! I want to buy some English books. A: 51.____________? B: Yes, it is my favorite subject. A: 52. ____________? B: Because English opens my eyes. A: 53. ____________? B: Miss Zhao. She teaches us very well. A: But I am not good at English. B: Don’t worry. 54. ____________. A: Thank you very much. B: 55. ____________. 第五部分 写作 XI. 书面表达 56. 李华的英国朋友Tony要向李华了解她喜欢的学科的情况,下面是Tony给他发来的邮件的部分内容。请你根据所给内容,以李华的名义进行回复。 This year I have many subjects at school. And history is my favourite. What is your favourite subject? Why do you like it? Please tell me. Thanks a lot! 注意:(1)回复邮件须回答所给信件内容的两个问题,可适当发挥。 (2)回复邮件中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名,所用人名只限于备选名字。 (3)词数50个左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 备选人名:李老师 (Miss Li);张明 (Zhang Ming) 参考词汇:patient 耐心的 Hi, Tony, I’m very glad to get your e-mail. ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your e-mail. Yours, Li Hua 参考答案 完形填空 1~5 BACDB 6~10 CDACB 11~15 DCBAD 短文填空: 16.a 17.first 18.has 19.them 20.useful 21.with 22.scientist 23.instruments 24.because 25.exciting 阅读理解:26~30 CDBAC 31~35 BDACD 阅读表达: 46. Class Five 47. useful things 48. Because he thinks it is too boring. 49. On Monday and Thursday. 50. A swimming player. 补全对话: 51. Is English your favorite subject 52. Why do you like English 53. Who is your English teacher 54. I can help you with it 55. You are welcome 书面表达: Hi, Tony, I’m very glad to get your e-mail. You ask me what my favourite subject is and why I like it. Now let me tell you. At school I study ten subjects. Of these subjects, maths is my favourite. Our physics teacher Miss Li is kind and patient to us students. I can learn a lot of useful things in class. Maths is very interesting to me now. Looking forward to your e-mail. Yours, Li Hua

  • ID:4-20486665 Unit5 Amazing thing单元达标测试卷(含图片版答案)

    初中英语/牛津译林版/七年级下册/Unit 5 Amazing things

    1188720011303000单元达标测试卷(Unit 5) (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 题序 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 结分人 核分人 得分 Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox that was looking for something to eat. He was very 1 . No matter how hard he tried, the fox could not find any food. 2 he went to the side of the forest and looked for food there. He found a big tree 3 a hole in it. Inside the hole was a package. The hungry fox thought that there 4 be food in it, and he became very happy. He jumped into the hole and when he 5 the package,he saw there 6 a lot of food in it! The fox happily began to eat. After the fox had finished 7 , he felt thirsty and decided to leave the hole 8 drink some water. However,no matter how hard he tried, he could not get out of the hole. Do you know 9 ? Yes, the fox had eaten so much food that he became 10 big to go through the hole. 1. A. happy B. excited C. hungry D. glad 2. A. Finally B. Before C. While D. After 3. A. from B. over C. with D. of 4. A. shall B. will C. can D. might 5. A. open B. opened C. opens D. opening 6. A. is B. are C. was D. were 7. A. eat B. ate C. to eat D. eating 8. A. and B. but C. then D. or 9. A. what B. why C. who D. how 10. A. very B. too C. so D. also 三、阅读理解(13分) A Most animals protect their young children until the young are old enough to take care of themselves. A ish that lives in the rivers of South America protects its young in a very strange way. This fish,a kind of catfish (鲶鱼),uses its mouth to keep its babies from danger. When this catfish lays its eggs, it carries them in its mouth. It does not eat during this time. After the eggs hatch (孵化),the fish swims with its young to protect them,because the small fish will be in danger without their parents. It opens its mouth when danger comes, and the small fish swim inside. They swim out only when it is safe again. These catfish may have a peculiar way to protect their young,but it seems to work. 1. The catfish uses____________ to protect its babies. A. sea plants B. small rocks C. its mouth D. its tail 2. Before the eggs hatch,the catfish____________. A. can't swim here and there B. can eat all kinds of food C. can sleep all the time D. does not eat anything 3. If the young fish were not near their parents,they____________. A. would be all right B. would be in danger C. would be happier D. would be less hungry 4. The word “peculiar“ means___________. A. special B. useless C. easy D. dangerous 5. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. Staying Away From Danger B. How the Catfish Protects Its Young C. Laying Eggs D. A Cat That Swims B 24288751290955Animals grow up in different ways. Some newborn animals are helpless but their mothers protect them. A newborn kangaroo is very 一、选择填空(10分) 1. Turn on the TV,and there is_________. A. important something B. important nothing C. something important D. nothing important 2. Millie met an old friend of hers__________ yesterday. A. on her way to home B. in her way home C. on her way home D. in her way to home 3. In spring,you will_________ the whisper of the breeze(清风),if you_________ carefully. A. hear listen B. listen;hear C. hear listen to D. listen to; hear 4. Why not ___________the door? It's too cold ___________here. A. keep;closed B. to keep;closed C. to keep;open D. keep;open 5. It is terrible. The cat made a lot of noise last night. It _________a baby crying. A. sound B. sounds C. sounded like D. sounds like 6. The machine is making so much___________. How___________ it is! A. noisy;noise B. noise;noisy C. noise;noisily D. noise;noise 7. He________ carefully but ________________nothing. A. heard, listened B. listened; heard C. looked; see D. saw, found 8. -Isn't it ________unusual story? 一No. I think it's________ usual one. A. a;a B. a;an C. an;an D. an;a 9. He can play basketball _________Yao Ming can. A. too B. also C. as well D. as well as 10. —_______________? -Nothing. I am all right. A. What did you happen B. Did you happen anything C. What happened to you D. What to happen to you 二、完形填空(15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第1?10小题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 small. It is only a few centimeters long. It closes its eyes and doesn’t have hair. It stays safe in its mother's pouch(育儿袋) for a long time. A newborn monkey cannot walk.Its mother carries it everywhere. Other baby animals can walk soon after they're born. They learn to run with their mothers when danger is near. A baby zebra can run, an hour after it is born. Some baby animals are born in a place that is safe. Baby wolves are usually born in big holes with little light. Other baby animals are born in the open space. A baby elephant is often born on the open land. Animals that drink their mothers' milk are called mammals(哺乳动物).A mother bear's milk is rich. Baby bears have milk for a few months. This is the same with baby zebras. As baby animals grow, they need solid(固体的)food. Baby lions eat what their mother can catch! 6. From the passage,many newborn animals need their mothers' help because the babies can't___________. A. look after themselves B. eat any food C. walk by themselves D. drink their mother's milk 7. A newborn monkey's mother carries it everywhere because _________ . A. it is very small B. it can't walk C. it closes its eyes D. it has no legs 8. Baby wolves are usually born in a(n)_________ place. A. open B. bright C. quiet D. safe 9. Newborn mammals' main(主要的)food is__________. A. mother’s milk B. solid food C. smaller animals D. different plants 10. How many kinds of baby animals are mentioned in this passage? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight. 730250127004769485127007. Our favourite subject is English. What about___________(you)? 8. They were really afraid and_________(run) away quickly. 9. I am afraid of____________(travel) by air. 10. Thank you for_______(invite) me to your party. 五、句子翻译(10分) 1.你打喷嚏(sneeze)的同时不能睁着眼。 2.我不再是个孩子了,我可以照顾好自己了。 3.昨天上午我们在公园玩得很开心。 4.我想对他们的情况多了解一些。 5.我们认为他能通过英语考试。 六、阅读表达(10分) 根据短文内容回答问题。(No more than l0 words) These days shared (分享的)bikes are becoming popular in my WeChat friend circle. Many of my friends are sharing photos of themselves riding bikes, especially at the weekend in parks,and I can see people logging in(登录)and out of shared bike apps. 7. Our favourite subject is English. What about___________(you)? 8. They were really afraid and_________(run) away quickly. 9. I am afraid of____________(travel) by air. 10. Thank you for_______(invite) me to your party. 五、句子翻译(10分) 1.你打喷嚏(sneeze)的同时不能睁着眼。 2.我不再是个孩子了,我可以照顾好自己了。 3.昨天上午我们在公园玩得很开心。 4.我想对他们的情况多了解一些。 5.我们认为他能通过英语考试。 六、阅读表达(10分) 根据短文内容回答问题。(No more than l0 words) These days shared (分享的)bikes are becoming popular in my WeChat friend circle. Many of my friends are sharing photos of themselves riding bikes, especially at the weekend in parks,and I can see people logging in(登录)and out of shared bike apps. Brandy was an old dog. When her owner died,the dog stayed near the house and waited for her owner to return. Some of the neighbors left food out for Brandy. But while they thought the dog was friendly, they weren’t much worried about Brandy. One day,Brandy walked into my yard and began playing with my 18-month-old Adam. I didn't like the dirty dog at first. But seeing my son having fun playing with her,I decided to let Brandy stay. One afternoon, I left Adam in the yard to play while I had to answer an important phone. When I returned, he was gone. I was scared(害怕的)and called the police. We looked for Adam for six hours,but were unsuccessful不成功的). Then someone said he had heard barking coming from the woods. So we all rushed to the woods. Adam was fast asleep against a tree. Brandy was keeping Adam there while one of her own legs dangled over(悬垂)a deep hole. Brandy had followed Adam when he walked away. Seeing him in danger,shed held him safely for all those hours. I was so thankful for what Brandy did and let Brandy spent the rest of her days with us. In Brandy's honor, I founded Pets Alive, a pet rescue center in New York. I can't save every animal, but I know if someone had put that old dog to sleep, I could have easily lost my only son. 11. What did Brandy do after her owner died? A. She looked for food everywhere. B. She waited for her owner to return. C. She was sad and cried all day long. D. She walked around in the community. 12. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the story? A. Adam set up Pets Alive to save more animals. B. Brandy kept Adam safe from falling into the deep hole. C. People found Adam after looking for him for six hours. D. Adam's mother didn't like Brandy because she was dangerous. 13. Where can you probably read the story? A. In a nature magazine. B. On a pet website. C. In a fashion newspaper. D. In a science book. 四、根据英文提示或中文提示写出单词(10分) 1. It began to rain. They stopped (go) home. 2. I'm reading a book about some_________(不寻常的)things. 3. More and more people like eating_________(三明治)in the world. 4. “What shall I do next?” The boy said to______________(he). 5. We were all____________(surprise) to hear the bad news. 6. He is to hear the news. _____________________(excite) I'm very happy that there are shared bikes on the road. They can save us a lot of time during special situations (特殊情况).And on sunny days,people enjoy riding them outside the city. I tried shared bikes last week. And I didn't like them very much. I think the first shared bikes without baskets are made for athletes (运动员).They are very hard to ride and the seats are not comfortable. It makes me wonder if people really like riding shared bikes. A friend told me she tried the bikes to sit in. She doesn’t like bikes and finds Beijing's roads too hard for bike riding. But now, the only way to hang out with her friends is riding out of town together. To join in social (社会的)activities, she had to pick up bike riding again. Another friend admitted that he started talking about and sharing photos on shared bikes to appear modern and fashionable to friends. He started paying attention(注意)when shared bikes first came into use. These ideas will give me something new to think about when I ride these bikes again. Where can we put shared bikes? 2. When do people like going cycling outside the city? 3. Who does the writer think the first shared bikes are made for? 4. Why doesn't the writer's friend like riding shared bikes in Beijing? 5. What did the writer think of the seats of the shared bikes at first? 七、缺词填空(7分) Paul was my little brother, and he was special. He was different from me because he sat in a wheelchair (轮椅),and he was blind. Lots of times when we walked with Paul,other kids came over and asked us why he was in his chair and why he couldn’t s 1 . They thought he was different because he had his own school bus and had to go to a special school. But that's not really the reason. Paul was different for the things just our family knew about-only we knew the s 2 that made him special. Paul helped me hear small sounds. Every time I was with him,I'd have to beg q 3 to hear the flying birds and the talking trees he heard. Paul helped me exercise. When we went for a walk, wed often go uphill. When I pushed his chair all the way to the woods at the t 4 ,I was really getting my exercise! Paul h 5 ever complained (抱怨).He went along with whatever(无论什么)the rest of us wanted to do. One time when he had a fever, he got uncomfortable, but he never shouted or fought or asked me to switch(转变)the TV channel(频道). Sometimes Paul let me put things in his hand. We played a kind of guessing game. I put different toys there for him to f 6 . He was always surprised when I let him hold something new. Paul was my friend. He couldn’t talk to me like most of my fiends,and he couldn’t run outside to play. But he was there for all the peaceful(和平的)times,and he had the best smile in the world. I was l 7 to grow up with him as his sister. He helped me to realize that there is a good side to every situation(情况),if we simply make the choice(选择)to find it. 八、书面表达(25分) 七年级一班正在举行一个作文比赛,你也想参加比赛。你想写一 篇关于可爱的袋鼠的文章,以下是你能够收集到的信息。现在就动手吧! 要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,词数不少于60。 Kangaroo 1. a kind of lovely animals,eat grass and leaves 2. jump quickly and highly,use its tail for,push off 3. mother kangaroos, pockets, carry their sons and daughters 4. protect the animals,make our world more beautiful and lovely 15938549530

  • ID:4-20486660 2023-2024学年七年级英语下册期末Unit1-Unit11知识点整理 牛津上海版(试用本)


    1033780012319000上海市牛津上海试用本2024年七年级第二学期英语U1-U11知识点 U1 一、重点词汇 guide n. 指南;手册;指导者;向导;导游 v. 引路;指导;操纵;影响 guidance n. 指导,引导;导航;领导 tour n. 旅行,旅游 tourist n. 游客,旅游者 tour v. 旅游,旅行,参观 reason n. 原因,理由 reasonable adj. 合理的,明智的 theatre n. 剧院 go to the theatre去看戏 oriental adj. 东方的 Orient n. 东方 century n. 世纪 century n. 百年 technology n. 科技;工艺;工程技术 technologist n. 技术员;工艺师,(工程技术)专家 technological adj. 技术上的,工艺学的 high-tech n. 高科技 sightseeing n. 观光,游览 go sightseeing去观光 view n. 景色,风景 viewer n. 电视观众 surprising adj. 令人惊奇的 surprise v.使吃惊;使感到意外 surprise n. 吃惊 surprised adj. 感到惊讶的 二、重要短语及句型 1. take part in参加(活动) join in attend 区分 2. get on with进展 eg How are you getting on with your project? 你的项目进展怎么样了? 3. be famous for以……而著名 eg Shanghai is famous for its night views. 上海以夜景而闻名。 be famous as 被誉为。。。Eg Lu Xun is known as a great writer. 鲁迅以一位伟大的作家而出名 4. be known as以……而出名 5. think of想出 【拓展】 think of还有“考虑”的意思。如: What do you think of his new job?你怎么看他的新工作? 6. decide to do something 决定做某事 7. in the centre of 位于……的中部 8. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop!因此,每年会有许多游客来上海购物也就不足为奇了! 9. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons. 如果你去那儿,你会看到一个大型的开放式绿草坪,还有树木、喷泉和鸽子。 10. The Maglev takes you to the International airport in about eight minutes. 磁悬浮列车可以在大约八分钟之内将你带到国际机场。 三、重点语法 1. Wh-疑问句 2. 情态动词Can的用法 3. If的用法 4.have been to, have been in 与have gone to 区别 U2 一、重点词汇 stupid adj. 愚蠢的,笨的 foolish adj. 愚蠢的,鲁莽的 silly adj. 傻的,愚蠢的 action n. 动作 act v./n. 行动 active adj.积极的 ;actively adv. 积极地 activity n.活动 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 robber n. 盗贼 rob (robbed-robbed) 抢劫,盗窃 robbery 盗窃案 rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 steal (stole-stolen)偷 steal sth. from sb. adventure n. 冒险活动,经历(可数名词) adventure n. 冒险精神 (不可数名词) adventurous adj. adventurer n. hate v. 讨厌,不喜欢 dislike v. 不喜欢 princess n. 公主 prince n. 王子 laughter n. 笑,笑声 laugh v.大笑,发笑 diary n.(工作日程)记事簿 daily a.日常的 adv.每天 dairy n.乳产品 pay v.付费 pay n. 工资,报酬 altogether adv.总共,一共 in all总共,全部 price n. 价格 价格用high、low形容 precious adj. 高价的,昂贵的,贵重的,宝贵的 bookshop n. 书店 bookstore n. 书店 二、重要短语及句型 1. take a look 看一看 2. (be)full of 充满;挤满 【近义词】 be filled with The bottle is full of water. 瓶子里装满了水。 The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子里装满了水。 pay for 为……付钱 spend, cost, take, pay 和pay for (1) spend的主语必须是“人”,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等,其后用on+名词或用in(可省略)+动名词形式,不可接不定式。如: He spends much money on DVDs. 他将很多钱花在买光盘上。 Every morning he spends half an hour on English. 每天早晨,他花半小时读英语。句中on English可与(in) reading English互换。 (2) cost的主语必须是“物” 或“事”,表示“费用,耗费”,后接life,money,health,time等,侧重于花费的代价。如: The key ring cost him one dollar.这个钥匙环花了他一美元。 The experiment cost him two years of work. 这个实验花了他两年的功夫。 (3) take表示“花费”时,其主语一般是“一件事”,有时主语也可以是“人”,它说明完成某事“花费了……”。如: It took me ten minutes to walk to the post office. 步行到邮局花了我十分钟时间。 The producer took two years to make the film. 制片商花了两年时间完成这部影片。 【友情提示】 “take…to do something"句型侧重完成该动作花费的时间,而“spend…doing something”句型有时并不说明动作的完成。如: It took him an hour to read the book.他用一小时读完了这本书。 He spent an hour (in) reading the book.他花了一小时读这本书。(并未说明他是否读完了) (4) pay的基本意思是“支付”,作为及物动词,宾语可以是“人”或“钱”。如: He paid the taxi and hurried home. 他付了出租车的钱,就急忙进了家门。 They had to pay two hundred yuan before leaving the place. 离开这个地方之前他们不得不付了两百元。 We'll pay you in a few days. 过几天我们会付钱给你。 (5) pay for的宾语为“物”或“事”,for常常表示支付的原因。如: You'll have to pay me 70 yuan a week for your meals. 你每周得付给我70元餐费。 【注意】 下面两句中pay for的意义不同。 Of course we have to pay for what we buy. 我们买东西当然得付钱。 Don't worry about money; I'll pay for you. 别担心钱的问题,我会替你付的。 4. action film 动作片;武打片 5. in space 在太空中 6. Don't miss this cartoon. 不要错过这部卡通片。 7. A film about cowboys in a small town far away. 一部关于一群生活在偏远小镇上的牛仔的电影。 8. How can I get there from my home?从我家怎么去那里呢? 三、重点语法 1. 介词into和neither的用法 2. So和neither引导的简短问句 U3 一、重点词汇 machine n. 机器;机器装置 machinery n.(集合名词)机器:机械:机件 mechanic n. 机工,技工,机械师 waiter n. 服务员;侍者 wait v. 等待:等候 waitress n. 女侍者;女服务员 coach n.(体育运动的)教练 coach v. 训练;指导 train v. 训练,培训 trainer n. 训练员;教员,教练员 trainee n. 受训练的人 charge n. 主管,掌管 be in charge of… field n. 田地,场地 sports field运动场。 key n. 钥匙;关键;要诀 答案;(计算机或打字机的)键 adj.要的;关键的” cable n. 缆绳 cable n. 电报 二、重要短语及句型 1. quite a few相当多;不少 2. in charge of负责掌管 3. tell the time报时 4. have a good time过得愉快 5. Kitty's cousins, Lucy and Simon, have come to Garden City to visit the Li family. 基蒂的堂妹露西和堂弟西蒙到花园城市去拜访李先生一家人。 6. How long has she been a teacher?她当老师多久了? 7. He catches thieves and helps keep the city safe. 他抓捕小偷、保卫城市的安全。 8. Aunt Betty works in a company in Beijing, doesn't she?贝蒂婶婶在北京的一家公司工作,不是吗? 9. A watch is used for telling the time. 手表是用来报时的。 10. A key ring is used for holding the keys. 钥匙圈是用来挂钥匙的。 11. Yesterday, we took the cable car to the top of a hill. 昨天,我们乘缆车去了山顶。 三、重点语法 1. For和since的用法 2. 现在完成时的用法 U4 一、重点词汇 kid n. 小孩 kid v. 开玩笑 fashion n. 时尚;流行;时装 fashionable adj. 时髦的;流行的;时兴的 super adj. 超级的 supermarket n. 超级市场 superman n. 超人 spot n. 斑点;点 spotless adj. 纯洁的;没有污点的;无瑕疵的 neck n. 衣领;领子;脖子 collar n.有领服装的衣领 check n. 方格图案;格子;方格 check v. 核对,检查 check n. 支票 excuse v.原谅 excuse n. 理由;借口 certainly adv.当然;行 certain adj. 确定的;无疑的;必然的 surely adv. 无疑;必定 doubtfully adv. 怀疑地;含糊地 loose adj. 宽松的 loosen v. 放松;使松弛 tight adj. 紧身的;紧的 tighten v. 收紧;拉紧 medium adj. 中等的;中号的 extra-small(特小号,XS) small(小号,S) medium(中号,M) large(大号,L) extra-large(特大号,XL)。 二、重要短语及句型 1. all right意为“好的” 2. excuse me是常用短语,意为“劳驾;请原谅”。 3. Do you need anything from the shops?你们需要买些什么吗? 4. let somebody do something是“让某人做某事”的意思。let后接动词不定式时省略to 5. I like the ones with the blue belt. 我喜欢配蓝色腰带的牛仔裤。 6. The changing rooms are over there. 试衣间在那边。 7. These jeans are too long and loose. 这条牛仔裤太长、太宽松了。 8. Do you have them in my size?你们这里有我穿的尺寸吗? 重点语法 1. 用介词短语和形容词来描述物品 2. 一般现在时的用法 U5 一、重点词汇 learn from 学,学习 learn of/about得知,获悉 reply v.回复 answer v.回答 difficult adj 难的, 困难的, 费力的 difficulty 难处 comfortable adj.舒适的 uncomfortable adj不舒服的 comfortably adv.舒服地 happy adj愉快的,高兴的 happily adv意思是愉快地,高兴地 happiness n意思是快活,高兴 disappear v.消失 appear v.出现 vote for 表决;投票赞成 Vote against 投票反对 although conj. 虽然,尽管,即使 though conj. 虽然,尽管,即使 wife n. 妻子 husband n. 丈夫 housewife n. 家庭主妇(pl. housewives) hut n. 小屋 Pizza Hut必胜客 fairy n. 仙子;小精灵 airy adj. 幻想中的;虚构的 fairy tale童话故事 greedy adj. 贪婪的 n. 贪婪;贪欲 greedily adv.贪食地;贪婪地 pocket n. 口袋 adj. 微型的;袖珍的 二、重要短语及句型 1. learn from向……学习 2. vote for表决(支持);投票(赞成 3. give up放弃 4. long ago很久以前 5. pocket money零花钱;零用钱 be difficult for意为“对……有难处;对……而言是困难的”。 6.be late for意为“……迟到”。 重点语法 1. Although的用法 2.what do you think 用法 U6 一、重点词汇 poem n. 诗;韵文 poet n. 诗人 poetess n. 女诗人 end v. 结束 endless adj. 无尽的 temperature n. 气温;温度 temper n. 脾气;情绪 drop v. 降低;减少 v. (使)落下;(使)掉下 n.滴;水滴;液滴 shiver v.发抖 n. 颤抖;哆嗦 blackboard n. 黑板 awful adj. 糟糕的;极讨厌的 awfully adv. 可怕地 terrible adj. 可怕的;糟糕的 silly adj. 愚蠢的;傻的 silly指“傻”,stupid指“笨”,foolish多指“愚蠢 disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的 disappoint v.使失望,使沮丧 disappointing adj. 令人失望的;令人扫兴的 sadly adv.伤心地 sad adj. 悲哀的;悲伤的 二、重要短语及句型 1. We start having fun. 我们开始玩乐。 2. think of 想起;考虑 3. all the time 一直,总是 4. plenty of 许多;大量的 5. at last 终于;最终 6. come out of 从……出来 重点语法 1. 形容词描述事件 2. Doing的用法 [随堂小练] Ⅰ. Read and choose the best answer. ( )1. What's weather like in Garden City in spring? A. the; the B. the; a C. the; / D. a; a ( )2. The little boy is lovely. He looks his father very much. A. for B. as C. to D. like ( )3. The three-day holiday soon. We are looking forward to it. A. are coming B. is coming C. came D. come ( )4. His boss made him twelve hours a day in the past. A. work B. worked C. working D. to work ( )5. There is in this cartoon. None of students likes it. A. exciting nothing B. excited nothing C. nothing exciting D. nothing excited ( )6. Don't read the sun. It's bad for your eyes. A. under B. in C. to D. with ( ) 7. The present makes me my mother. A. think over B. thinking over C. think of D. thinking of ( )8. - , John? You don't look well. -I feel cold. A. What's the matter B. How do you do C. Can I help you D. How are you ( )9. It often snows there in February, ? A. doesn't it B. don't they C. doesn't they D. does it ( )10. Please give me . I am so hungry. A. two bread B. two breads C. two pieces of breads D. two pieces of bread Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. It was_______(disappoint) that Tom failed his driving test again. What did you promise________(keep) the environment clean? I'm_______(awful) sorry for my mistake. Who is the most famous________(poem) in China? III. Rewrite the sentences as required. 1. There will be a lot of food in the forest in winter. (改成否定句) There _______be_______ food in the forest in winter. 2. After walking for the whole day, I felt cold and hungry. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______you feel after walking for the whole day? 3. I will go out if it doesn't rain tomorrow. (保持句意不变) I _______go out unless it _______tomorrow. 4. Winter makes me think of making snowmen. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______winter make me think of? 5. You are interested in collecting stamps. (改成一般疑问句) _______ you _______in collecting stamps? His mother told the teacher that he is ill.(改为反意疑问句) His mother told the teacher that he is ill,__________ ____________? He bought a dictionary to learn English well.(对划线部分提问) ___________ __________ he buy a dictionary? 8. Animals usually sleep in winter. (就划线部分提问) ___do animals usually____ in winter? Keys:Ⅰ. CDBAC BCAAD Ⅱ 1. disappointing 2. To keep 3awfully 4. poet III. 1 won’t , much 2. How did 3. Will, rains 4. What does 5. Are, interested 6. Didn’t she 7. Why did 8. What do U7 一、重点词汇 able adj. 能够,可以 ability n.能力 unable adj.不能 pill n. 药丸 enter v.进入 entrance n.入口 secret n. 秘密 secretary n. 秘书 planet n. 行星 star n.恒星 satellite n.卫星 sign v. 签字 signature n. 标记, 标志 二、重要短语及句型 1. in the future 将来 2. be able to 能够 3. on the earth 在地球上 4. enough food 足够好 5. each other 互相 6. too…to… 太……而不能…… 7. learn from 学习 8. take…for… 为……带…… 9.in ten years’ time 十年之后 10.write down 写下 11. talk about 谈论关于 12. no water or air 没有水和空气 13. speak the same language 说同一种语言 重点语法 1. 一般将来时will 2. 如何委婉表达同意和不同意 [随堂小练] I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. People will be (enable) to live on the moon in the future. Boys and girls, please take good care of (you). They can understand each other (well) than before. France and Switzerland are European (country). The Smiths moved into their new flat which is on the (eight) floor. Ⅱ. Read and choose the best answer. ( )1. Will you possibly________ a doctor? A. to be B. to C. are D. be ( )2. Will people live without air or water? A. are able to B. were able to C. be able to D. have been able to ( )3. I will talk your suggestion my parents. A. with; about B. about; with C. to; with D. with; to ( )4. an English film tonight. A. There will be B. There will have C. There will has D. There is ( )5. He a pilot in the future. A. become B. will become C. becomes D. becoming ( )6. We'll each other and help each other. A. learn B. learn from C. study D. work ( )7. She will arrive ten minutes. A. about B. at C. in D. for ( )8. Joe is good at language learning. She can several languages. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk ( )9. I'll perhaps take you for visiting Shanghai Museum this afternoon. The underlined part means____________. A. certainly B. of course C. possible D. possibly ( )10. —Help yourself to the dumplings. — . A. You are right B. Yes, of course C. Thanks D. Yes, let's Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentences as required. 1. There are some animals in Ocean Park. (改为否定句 ) There____________ ____________ animals in Ocean Park. 2. Simon is able to speak English and French. (改为一般疑问句) ____________Simon to speak English and French? 3. Judy has dinner with her grandparents. (改为反意疑问句) Judy has dinner with her grandparents, ____________ ___________ ? 4. There isn't any air on the moon. There isn't any water, either. ( 保持原意不变) There is air water on the moon. 5. Your house isn't the same as mine. (改为同义句) Your house is ________ ____________ mine. Keys: I. able, yourselves, better, countries, eighth, stations Ⅱ. DCBAB BCBDC Ⅲ. 1. aren’t, any 2. Is, able 3. doesn’t she 4. neither, nor 5. different from U8 一、重点词汇 enjoy vt. 喜欢,欣赏 enjoyable adj 愉快的,快乐的 joy n 欢乐,高兴 change v. 改变 n 改变 changeable adj 可改变的 active adj. 活泼的,活跃的 activity n 活力 action n 行动 活动 trip n /v 旅行(短途) travel n/v 旅行(游历) other adv. 其他, 另外 others adj/pron 别的,其他的 one--- the other---(两者之间) one---another---(三者或以上) some---some---others---(一些---一些---一些---) the others 其他的,剩下的(特指) interest n. 兴趣,爱好 vt. 使产生兴趣 interested adj. 感兴趣的 interesting adj.有趣的 uninteresting adj. 不吸引人的;无趣的;无聊的 boring adj. 乏味的;无趣的 young---younger---youngest younger n. 年级较小者/adj. 较年轻的 old---older---oldest elder n 长者,长辈 impossible adj. 不可能的;不可能的 possible adj. 可能的 necessary adj. 必需的;必要的 unnecessary adj. 不必要的 organize v. 组织;筹备 organization n. 组织;构成;编制 conduct v. 组织;安排 conductor n. 领导者;经理;售票员;列车长 modern adj. 现代化的 up-to-date adj. 最新(式)的;现代化的 out-of-date adj. 落后的;过时的 二、重要短语及句型 1. find out意为“查明;弄清楚” 2. put up意为“张贴;置……于明显处”。 3. clean up是“打扫(或清除)干净”的意思 4. Mr Hu wants his students to conduct a survey for the school. 胡老师想要他的学生为学校做一个调查。 5. I'd like to have less homework.我希望作业减少一些。 6. Our classroom looks old, untidy and uninteresting. 我们的教室看起来又旧又不整洁,缺乏生气。 7. Can you make some changes to it yourselves? 你们自己能做一些改变吗? 重点语法 1. 情态动词would的用法 2. 反身代词的用法 [随堂小练] I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. 1. We can do something to make our lives more . (enjoy) 2. He'd like to be a in the future. (conduct) 3. It is for a man to run faster than a train. (possible) 4. Making the same mistake is . (necessary) 5. I don't like this film. It is . (interest) Ⅱ. Read and choose the best answer. ( ) 1. That was enjoyable evening. I'll never forget it. A./ B. the C. an D. a ( ) 2. I would like some tea. I feel thirsty. A. have B. to have C. having D. has ( ) 3. I'd like to . A. having less homework B. have less homework C. having more homework D. have more homework ( ) 4. —Would you like to play football with me? —Yes, I . A. had like to B. would like C. would love to D. would love ( ) 5. It would be to have a picnic on a fine day. A. fun B. impossible C. necessary D. difficult Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentences as required. They have lessons in an air-conditioned classroom. (改为否定句) They lessons in an air-conditioned classroom. I'd like to have some orange juice. (改为一般疑问句) you like to have orange juice? 3. He would like to have less homework. (改为反意疑问句) He would like to have less homework, ? 4. I want you to come here at once. (保持愿意不变) I you to come here at once. 5. The students would like to have more school picnics. (就划线部分提问) the students like to have? Keys: 1. enjoyable 2. conductor 3. . impossible 4. unnecessary 5. uninteresting Ⅱ. 1. C 2. B 3.B 4.C 5. A Ⅲ. 1. don't have 2. Would; some 3. wouldn't he 4. would like 5. What would U9 一、重点词汇 paragraph n. 段,段落 v. 将……分段 correct adj. 准确无误的;精确的;正确的 v. 改正;纠正 correction n. 修正;改正;校正 correctly adv. 正确地 incorrect adj. 错误的;不正确的 order n. 顺序;次序 v. 命令;嘱咐;吩咐 strength n. 体力;力气;力量 strong adj. 强壮的 power n. 力;力量;体力;精力 proud adj. 骄傲的;自豪的;得意的 pride n. 自大;骄傲;傲慢;自豪 brightly adv.阳光灿烂地;光线充足地;明亮地 bright adj. 明亮的 brightness n. 亮度;光辉;光明 sweat v. 出汗;流汗 n. 汗 sweater n.毛线衫 stick n. 棍;棒 v. 粘;贴( stuck, stuck) tie v.系;绑 n. 领带 rise v. 升起(rose, risen) raise vt. 使升起来;举起(raised,raised) sail v.(船)航行;(人)乘船航行 n. 帆;篷;乘船旅行 sailor n. 水手 lean v. 倾斜;屈身(leant, leant或leaned, leaned) adj. 肉少的;瘦且健康的 leaning n.倾向;偏向 speed v. 快速前行(sped, sped, speeded, speeded) n. 速度 二、重要短语及句型 1. show off 炫耀;卖弄 2. take off 意为“脱下(衣服等);起飞 3. put on穿上;戴上 4. I think Mr Sun is stronger than Mr Wind. 我认为太阳先生比风先生厉害。 5. Did Mr Wind and Mr Sun become friends in the end?风先生和太阳先生最后成为朋友了吗? 6. He liked showing off his strength all the time. 他总是喜欢炫耀他的力量。 7. People always think that we're as strong as each other.人们总是认为咱俩力量相当。 8. Soon it became warmer and warmer. 不久,天气变得越来越暖和。 9. Today, I'm going to teach you how to make a kite. 今天,我要教你们如何做风筝。 10. To makeakite, you need some thin sticks, some pieces of coloured paper and a reel of string. 要做一个风筝,你需要一些细的木棍、几张彩纸和一卷细绳。 11. Finally, tie the frame to a reel of string. 最后,把这个(风筝的)骨架系在一卷细绳上。 tie…to…意为“将……系在……上”。 重点语法 1. 形容词的比较级以及用它来描述人 2. 频率副词 3. 物主代词的用法 [随堂小练] I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. 1. I felt (excite) to see the film of the year. It's one of (interest) film this year. 3.We need some flowers to decorate our class.(colour) 4. Do you know who is , Mr. Sun or Mr. Wind? ( strong) 5. Please write down these new words on your note books. (correct) Ⅱ. Read and choose the best answer. ( )1. We need a book which can tell us to look after animals. A. which B. what C. where D. how ( )2. a chocolate cake, we need many things. A. Make B. Made C. To make D. Making ( )3. My sister's room is larger than , but smaller than my . A. mine; parents' B. my; parents' C. mine; parent's D. my; parent's ( )4. John's handwriting is better than Tom's. A. very B. too C. much D. more ( )5. An elephant cannot run as as a horse. A. higher B. farthest C. quick D. fast ( ) 6. This pencil is than that one. A. longest B. longer C. long D. as long ( )7. Betty draws badly. David draws even . A. worse B. bad C. badly D. worst ( )8. Mr. Sun shone . Soon it became warmer and warmer. A. bright B. light C. brightly D. lightly Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentences as required. He wrote a letter yesterday, (改为一般疑问句) he a letter yesterday? All the stations are under the ground. ( 改为否定句) of the stations under the ground. 3. I think people are wrong. (改为一般疑问句) think people are wrong? 4. My i-pod is 2000 yuan. Pansy's i-pod is 2000 yuan, too. (保持原意不变) My i-pod is as Pansy's. No one can sing better than he in his school. (保持原意不变) He in his school. Keys: 1. excited 2. the most interesting 3. colourful 4. stronger 5. Correctly Ⅱ. 1. D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6. B 7. A 8. C Ⅲ. 1. Did; write 2. None; are/is 3. Do you 4. as expensive 5. sings best U10 form n. 形态;形式 v. 形成,构成 freeze v.(使)冻结,结冰(froze, frozen) frozen adj. 冰冻的;冷冻的 freezing adj. 极冷的;严寒的 second n. 秒 num. 第二的;第二次的 adv.第二;其次 connect v.(使)连接 connection n. 连接;结合 allow v.允许;准许 Allowance n.零花钱 safety n. 安全 safe adj. 安全的 safely adv.安全地 save v.挽救;节省 danger n. 危险 一、重点词汇 二、重要短语及句型 1. ice cube n. 小冰块 2. think about意为“思考;考虑”。 3. cool down意为“变凉;冷却下来”。 4. turn into意为“转变成”。 5. play with是‘‘玩耍’’的意思,后接玩耍的对象。 1. Next, make ice cubes out of the different kinds of fruit juice. 接着,把不同的果汁做成冰块。 2. Then pour the lemonade into a glass. 然后,把柠檬水倒入一个玻璃杯中。 3. Finally, add the ice cubes to the lemonade. 最后,把冰块加入柠檬水中。 add…to…意为“将……加入……中”。 4. The iced fruit punch is ready. 冰镇水果宾治就做好了。 5. I've got some questions for you to think about. 我有一些问题要让你们思考。 6. Look at the outside of the glass. 看看玻璃杯的外面。 7. Make a hole at the bottom of the paper cup and on one side of the lunch box lid. 在纸杯的底部和快餐盒盖子的一边各戳一个小洞。 8. Connect the holes in the lid and the cup with the straw. 用吸管将盖子和纸杯的小洞连起来。 9. Fishing is not allowed. 禁止钓鱼。 重点语法 1. When的用法 2. 祈使句型 [随堂小练] II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案): 1. They first______ when they______ at school. a. meet, are b. met, were c. are meeting, are d. were meeting, were 2. When there______ a gentle breeze, we can______ people flying kites in the countryside. a. is, see b. is, saw c. was, see d. was, saw 3. This sign means: No______! a. fish b. to fish c. fishing d. fishes 4. Bill and Sue go to Paris on holiday, so they______ be at home. a. can be b. must be c. can’t be d. mustn’t be 5. Don’t make so much noise. We ______wake the baby. a. must b. mustn’t c. don’t have to d. have to 6. This is a valuable book. You______ look after it carefully and you______ lose it. a. must, must b. must, mustn’t c. mustn’t, must d. mustn’t, mustn’t 7. ______let the children have a barbecue without adults. a. Do b. Don’t c. Not d. No 8. There’s something wrong with the car. We’d better stop______ the next garage. a. in b. on c. at d. near 9. The leaves______ that tree have a beautiful colour. a. in b. on c. at d. above 10. He spends most of the day sitting______ the window and looking outside. a. in b. on c. at d. behind 11. There was an accident______ the crossroads this morning. a. in b. on c. at d. onto 12. My teacher told me that the sun______ in the east. a. rises b. rose c. is rising d. has risen 13. Nurses______ after patients in hospital. a. look b. looks c. looked d. are looking 14. John isn’t lazy. He ______very hard most of the time. a. works b. worked c. is working d. has worked 15. He usually ______vegetables in his garden. a. grow b. grows c. is growing d. has grown III. Choose the right answer to complete the sentences. 1. Make ice cubes_________(out of, from) the different kinds of fruit juice. 2. I want to buy a can of _________(lemon, lemonade) and put it in the fridge. 3. Don’t ________(play, play with) matches because it is dangerous. 4. It sounds very________(interested, interesting) to keep a pet. 5. Don’t forget to connect the wire________(with, on) the telephone. 答案:BACCB BBCBD CAAAB 1. out of 2. Lemonade 3. play with 4. interesting 5. with U11 一、重点词汇 electricity n. 电,电能 electrical adj. 电的,用电的,发电的 electric adj. 电的,用电的,发电的 carry v. 支撑,支持 importance n. 重要性 important adj. 重要的 efficiently adv. 高效率地 efficient adj. 有效地,生效的 efficiency n. 效率 express n. 特快列车 adj. 特速的,特快的 v. 表示,表达,表现,表白 through prep. 从……一段至另外一段,穿过,贯穿 二、重要短语及句型 1.carry on 继续,开展 2.carry out 进行,开展,实行 3.carry away 运走,冲走 4,carry back 带回,拿回 三、重点语法 1. wh-词问句 2. how问句 [随堂小练] 询问频率How often 回答: Once Twice Three Times How often / How long /How far/ How soon 混合练习 how long → 表示“时间的长短或物体的长度”。 提问时间的长短,其答语常常是其提问的答语可能是 “(for可以省略) + 时间段”。 eg: ---How long does it take to get to your house? — Twenty minutes. ---到你家需要多久? ---20分钟。 提问某事物的具体长度,其答语直接加长度。 eg: ---How long is the desk? ---1.2 meters. ---这张桌子有多长?1.2米。 how far →表示“多远”,提问两地之间的距离,路程。 eg: ---How far is it from your home to our school?--- It’s two kilometers.或(It’s two kilometers’ walk.) ---从你家到我们学校有多远?---两公里。 how soon→表示 “多久之后”,是问多快,问多久以后发生的事情,常用于将来时态,一般用in +一段时间回答 eg: ---How soon will he come back? — In two week. ---他多久后会回来? ---两周内。 . how often→表示 “多少时间一次或每隔多久”.是就做某事的频率提问,回答一般是 “Twice a year”. “Three times a week”. e.g. “How often do you watch TV?” “Tree times a week.” 用Why和How来提问 一个是询问原因 一个是询问程度

  • ID:4-20486659 期末复习语法选择专项练习(含答案)2023-2024学年人教版七年级英语下册


    1121410010579100初中英语七年级下册期末复习语法选择专项练习1附答案(共10篇) (根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,选出一个最佳选项) 一 Zhang Hexian has practiced martial arts (武术) for 94 years. These days she caught (抓住) kung fu?????????1?????????eyes because of a video. In the video, she showed her kung fu at?????????2?????????big martial arts show. She also taught people how?????????3?????????kung fu and helped them understand the spirit of kung fu well. Zhang is the eight-generation inheritor (第八代传人) of Zhang Martial Art. She?????????4?????????to learn martial arts from her father at about four and since then she kept on practicing. “My father taught?????????5?????????kung fu skills even when he was ill,” she says. Though nearly 100 years old, Zhang still lives?????????6????????. Every day, she gets up at 5 a.m., first drinks some water?????????7?????????then practices kung fu. She has some noodles?????????8?????????breakfast. She usually listens to the radio in the afternoon. She?????????9?????????stays up late because it’s bad for health. Kung fu is important for Chinese culture. There are?????????10?????????people learning kung fu now. Zhang hopes it will be passed on from generation to generation. 1.A.lover B.lovers C.lovers’ D.lover’s 2.A.a B.an C.the D./ 3.A.practicing B.practice C.practiced D.to practice 4.A.start B.starts C.started D.is starting 5.A.myself B.my C.me D.mine 6.A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.unhealthily 7.A.so B.but C.or D.and 8.A.for B.in C.on D.as 9.A.always B.never C.sometimes D.usually 10.A.hundred of B.two hundreds C.hundred D.hundreds of 二 In May 2021, many people saw a man with buns (馒头) and a bottle of water online for the first time.?????????11?????????man is a math teacher at Peking University (北京大学). His full name is Wei Dongyi. Chinese people like to call him “Wei Shen” because he is really good?????????12?????????math. Wei Dongyi said there were?????????13?????????books about math at his home. When he was a child, he?????????14?????????reading books very much. He?????????15?????????a book named “Hua Luogeng Math School” at the age of 7. He?????????16?????????find the book interesting at first, because it was just about some difficult math problems.?????????17?????????after he solved the first problem, he found math interesting and fell in love with it from then on. Later,?????????18?????????studied math very hard. ????????19?????????July 21, 2008, Wei Dongyi, a high school student from Shandong, won the first prize at an international (国际的) math competition (比赛) with a perfect score. The students taking part in the competition had to answer three difficult questions in four and a half hours. Wei Dongyi got full marks for?????????20?????????all three questions right. Wei Dongyi’s success is not only related (相关的) to his math thinking, but also to his hard work. 11.A./ B.The C.An D.A 12.A.at B.on C.in D.with 13.A.much B.little C.many D.few 14.A.enjoy B.enjoys C.enjoied D.enjoyed 15.A.reads B.read C.reading D.to read 16.A.didn’t B.doesn’t C.don’t D.wasn’t 17.A.Because B.So C.But D.And 18.A.he B.him C.his D.he’s 19.A.In B.On C.At D.For 20.A.get B.gets C.geting D.getting 三 Winter came. A farmer went to the forest to cut wood.?????????21?????????his way home, he found a baby bear in a hole. It couldn’t move. “Oh, little bear, are you OK?” said the farmer. It was cold all over,?????????22?????????the farmer took it home. He kept it warm and gave it food. On the third day, the bear felt well. The farmer opened the door of his house. The bear was?????????23?????????to go back to the forest. One day, there?????????24?????????heavy snow everywhere. The farmer couldn’t go out to work. Soon, he had no more wood?????????25?????????warm. One night, he heard a sound outside his house.?????????26?????????he opened the door, he saw?????????27?????????wood lying on the ground in front of his house. He looked up and saw?????????28?????????big bear and?????????29?????????son. Of course, he knew the baby bear. How surprising it was! “Thank you, little bear,” the farmer said. He saw the mother bear and the baby bear?????????30?????????off into the forest. 21.A.In B.On C.For D.By 22.A.because B.but C.so D.or 23.A.happy B.happily C.happier D.happiest 24.A.are B.is C.were D.was 25.A.to keep B.keeping C.keep D.kept 26.A.If B.Until C.When D.Before 27.A.few B.lots of C.little D.many 28.A.a B.an C.the D./ 29.A.it’s B.it C.itself D.its 30.A.runs B.run C.ran D.to run 四 One day, while Fish was swimming, she heard a voice saying. “How is the water?” Fish looked up and saw that there was?????????31?????????monkey sitting in a tree. Fish answered, “It’s nice and warm.” Monkey felt?????????32?????????unhappy and wanted to make Fish feel sad. He said, “You should come out of water and climb up this tree. Everything looks really beautiful?????????33?????????here.” Fish answered sadly, “I don’t know how to climb a tree and I?????????34?????????not live without water.” After?????????35?????????Fish’s sad face, Monkey continued making fun of her, “You are nothing if you cannot even climb a tree.” Hearing these words, Fish thought about it day and night and?????????36?????????very sad. “Maybe Monkey is right. I should be able to climb a tree,” she thought. An old fish in the river saw that Fish was upset and asked her for reasons. Fish told?????????37????????. The old fish smiled and said, “Monkey thinks you are nothing just?????????38?????????you can't climb a tree, but he himself can’t even swim?????????39?????????live under the water.” In the end, Fish learned that it was silly of her to believe Monkey. Moral: We should not feel unhappy just because of others’ words. We should try our best and do what we are able to do. Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius, but if you judge (评判) a fish by the ability to climb a tree, it will live all?????????40?????????life feeling stupid.” 31.A./ B.a C.an D.the 32.A.a little B.little C.a few D.few 33.A.from B.in C.on D.to 34.A.must B.should C.need D.can 35.A.see B.seeing C.to see D.saw 36.A.become B.becomes C.became D.becoming 37.A.nothing B.everything C.anybody D.somebody 38.A.because B.when C.why D.after 39.A.and B.but C.so D.or 40.A.them B.their C.its D.itself 五 During the Warring States Period, there was a musician named Gongming Yi, who played “guqin” very well. One day, Gongming Yi was in the countryside by?????????41????????. When he was enjoying the natural beauty, he saw a cow?????????42?????????in the field. He thought, “Everybody?????????43?????????my music. Why not play some music for this cow?” He played a piece of elegant music for the cow, but the cow just kept eating the grass with its head down. He played?????????44?????????piece of joyful music, but the cow still paid no attention to him. After hearing?????????45?????????wonderful songs, the cow finished its meal and slowly walked away. At the same time, some of his friends passed by. They clapped and cheered?????????46?????????Gongming Yi finished the song.?????????47?????????Gongming Yi was so sad and asked his friends, “Why didn’t that cow like my music??????????48?????????I play badly?” “Haha! It is not because your music is bad. It is because the cow?????????49?????????not understand music!” His friends said. So Gongming Yi decided?????????50?????????for a cow any more! 41.A.he B.his C.him D.himself 42.A.standing B.stood C.stands D.stand 43.A.love B.loved C.loves D.is loving 44.A.other B.others C.another D.the others 45.A.much B.many C.a lot D.lots 46.A.if B.though C.when D.until 47.A.And B.But C.Or D.So 48.A.Was B.Am C.Do D.Did 49.A.can B.may C.must D.should 50.A.to not play B.not to play C.to not playing D.not playing 六 People call Mary’s grandmother a “walking encyclopaedia” because she knows so much. She could probably write an encyclopaedia by?????????51????????, without the help of anyone else!?????????52?????????she takes part in quizzes, she always wins. She?????????53?????????answer all the questions correctly and never gets anything wrong. “How do you know so?????????54?????????things, granny?” Mary asked her. She replied with a smile. “First,?????????55?????????to remember everything. I put all the knowledge I get from books or television programmes?????????56?????????my head. Second, I have an interesting life. I have done lots of different things. I used to be?????????57?????????nurse and learnt a lot about health care. Then I married your grandfather. His job took us to many different parts of the’ world,?????????58?????????I visited many countries. Then your father and his two brothers were born. As they grew up, they became?????????59?????????in all kinds of sports, and I learnt many sports rules from them. Now, I?????????60?????????new things on the Internet with you.” 51.A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 52.A.Until B.Because C.When D.Before 53.A.need B.can C.must D.should 54.A.many B.much C.few D.little 55.A.try B.tries C.trying D.to try 56.A.at B.in C.on D.by 57.A.a B.an C.the D./ 58.A.but B.or C.so D.as 59.A.interest B.interests C.interested D.interesting 60.A.am learning B.learnt C.learns D.to learn 七 I love reading books very much. Every day after school, I walk to the bus station and take out?????????61?????????book to read. Some books are very exciting and I often lose myself in those books and easily forget?????????62????????. Last Tuesday, I wanted?????????63?????????a book at a bookshop and I missed the last bus. I was very worried at that time because I had no money on me. Luckily, there?????????64?????????a nice staff member(工作人员)in the station. He was a tall man?????????65?????????very short hair and a pair of glasses. When I told?????????66?????????I missed the last bus and I didn’t have any money to take a taxi home, he said, “That’s not good, boy. I am so sorry for you, but I?????????67?????????my work in 10 minutes. If you don’t mind waiting for a few minutes, I?????????68?????????give you a lift(搭便车)on my way back home.” When I heard what he said, I?????????69?????????excited and moved. I broke into a big smile and kept saying “Thanks”. At last, I arrived home?????????70????????. I thanked the man a lot for his kindness. 61.A.a B.an C.the D./ 62.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything 63.A.buy B.bought C.to buy D.buying 64.A.is B.was C.are D.were 65.A.with B.in C.for D.of 66.A.he B.him C.himself D.his 67.A.finish B.finished C.am finishing D.will finish 68.A.can B.must C.should D.need 69.A.am B.are C.was D.were 70.A.happy B.happier C.happiness D.happily 八 I started to swim ten years ago. I still remember the day when I first went to the pool. I was so afraid. My parents were in the water and they encouraged me?????????71?????????them without a kickboard (浮板), “Look!?????????72?????????easy it is!” And I got in and kicked wildly in the water. Soon after, to my surprise, I?????????73?????????float.I was so happy that day. Later, my parents?????????74?????????me different swimming styles, such as freestyle, butterfly and so on. After I learned those, I always wanted to be in the pool. Swimming as a hobby is surely one of the best, especially for children. It allows their arms and legs to grow properly. It also makes?????????75?????????grow taller. I’m the tallest in my class. Now, I swim for an hour every morning before I go to school.?????????76?????????swimming, I’m able to do better in class. Maths used to be a difficult subject for me,?????????77?????????now it’s my favourite. Swimming has also won me many prizes at?????????78?????????competitions. And?????????79?????????the future, I’m going to be an excellent swimming player. Today’s children don’t like physical activity, but swimming could be?????????80?????????interesting choice for them. Once they get over their fear of water, I’m sure everyone will enjoy it. 71.A.joins B.to join C.joining D.to joining 72.A.How B.What C.Why D.Which 73.A.can B.must C.could D.may 74.A.teaches B.taught C.will teach D.teach 75.A.themselves B.them C.they D.their 76.A.When B.Before C.After D.As 77.A.or B.so C.and D.but 78.A.a lot of B.a lot C.a lots of D.lot of 79.A.for B.in C.to D.on 80.A.the B.a C.an D./ 九 When I was in primary school, I fell in love with reading. The books?????????81?????????me to a wonderful world. The more I read, the more I wanted to know. I enjoyed reading a lot.?????????82?????????parents couldn’t afford so many books,?????????83?????????I had to solve the problem myself. There was a bookshop near my home. One day, I walked into???????????84?????????shop and picked up a book. I didn’t know if I could read there without?????????85?????????any books. To make sure I wasn’t noticed, I just read?????????86?????????pages and then put it back. Luckily, no one noticed me. After that, I went to read every day. Several days later, while I was reading, the owner came up and asked, “You like reading?” I looked down and replied?????????87????????, “Yes.” “Don’t worry,” he said?????????88?????????a smile. “You may read books here?????????89?????????you help me clean the shop.” I felt quite surprised, “Really? It’s so kind of you!” I was very happy that I was allowed to read there. I became one of?????????90?????????writers in our school I even won some prizes in writing. Now studying in junior high school, I can borrow books from the library. My hobby of reading is kept. It will make a big difference to my future career life. 81.A.lead B.leads C.led D.leading 82.A.My B.Me C.Myself D.Mine 83.A.because B.but C.or D.so 84.A.the B.a C.an D./ 85.A.to buy B.buying C.bought D.buys 86.A.a little B.little C.a few D.fewer 87.A.worry B.worried C.worriedly D.worrying 88.A.in B.for C.by D.with 89.A.if B.because C.before D.so 90.A.good B.better C.best D.the best 十 Mr. Black is a very rigorous (谨慎的) man. He isn’t heavy?????????91?????????thin. He is of medium build and usually?????????92?????????glasses. Every morning he enjoys?????????93?????????along Long Street. It’s relaxing for him. It’s sunny today. Mr. Black is running in warm sunshine along Long Street. Then?????????94?????????young man comes to him and asks, “Excuse me, sir.?????????95?????????can I get to the hospital?” “Oh, walk along the street and then?????????96?????????a bridge,” says Mr. Black. “When you walk 50 meters, you’ll arrive at the end of the bridge. Then turn right and you can?????????97?????????the hospital.” “Thank you!” says the young man and then?????????98?????????leaves. But after a minute, Mr. Black runs to the man and says, “I’m sorry. The bridge?????????99?????????about 60 meters long. So don’t turn right after you walk 50 meters?????????100?????????the bridge, or you’ll fall (掉落) into the river.” 91.A.and B.but C.or D.so 92.A.wears B.is wearing C.wear D.are wearing 93.A.run B.runs C.running D.to run 94.A.a B.an C.the D./ 95.A.Where B.How C.When D.Why 96.A.across B.cross C.to cross D.crossing 97.A.to see B.seeing C.see D.to seeing 98.A.he B.his C.him D.himself 99.A.aren’t B.isn’t C.are D.is 100.A.with B.about C.under D.along 附答案: 1-5: CADCC 6-10:CDABD 11-15: BACDB 16-20:ACABD 21-25: BCADA 26-30:CBADB 31-35: BAADB 36-40:CBADC 41-45: DACCB 46-50:CBDAB 51-55: DCBAA 56-60:BACCA 61-65: ABCBA 66-70:BDACD 71-75: BACBB 76-80:CDABC 81-85: CADAB 86-90:CCDAD 91-95: CACAB 96-100:BCADD

  • ID:4-20486636 2024届高考英语 临门一脚-应用文 课件(共254张PPT)


    临门一脚:应用文高分开头 汇报人:WPS 【浙江省稽阳联谊学校高三联考】假如你是某校高三学生李华,你校学生会正面向全体高三学生征集毕业前回馈母校的金点子。请你响应号召给学生会负责人写一封邮件。内容包括: 1.你的点子;2.具体内容;3.表达期待。 首段:问候+自我介绍+写信背景/问题+写信目的 问候+自我介绍: I hope this email finds you well. I am Li Hua, a senior student at our school. 写信背景: 1.Delighted/ Thrilled to learn that the Student Union is collecting innovative ideas to contribute to our alma mater before graduation, I felt a surge of enthusiasm. (形容词作原因状语)得知学生会正在征集创新想法以在毕业前为我们的母校做出贡献,我感到非常兴奋,一股热情油然而生。 2.Upon hearing that the Student Union is calling for innovative ideas to benefit our alma mater before graduation, my enthusiasm surged.(upon doing是介词短语结构,“一...就...”) 在听到学生会正在征集创新想法以在毕业前为我们的母校带来益处之后,我的热情高涨。 1.With careful consideration, I would like to propose a suggestion. (介词短语作状语)经过仔细考虑,我想要提出一个建议。 2.Eager to seize the chance to propose a thoughtful plan, I aim to contribute to the development of our beloved school.(形容词短语作原因状语)急于抓住这个机会来提出一个深思熟虑的计划,我旨在提高我们学校的进步。 【河北衡水高三质量检测】假定你是李华。你班计划与英同伦敏的姊妹学校某班级在线共上一堂“经典文学”的交流课。请你代表班级付邮件给对方班长Try,内容包括: 1. 交流的目的; 2. 告知相关事宜; 3. 征求意见。 首段:问候+自我介绍+写信背景+写信目的 As part of our ongoing cultural exchange program, our class plans to collaborate with your esteemed class in an online exchange class focused on "Classic Literature."?(过去分词短语作后置定语) 作为我们持续进行的文化交流项目的一部分,我们班计划与你们备受尊敬的班级在一个专注于“经典文学”的在线交流课程中合作。 【蚌埠市2024届高三年级第四次教学质量检查考试】值母亲节、父亲节来临之际, 为弘扬中华传统美德——孝道, 中学生英语报社以“The Power of Parental Role Models”为题, 面向中学生征稿。请你写一篇短文投稿, 感谢父母“以身为范、助我成长”。内容要点包括: 1. 个人经历; 2. 你的感想。 With Mother's Day and Father's Day approaching, the High School English Newspaper presents a special section titled "The Strength of Parental Role Models," designed to inspire middle school students to express their deep gratitude to their parents and uphold the traditional Chinese virtue of filial piety. 【2024届高三宁波市选考】假定你是校英语报主编李华,你发现随着信息技术的发展,高中生阅读纸质媒体的热情在逐步减少,请你写一篇英语短文,呼吁学生重拾对纸质读的热情。 具体内容如下: 1.介绍现状: 2.纸媒的重要性; 3.提出呼吁。 首段:介绍现状 As the Editor-in-Chief of our school's English newspaper, it is neccessary that I voice my concern over a pressing issue. The declining enthusiasm among high school students for reading print media,due to the rapid advancements in information technology, represents a pressing issue that demands our attention.(主语从句) 作为我们学校英语报纸的主编,我必须对一个紧迫的问题发声。高中生对阅读印刷媒体的热情正在下降,这是由于信息技术的快速发展,这是一个需要我们极大关注的问题。 【辽宁省名校联盟2024届高三一模英语试题】假定你是李华,英语课上,老师要求大家分组讨论使用电子设备阅读的现象。请你作为小组代表,写一篇短文,内容包括:1.优点与缺点;2.合理建议。 首段:阐述现象 As the popularity of electronic reading devices continues to grow, our group has conducted a thorough study, exploring both its advantages and disadvantages.(原因状语从句+现在分词短语作状语) 【2024届湖南高三名校联考】假定你是李华,上周日你校举办了一场以“强体魄,健身心”为主题的体育文化节活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括: 1. 活动主题和内容; 2. 活动反响。 On the sunny Sunday of last week, with the intention of promoting physical fitness and mental well-being among students, our school proudly hosted a vibrant Sports and Cultural Festival themed "Strengthen the Body, Nurture the Mind." (介词短语作目的状语+过去分词作定语) 【2024届新高考基地学校第五次大联考】你校计划举办主题为“极简电子产品生活方式—A lifestyle of digital minimalism”的英语作文比赛,请你写一则通知,内容包括: (1)介绍比赛目的; (2)说明参赛要求。 首段:目的+背景 We are thrilled to announce our upcoming English writing competition whose theme is “A lifestyle of digital minimalism”. The purpose of this competition is to encourage students to explore the benefits of simplifying their electronic product usage and embracing a minimalist approach to technology. 我们很高兴地宣布即将举行的英语写作比赛,其主题是“数字极简主义的生活方式”。这个比赛的目的是鼓励学生探索简化电子产品使用和拥抱技术极简主义方法的好处。 【2024届安徽省黄山市高三毕业班第一次质量检测(一模).改编】假定你是李华,你校英文杂志社要举办以“与科学家跨时空对话(Talk to a Scientist across Time and Space)”为主题的书信征文活动,请你介绍一位你最崇敬的一位科学家。内容包括: 1.表达对他(她)的崇敬之情;2. 解释你崇敬他(她)的原因。 Among the most respected scientists in history, from both ancient and modern times, across the globe, Madame Curie stands out as the one I admire the most. The reasons are as follows. 假定你是李华。几个月前,你由于英语学习进步缓慢而感到沮丧,外教Mr. Smith给予了帮助。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1.表示感谢;2.回顾Mr. Smith对你的帮助;3.你的感受。 中间段 A few months ago, I was at a loss what to do because I had little progress in English. It’s your guidance and support that have made a significant difference to my academic performance. You not only helped me expand vocabulary but also directed me to improve my grammar. Most importantly, with your help, I have gained confidence in English and achieved results that I never thought possible. Nowadays, more and more students spend their weekends doing housework. In general, 91.50% of students help their parents with housework at weekends. In terms of housework skills, 85.50% and 81.60% help their parents do cleaning and the dishes respectively. However, only 36.80% can help cook and only 22.2% can do farm work. 低碳生活专刊寄语(2024.2浙江名校协作体) 假定你是校英文报的主编李华,最近准备出一期关于“倡导低碳生活”的专刊。请为专刊写一篇寄语,内容包括:1.专刊的意义;2.专刊的内容;3.寄予的希望。 The content of the special issue will involve articles on the importance of reducing carbon emissions and practical tips for living a more eco-friendly life, which will absolutely install a sense of environmental conservation in students. 本学期你校开设了每周一节的英语文学阅读课,请你就此写一篇短文向学校英文报 “Student Voice”栏目投稿,内容包括:1.课程介绍(目的、内容、上课方式等); 2.你的收获。 The class starts from this semester, aiming to broaden our horizons and enhance our appreciation for the beauty of literature.The course covers a variety of literary works, including poems, short stories, and novels. During the class, we engage in discussions, analyze texts, and share our ideas. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. 邀请信 Don’t miss this opportunity to have fun! Looking forward to your earliest reply. 邀请信 It’s high time that we spring into action now./It’s high time that we took measures to change the situation. 倡议信 Your kindness/ attention / effort / generosity / donation / participation will be highly valued. / … will be appreciated. Thank you for considering my submission. I eagerly await your decision and hope that my photo can contribute to the success of the exhibition. 介绍推荐 高分结尾 Thank you for your kindness, and your prompt attention to this e-mail will be highly appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this letter and your prompt reply would be highly appreciated. Hope you can take my suggestions into consideration and wish the......... a success. Please allow me to say sorry to you again. / Please allow me to apologize to you again. I’m truly sorry. Thank you for your understanding. Many apologies again for all the inconvenience I’ve caused you. Again, I’d like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to you. I wish you greater success in the future. Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget. I request you to be kind enough to solve the problem as soon as possible. I appreciate your willingness to make up for the loss. THANK YOU YOUR LOGO 汇报人:稻壳儿

  • ID:4-20486621 人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration Discovering Useful Structures课件(共26张PPT)

    高中英语/人教版(2019)/必修 第三册/Unit 4 Space Exploration/Discovering Useful Structures

    Discovering Useful Structures Book 3 Unit 4 Usage of the infinitive(不定式) I trained for a long time to fly airplanes as a fighter pilot. As we all know, an astronaut needs to be healthy and calm in order to work in space. First of all, you must be intelligent enough to get a realted colledge degree. Scientists were determined to realise the dream to explore space. On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space. THE infinitive 目录/contents 01 02 03 05 04 不定式的定义 不定式的功能 不定式的进行式,完成式,被动式 高考中对不定式的考查 课堂总结 THE infinitive 不 定 式 不定式,又称为动词不定式,是指动词中的一种不带词形变化,也不指示人称、数量、时态的一种形式。不定式属于非谓语动词形式。 一. 定义 THE infinitive 不 定 式 动词不定式在句中可以作句子除谓语之外的任何句子成分。动词不定式及其短语还可以有自己的宾语、状语。 不定式可充当 主语 表语 宾语 定语 状语 宾补 二. 功能 THE infinitive 1. 不定式作主语 It is not an easy thing to master a language. It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. It’s unwise of them to turn down the proposal. To see one time is better than to hear a hundred times. To persevere means victory! 在很多情况下,特别是在口语中,常采用先行it代替主语,而把不定式后置。 THE infinitive To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people. My idea is to climb the mountain from the north. What I would suggest is to start work at once. 2. 不定式作表语 注:在某些句型中,当主语部分有动作动词do 时,作表语的不定式可以省略符号 “to”,如: All we have to do is push the button. The only thing I can do now is go on by myself. All I could do was send him a telegram. 前有do,后无to THE infinitive 3. 不定式作宾语 (1).“动词 + 带 to 的不定式结构”。例如: 这类动词常见的有:afford, agree, arrange, ask, choose, decide, demand, desire, expect, hope, learn, manage, offer, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish, like, hate, prefer, mean, intend, begin, 等, (2).“动词 + 疑问词 + 带 to 的不定式结构”。 I’ve arranged to meet him at ten o’clock. I didn’t expect to find you here. I don’t know what to do / where to go / who(m) to ask . I haven’t decided whether to sell it or not. THE infinitive I find it difficult to understand him. We thought it wrong not to help her. 不定式结构一般不可作介词宾语, 只有在个别场合, 即在含有否定意义的带有介词 except 或 but (=except) 的结构中才能这样用,例如: 注:如果不定式结构有自己的补语,则常用 it作形式宾语,把不定式后置,例如: He seldom comes except to look at my pictures. The child did nothing except weep. She can do anything but sing. 前有do,后无to THE infinitive 4. 不定式作定语 It’s time to go to bed. Have you anything to declare? He has a large family to support. The meeting to be held tomorrow will be put off due to the rain. 如果不定式是不及物动词,它后面应加上必要的介词,如: She has a lot of things to attend to. The nurse has five children to look after. THE infinitive 5. 不定式作状语 不定式结构可以作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词等,表示目的、结果、原因等。 They ran over to welcome the delegates. To draw maps properly, you need a special pen. He came here in order to see Charlie. Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle? He got to the station only to be told the train had gone. She wept to hear the news. 目的 目的 目的 结果 结果 原因 THE infinitive 6.不定式作宾语补足语 Don’t force yourself to write when you have nothing to say. He urged us to accept the compromise. We should train them to make use of reference books. 注:see, watch, notice, look at, hear, listen to, observe, feel, have,make,let这些词后面常用省掉to的不定式做宾补,但若用在被动结构里,to则不能省略。 He observed someone open the door. They were made to work from morning till night. The accused man was observed to enter the bank. THE PROFESSIONAL TEMPLATE 三. 不定式的进行式,完成式,被动式 THE infinitive 1. 不定式的进行式 如果主要谓语所表示的动作(或情况)发生时,不定式所表示的动作正在进行,这时,不定式就要用进行式。 They seem to be getting along quite well. We didn’t expect you to be waiting for us here. He pretended to be listening attentively. 如果不定式所表示的动作在谓语所表示的时间之前一直在进行,就需要用完成进行式。 They are said to have been collecting folk songs in Yunnan. It’s a great pleasure to have been working with you. THE infinitive 2.不定式的完成式 如果不定式所表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,这个不定式就要用完成式。 He is said to have written a new book about workers. =It is said that he has written a new book about workers. The enemy was reported to have surrendered. She seemed to have heard about it already. They thought it a pity not to have invited her. THE infinitive 3.不定式的被动形式 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般要采用被动形式。 It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here. She asked to be sent to work in Xinjiang. Are you going to the meeting to be held in the teachers’ office? THE PROFESSIONAL TEMPLATE 四. 高考中对不定式的考查 THE infinitive 1.(2019·全国Ⅰ,64)Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive___________(perform) consistently over a large area.? 这里是“be+形容词+不定式”结构,故填to perform。 to perform 2.(2019·全国Ⅱ,65)Picking up her “Lifetime Achievement” award, proud Irene declared she had no plans________ (retire) from her 36-year-old business.? to retire 名词plan后接不定式作后置定语。 THE infinitive 3.(2019·全国Ⅲ,62)On our way to the house, it was raining so hard that we couldn’t help wondering how long it would take (get) there.? to get “it takes + 时间 + to do sth”, it是形式主语,真正主语是后面的不定式,故填to get。 4. (2018·全国Ⅱ,64)The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice ____________ (improve) water quality. to improve 根据语境可知,“改善水质”是“政府鼓励农民种玉米而不种水稻”的目的, 故用动词不定式作目的状语。 THE infinitive 5.(2018·全国Ⅲ,70) Once his message was delivered, he allowed me _______ (stay) and watch. allow sb to do sth 是固定结构,意为“允许某人做某事”,不定式做宾补,故填to say。 to stay 6.(2017·全国Ⅰ,63)They are required ___________ (process) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. ? require sb to do sth表示“要求某人做某事”,被动形式为sb be required to do sth,不定式做宾补,故填to process。 to process THE infinitive 7.(2017·全国Ⅲ,64)But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models, wants ____________(prove) that she has brains as well as beauty. ? want to do sth意为“想要做某事”,不定式做宾语。 to prove 8.(2016·全国Ⅰ)It was a great honour___________ (invite) backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research. “It's a great honour to do sth”意为“做某事很荣幸”,再根据语境可知,此处指被邀请,故用动词不定式的被动式。 to be invited THE infinitive 9.(2016·全国Ⅱ,69)If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you'll be less likely (bring) your work home. 此处考查固定搭配be likely to do sth,意为“很可能做某事”。 to bring 10.(2019·浙江,63)But some students didn't want (wear) the uniform.? to wear want to do sth意为“想要做某事”,不定式作宾语。 THE infinitive 12.(2018·天津,12)I didn't mean __________ (eat)anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn't help trying it.? to eat mean to do sth“打算做某事”,不定式做宾语 11.(2017·天津,10)I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train (catch). ? sb have sth to do意为“某人有某事要做”,不定式作定语。 to catch THE infinitive 13.(2017·浙江,61)Sixteen years earlier, Pahlsson had removed the diamond ring _________ (cook) a meal. ? 14.(2016·北京,26)___________(make) it easier to get in touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand. To make to cook  15.(2017·北京,27)Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online __________ (save) their valuable time. 此处用动词不定式表示目的。 to save 16.(2019·江苏,30)_________ (enjoy) the convenience of digital payment, many senior citizens started to use smart phones.? To enjoy 归纳:高中常考不定式: 1. be + adj(likely) to do 2. be done to do 3. 动词+宾语+to do; 动词+特殊疑问词+to do 4. 中心词是序数词,形容词最高级,the last, the only等中心词被这些词修饰时,用不定式作定语 5. 被修饰词是抽象名词,常用动词不定式作定语,常见的该类名词有:way, reason, plan, ability, chance, wish, opportunity, freedom, need, right, excuse, promise, attempt等 6. 不定代词something, nothing等后也常用动词不定式作定语。 7. in order to do; so as to do; enough to do; 8. only to do表示出乎意料的结果 THE infinitive 01 02 03 04 不定式,又称为动词不定式,是指动词中的一种不带词形变化的动词形式,不定式属于非谓语动词形式。 动词不定式在句中可充当主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、宾补。 to be doing, to have done, to be done 掌握不定式的用法,仔细审题,沉着应对。 05 五.课堂总结 定义 功能 进行、完成、被动 高考中不定式的考查 不定式

  • ID:4-20486587 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading and Thinking(共22张PPT)

    高中英语/人教版(2019)/选择性必修 第一册/Unit 1 People of Achievement/Reading and Thinking

    Unit 1 People of achievement Reading and Thinking Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize Who is the woman in the photo? The woman is Tu Youyou. Learning aims: 1)To translate para1--2 fluently and get the main idea. 2)To analyze long & complex sentences Self-learning guidance I (4’) 1.Read para1 and translate them by yourselves loudly and fluently. 2.Mark the phrases and long &complex sentences you didn't understand. 3.Get the main idea of para1. 1. This year's Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. 2. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to improved health for millions of people. 3.Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600,000 die from it. 4. Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone. 精讲点拨 1. This year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co?winner),whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. 今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦呦(共同获奖者),她的研究导致了青蒿素的发现。这是一种治疗疟疾的关键性的新药物。 n.生理学;生理机能 n.共同获奖者 定语 非限定 同位语 whose 引导非限制性定语从句,用作定语,对Tu Youyou 起补充说明作用 1. This year's Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. 2. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to improved health for millions of people. 3.Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600,000 die from it. 4. Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone. Para.1 main idea: The significace of the discovery. 今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦呦(共同获奖者),她的研究促使了青蒿素的发现。这是一种至关重要的治疗疟疾的新疗法。青蒿素挽救了数十万人的生命,并改善了数百万人的健康状况。全世界每年有超过2亿人罹患疟疾,约60万人死于疟疾。青蒿素已成为洽疗疟疾的重要组成部分,据认为仅在非洲一年就能挽救10万人的生命。 Self-learning guidance II (5’) 1.Read para2 and translate them by yourselves loudly and fluently. 2.Mark the phrases and long &complex sentences you didn't understand. 3.Get the main idea of para2. 1.Tu?Youyou,a?committed?and?patient?scientist,was?born?in?Ningbo, China,on30?December?1930,and?graduated?from?Peking? University(北京大学)?Medical?School?in1955. 2.After?she?graduated,she?worked?at?the?China?Academy?of? Traditional Chinese?Medicine(中医)?in?Beijing. 3.In?1967, the?Chinese?government?formed?a?team of?scientists? with?the?objective?of?discovering?a?new?treatment?for?malaria, and Tu?Youyou?was?among?the?first?researchers?chosen. 4.In?the?beginning,Tu?Youyou went?to?Hainan, where?malaria? was?more?common,to?study?malaria?patients. 5.In?1969,she?became?the?head?of?the?project?in?Beijing, and?decided?to?review ancient?Chinese?medical?texts?to? find traditional?botanical?treatments?for?the disease. 6. Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated 280, 000 plants for their medical properties. 7. From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria. Para.2 From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria. 在他们的研究中,他们发现并测试了380种不同的古代中医疗法,这些疗法在对抗疟疾方面显示出了希望。 adj.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的 n.获得成功的迹象 对抗;反对;与……作斗争 定从 =which 1.Tu?Youyou,a?committed?and?patient?scientist,was?born?in?Ningbo, China,on30?December?1930,and?graduated?from?Peking? University(北京大学)?Medical?School?in1955. 2.After?she?graduated,she?worked?at?the?China?Academy?of? Traditional Chinese?Medicine(中医)?in?Beijing. 3.In?1967, the?Chinese?government?formed?a?team of?scientists? with?the?objective?of?discovering?a?new?treatment?for?malaria, and Tu?Youyou?was?among?the?first?researchers?chosen. 4.In?the?beginning,Tu?Youyou went?to?Hainan, where?malaria? was?more?common,to?study?malaria?patients. 5.In?1969,she?became?the?head?of?the?project?in?Beijing, and?decided?to?review ancient?Chinese?medical?texts?to? find traditional?botanical?treatments?for?the disease. 6. Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated 280, 000 plants for their medical properties. 7. From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria. Tu Youyou's personal experiences. Para2 main idea: 屠呦呦是一位坚定而耐心的科学家,1930年12月30日出生于中国宁波,1955年毕业于北京大学医学院。毕业后,她在北京的中国中医研究院工作。1967年,中国政府组建了一支以探索治疗疟疾新方法为目的的科学家队伍,屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。在开始的时候,屠呦呦去了海南研究疟疾患者,在那里疟疾较为普遍。1969年,她成为北京项目的负责人,并决定复阅中国古代医药文献,寻找这种疾病的传统植物疗法。她的团队查阅了2000多本古老的医药文献,并对280000种植物的药用价值进行了评估。在他们的研究中,他们发现并测试了380种不同的中国古代疗法,这些方法为抗击疟疾带来了希望。 The life story of Tu Youyou: read paragraph 2 born on 30 Dec. 1930. Ningbo, China. 1969 1967 1955 1930 graduated from Peking University became a researcher to fight malaria was appointed head of the project Birth Education Research ...... Where would you most likely find this passage? A In a blog B In a book C In a letter D In a newspaper Test: 1. physiology n. 生理学,生理机能 2. artemisinin n. 青蒿素 3. crucial adj. 至关重要的,关键性的 4. hundreds of thousands of 成千上万,数十万 5. vital adj. 必不可少的,极其重要的,充满生机的 6. malaria n. 疟疾 7. with?the?objective?of 目标是 以....为目的 8. botanical adj. 植物学的 9. evaluate v. 评价,评估 10. distinct adj. 清晰的,清楚的,有区别的 11. promise v. 保证,答应 n. 承诺,允诺;(某事或某人有好结果 或成功的)迹象,征兆: 12. property n. 性质,特征,财产 Summary: Review words we learnt Homework: Thanks!

  • ID:4-20486587 人教版(2019) 选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading and Thinking(共22张PPT)

    高中英语/人教版(2019)/选择性必修 第一册/Unit 1 People of Achievement/Reading and Thinking

    Unit 1 People of achievement Reading and Thinking Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize Who is the woman in the photo? The woman is Tu Youyou. Learning aims: 1)To translate para1--2 fluently and get the main idea. 2)To analyze long & complex sentences Self-learning guidance I (4’) 1.Read para1 and translate them by yourselves loudly and fluently. 2.Mark the phrases and long &complex sentences you didn't understand. 3.Get the main idea of para1. 1. This year's Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. 2. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to improved health for millions of people. 3.Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600,000 die from it. 4. Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone. 精讲点拨 1. This year’s Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co?winner),whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. 今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦呦(共同获奖者),她的研究导致了青蒿素的发现。这是一种治疗疟疾的关键性的新药物。 n.生理学;生理机能 n.共同获奖者 定语 非限定 同位语 whose 引导非限制性定语从句,用作定语,对Tu Youyou 起补充说明作用 1. This year's Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. 2. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to improved health for millions of people. 3.Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600,000 die from it. 4. Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone. Para.1 main idea: The significace of the discovery. 今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了屠呦呦(共同获奖者),她的研究促使了青蒿素的发现。这是一种至关重要的治疗疟疾的新疗法。青蒿素挽救了数十万人的生命,并改善了数百万人的健康状况。全世界每年有超过2亿人罹患疟疾,约60万人死于疟疾。青蒿素已成为洽疗疟疾的重要组成部分,据认为仅在非洲一年就能挽救10万人的生命。 Self-learning guidance II (5’) 1.Read para2 and translate them by yourselves loudly and fluently. 2.Mark the phrases and long &complex sentences you didn't understand. 3.Get the main idea of para2. 1.Tu?Youyou,a?committed?and?patient?scientist,was?born?in?Ningbo, China,on30?December?1930,and?graduated?from?Peking? University(北京大学)?Medical?School?in1955. 2.After?she?graduated,she?worked?at?the?China?Academy?of? Traditional Chinese?Medicine(中医)?in?Beijing. 3.In?1967, the?Chinese?government?formed?a?team of?scientists? with?the?objective?of?discovering?a?new?treatment?for?malaria, and Tu?Youyou?was?among?the?first?researchers?chosen. 4.In?the?beginning,Tu?Youyou went?to?Hainan, where?malaria? was?more?common,to?study?malaria?patients. 5.In?1969,she?became?the?head?of?the?project?in?Beijing, and?decided?to?review ancient?Chinese?medical?texts?to? find traditional?botanical?treatments?for?the disease. 6. Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated 280, 000 plants for their medical properties. 7. From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria. Para.2 From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria. 在他们的研究中,他们发现并测试了380种不同的古代中医疗法,这些疗法在对抗疟疾方面显示出了希望。 adj.清晰的;清楚的;有区别的 n.获得成功的迹象 对抗;反对;与……作斗争 定从 =which 1.Tu?Youyou,a?committed?and?patient?scientist,was?born?in?Ningbo, China,on30?December?1930,and?graduated?from?Peking? University(北京大学)?Medical?School?in1955. 2.After?she?graduated,she?worked?at?the?China?Academy?of? Traditional Chinese?Medicine(中医)?in?Beijing. 3.In?1967, the?Chinese?government?formed?a?team of?scientists? with?the?objective?of?discovering?a?new?treatment?for?malaria, and Tu?Youyou?was?among?the?first?researchers?chosen. 4.In?the?beginning,Tu?Youyou went?to?Hainan, where?malaria? was?more?common,to?study?malaria?patients. 5.In?1969,she?became?the?head?of?the?project?in?Beijing, and?decided?to?review ancient?Chinese?medical?texts?to? find traditional?botanical?treatments?for?the disease. 6. Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated 280, 000 plants for their medical properties. 7. From their research, they discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria. Tu Youyou's personal experiences. Para2 main idea: 屠呦呦是一位坚定而耐心的科学家,1930年12月30日出生于中国宁波,1955年毕业于北京大学医学院。毕业后,她在北京的中国中医研究院工作。1967年,中国政府组建了一支以探索治疗疟疾新方法为目的的科学家队伍,屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。在开始的时候,屠呦呦去了海南研究疟疾患者,在那里疟疾较为普遍。1969年,她成为北京项目的负责人,并决定复阅中国古代医药文献,寻找这种疾病的传统植物疗法。她的团队查阅了2000多本古老的医药文献,并对280000种植物的药用价值进行了评估。在他们的研究中,他们发现并测试了380种不同的中国古代疗法,这些方法为抗击疟疾带来了希望。 The life story of Tu Youyou: read paragraph 2 born on 30 Dec. 1930. Ningbo, China. 1969 1967 1955 1930 graduated from Peking University became a researcher to fight malaria was appointed head of the project Birth Education Research ...... Where would you most likely find this passage? A In a blog B In a book C In a letter D In a newspaper Test: 1. physiology n. 生理学,生理机能 2. artemisinin n. 青蒿素 3. crucial adj. 至关重要的,关键性的 4. hundreds of thousands of 成千上万,数十万 5. vital adj. 必不可少的,极其重要的,充满生机的 6. malaria n. 疟疾 7. with?the?objective?of 目标是 以....为目的 8. botanical adj. 植物学的 9. evaluate v. 评价,评估 10. distinct adj. 清晰的,清楚的,有区别的 11. promise v. 保证,答应 n. 承诺,允诺;(某事或某人有好结果 或成功的)迹象,征兆: 12. property n. 性质,特征,财产 Summary: Review words we learnt Homework: Thanks!