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  • ID:4-20580179 Unit 7 International Charities巩固练习(含答案)2023-2024学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册

    初中英语/牛津译林版/八年级下册/Unit 7 International Charities

    1057910010680700 八下Unit 7期末复习巩固练习 一、词汇 1. Millions of wild flowers cover the hills, ________________(特别,尤其) in April and May . 2. As the story___________(发展), the secret of the castle is discovered(发现) little by little. 3.The old man is seriously ill. He is under _________________(治疗) now. 4. In some countries, black people don’t have the same ______________(权利) as whites. 5. The ________________ (官员) says that he is the son of the people. 6. He has been given many tasks, (包括) helping the elderly do the shopping. 7.Lily’s face looked a bit ______________(苍白的) than usual after hearing the bad news. 8. There are many kinds of charity_______________(organize) all over the world. 9. Do you know the _____________ (interview) names? If possible, please tell me. 10. If the dog _____________________ (treat) in time, he will be safe soon. 11. There is little food ___________(leave). 12.A simple ____________(medicine) test can help discover the disease. 13.People are __________(pride) of the scientist’s achievement. 14.Those ____________(secretary) chairs are put on the floor. 15. Playing computer games too much may lead to ___________ (blind). 二、选词填空 每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 borrow???build???Chinese???from???in???seem???change???garden???drink???sport Japan is 1 the east of Asia. It has many islands (岛屿). Long long ago, people came to live in Japan from China, Korea and some other countries around it. And Japanese 2 many things from these countries, such as ideas, dress, life style (生活方式) and so on. For many years, Japanese 3 buildings in Chinese way. Their clothes looked like 4 . Their way of writing and 5 tea also came from China. Recently, Japanese have borrowed things 6 the USA.Their government (政府) like America. They do much work in science as Americans do. Baseball is the favorite 7 in Americans, and it is also popular in Japan. Things 8 a lot after they came to Japan. Japanese improve on almost everything they borrowed. The way of 9 making came from Korea and China, but Japanese gardens are special. Each garden has a waterfall (瀑布), a pool and small bridges. And the gardens are green all the year round. So it 10 that the beautiful Japanese gardens are different. As we know, we have many kinds of ways to show our thanks to people who have helped us in life. 三、完形填空 Judy is a primary school girl from the USA. Three years ago, her (1) was ill and stayed at the Downtown Hospital in New York. The doctors and the nurses there looked after her grandma very well. To give her (2) to the hospital, Judy wanted to raise some money for it. She (3) four months finishing a 200-metre-long bracelet(手链). It is (4) enough to go around the Downtown Hospital. The eight-year-old girl said, "At first, I didn't know the way to make the bracelet. My friend (5) me how to make it. I got the idea of (6) them to my friends to raise money for the hospital. The doctors and the nurses looked after my grandma really well. She sold her bracelets and got $300. She (7) started a Just Giving page on the Internet. There people (8) about $450, so now she has got $750. She said, "I was going to try and sell more to raise even more money, (9) now I want to keep it as a memory of my grandma and what I did." "We are so thankful to Judy for all her (10) work in making this long bracelet," Kate, a nurse at the hospital said to the reporters. ( )1.A.mother B.father C.grandmother D.grandfather ( )2.A.feeling B.thanks C.money D.love ( )3.A.used B.talk C.spent D.paid ( )4.A.long B.old C.strong D.expensive ( )5.A.watched B.found C.asked D.taught ( )6.A.selling B.washing C.sending D.bringing ( )7.A.sometimes B.also C.never D.often ( )8.A.gave off B.gave away C.gave in D.gave up ( )9.A.or B.because C.but D.and ( )10.A.important B.useful C.boring D.hard 四、阅读理解 Recently, a wolf in Hoh Xil, Qinghai Province, has become popular online. It acts like a pet, even wagging(摇) its tail when it sees someone come by. The reason behind the wolf's actions is that passing tourists and drivers feed the wolf. The wolf was once thin in the wild, and now it is chubby (胖乎乎的). The wolf has caused discussions online. While some people find it cool to feed a wolf, others have started to worry. They are worried that this action may break the rules of nature, not to mention that feeding wild animals is actually (的确) very dangerous. Qi Xinzhang works in Xining Wildlife Park and Qinghai Wildlife Rescue and Breeding Centre. He said that tourists’ feeding isn't good for wild animals. “I believe that people who feed animals are kind, but they need to think carefully about their actions.” He added that death (死亡) itself is a natural part of life. The wolf does not need help. People should stop feeding it. Dai Qiang, a researcher(研究员)at the Chengdu Institute of Biology agreed with Qi. He said that feeding wild animals might bring ▲ to the feeders themselves. On the one hand, wild animals may carry diseases.On the other hand, wolves may look cute, but they are wild animals after all. They may hurt people. So, it's important to stay away from them. Remember, if you want to protect nature, be sure to follow the rules of it. ( )1. Which of the following about the wolf is TRUE according to Paragraph 1? A.It got hurt in the wild. B.It has some unusual actions. C.It likes to stay away from people. D.It got fat because of some unhealthy food. ( )2.Which of the following may Qi agree with? A.The wolf is cute. B.The wolf needs feeding. C.People should follow the rules of nature. D. People should stop worrying about wild animals. ( )3. The best word for“ ▲ ”in Paragraph 4 is“____”. A.joy B.risks C.shame D.meals 4504055177800五、阅读并回答问题 One day in autumn, Squire Gordon went on a long journey. John went with him and I pulled the cart(马车). The weather was rainy and windy, but we travelled happily until we came to the old wooden bridge. The man at the tollgate(收费处) told us the river was rising fast. “ There’s going to be a bad storm tonight,” he said. We arrived in the town, but Squire Gordon’s business took a long time. We didn’t leave until late afternoon. The wind was blowing, making a terrible sound. Suddenly, we heard a crack , and a huge tree fell across the road in front of us. I stopped still. I was shaking with fear, but did not turn round or run away. “We must go back to the crossroads,” said John, “and drive six miles to the wooden bridge.” When we got there, it was nearly dark. There was water on the middle of the bridge, but the Squire did not stop. As soon as my feet touched the bridge, I knew that something was wrong. I stopped dead. “Go on, Beauty,” said the Squire. “There’s something wrong, sir,” said John. He got out and tried to lead me forward. “Come on, Beauty,” he said. But I knew that the bridge was not safe. Just then the man at the tollgate saw us. “Hey, there! Stop!” he cried. “What is it?” shouted the Squire. “The bridge is broken in the middle,” he answered. “If you go on to it, you are all going to drown in the river.” “Thank God!” said the Squire. “Thank you, Beauty!” said John. We turned around and went along the road by the river. For a long time, no one said anything. Then John said, “Black Beauty saved our lives. He knew the bridge was dangerous.” When we returned home, the Squire told Mrs. Gordon, “We are all safe, thanks to Black Beauty!” That night, I had good food to eat and a comfortable bed of straw. And I was glad, though I was very tired. 回答下面 5个问题,每题答案不超过 6个词。 1.What was the weather like that autumn day? 2.When did they leave the town? 3.How far was it from the crossroads to the new wooden bridge? 4.How did Black beauty save their lives? 5.What do you think of Black Beauty’s life with the Gordon’s in the passage 参考答案 一、词汇 1. especially 2. develops 3. treatment 4. rights 5. officer 6. including 7. paler 8. organization 9. interviewers’ 10. is treated 11. left 12. medical 13. proud 14.secretaries’ 15. blindness 二、选词填空 1.in 2.borrowed 3.built 4.Chinese 5.drinking 6.from 7.sport 8.changed 9.garden 10.seems 三、完形填空 1-5CBCAD 6-10ABBCD 四、阅读理解 1-3BCB 五、阅读回答问题 1. Rainy and windy. 2. Not until late afternoon. 3. Six miles. 4. By not moving at all. 5. Comfortable and happy.

  • ID:4-20580172 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?情境式背单词 2023-2024学年人教版英语八年级上册

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/八年级上册/Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?/本单元复习与测试

    Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? shake /?e?k/n. & v. (shook /??k/) 摇动;抖动 She gave her a shake to wake her. 她摇摇她,想把她叫醒。 milk shake 奶昔 She made an orange milk shake. 她做了一份橙子奶昔。 *blender /'blend?(r)/ n. 食物搅拌器 We can put different fruits into the blender. 我们可以把不同的水果放进搅拌机。 turn on 接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开 I want to turn on the television. 我想打开电视机。 *peel /pi?l/ v. 剥皮;去皮 You should peel the banana before you eat it. 在吃香蕉之前你应该先剥掉香蕉皮。 pour /p??(r)/v. 倒出;倾倒 Please pour the milk into the cup. 请把牛奶倒进杯子里。 yogurt /'j?ɡ?t/, /'j??ɡ?rt/n. (=yoghurt) 酸奶 Sometimes I just have a little yogurt or something else. 有时候我就喝点酸奶或是其他的东西。 honey /'h?ni/n. 蜂蜜 Honey is very sweet. 蜂蜜很甜。 watermelon /'w??t?(r)mel?n/n. 西瓜 Her favorite fruit is watermelon. 她最喜欢的水果是西瓜。 spoon /spu?n/n. 勺;调羹 Please give me a spoon. I want to eat some soup. 请给我一个勺子,我想喝点汤。 *pot /p?t/, /pɑ?t/n. 锅 You can put food into either part of the pot. 你可以把食物放入锅的任意一个部分。 add /?d/ v. 增加;添加 Please add more sugar to my coffee. 请在我的咖啡中再加点糖。 finally /'fa?n?li/ adv. 最后;最终 Finally, he won the game. 他最终赢得了比赛。 salt /s??lt/ n. 食盐 You put too much salt in this dish. 这菜里你盐放得太多了。 sugar /'??ɡ?(r)/n. 食糖 Sugar makes food sweet. 糖使食物变甜。 cheese /t?i?z/n. 干酪;奶酪 Just have a taste of this cheese. 尝一点儿这种奶酪吧。 *popcorn /'p?pk??n/,/'pɑ?pk??rn/n. 爆米花 I like to eat popcorn when I watch a movie. 我看电影的时候喜欢吃爆米花。 corn /k??(r)n/n. 玉米;谷物 Would you like some corn? 你想吃点儿玉米吗? machine /m?'?i?n/n. 机器;机械装置 How does this machine work? 这部机器是如何工作的? dig /d?ɡ/ v. (dug /d?ɡ/)掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土) He is digging holes to plant trees. 他正在挖洞种树。 hole /h??l/n. 洞;孔;坑 There’s a hole in my sock. 我的袜子上有个破洞。 sandwich /'s?nw?t?,'s?nw?d?/n. 夹心面包片;三明治 She is eating a sandwich. 她正在吃一个三明治。 butter /'b?t?(r)/n. 黄油; 奶油 I usually eat bread and butter for breakfast. 我早餐通常吃黄油面包片。 *turkey /'t??(r)ki/n. 火鸡;火鸡肉 They always eat turkey on Thanksgiving. 他们过感恩节时总是吃火鸡。 *lettuce /'let?s/n. 莴苣;生菜 Let’s go and buy a lettuce for dinner. 我们去买一颗生菜当晚餐吧。 piece /pi?s/n. 片;块; 段 I cut a piece of birthday cake for my sister. 我给妹妹切了一块生日蛋糕。 *Thanksgiving /'θ??ks'ɡ?v??/n. 感恩节 Happy Thanksgiving Day! 感恩节快乐! traditional /tr?'d???nl/adj. 传统的;惯例的 It’s traditional to eat mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival. 中秋节吃月饼是传统习俗。 autumn /'??t?m/n. 秋天;秋季 I love the reds and golds of autumn. 我喜欢秋天的红色和金黄色。 celebrate /'sel?bre?t/v. 庆祝;庆贺 Let’s celebrate. 让我们庆祝一下吧。 prepare /pr?'pe?/, /pr?'per/v. 使做好准备;把……准备好 Mom is preparing breakfast for us now. 妈妈现在正在为我们准备早餐。 *gravy /'ɡre?vi/ n.(调味)肉汁 May I have some gravy on my potato? 土豆上给我浇点肉汁好吗? *mashed /m??t/adj. 捣烂的 Can you show me how to make mashed potatoes? 你能教我怎么做土豆泥吗? *pumpkin /'p?mpk?n/n. 南瓜 He likes to eat pumpkin best. 他最喜欢吃南瓜。 pie /pa?/n. 果馅饼;果馅派 Get busy with your famous apple pie. 快做你拿手的苹果派吧。 mix /m?ks/ n. 混合配料v.(使)混合;融合 Mix the eggs with the flour. 把鸡蛋和面粉混合搅拌。 pepper /'pep?(r)/ n. 胡椒粉;柿子椒 Please pass me the pepper. 请把胡椒粉递给我。 fill /f?l/v.(使)充满;装满 He filled the bottle with water just now. 他刚才把瓶子装满了水。 *oven /'?vn/n. 烤箱;烤炉 Put food inside an oven to cook it. 把食物放进烤箱里烤一下。 plate /ple?t/n. 盘子;碟子 Look! How beautiful the plate is! 看! 多美丽的盘子啊! cover /'k?v?(r)/ v. 遮盖;覆盖n. 覆盖物;盖子 The ground is covered with snow. 地上覆盖着雪。 serve /s??(r)v/ v. 接待;服务;提供 They serve delicious food in this restaurant. 这家餐馆提供可口的饭菜。 temperature /'tempr?t??(r)/ n. 温度;气温;体温 What’s your temperature? 你的体温是多少?

  • ID:4-20580167 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Period 4 Section B 2a-Self Check 练习题(含答案)人教版七年级英语下册

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/七年级下册/Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?/Section B

    1046480011595100Period 4 Section B 2a-Self Check Ⅰ.短文填空 There is a zoo in Anna's 1. (街区). She loves to 2. (花费时间)watching the monkeys 3. (到处爬). John lives near a 4. (超市).There is a big park across from it. He 5. (经常锻炼) at the park because he loves the 6. (清新的空气和阳光). The best things in life are 7. ________(免费的). Lisa 8._________ (喜欢阅读) in the library. She can get to the library 9._______(容易地).Just go down North 10. (路) and turn left. It's across from the park. Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. —The pencil box is ten yuan. —OK, I'll take it. Here's the _______. 2. With no a______ or water, people can't live. 3. On weekends, they usually c______ the mountain with friends. 4. He (花费) two hours finishing his homework every day. 5. Look! There are some (猴子) in the tree. Ⅲ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Turn right at the first ____(cross) and the park is on your right. 2. Lucy likes ______ (spend) time with her parents on weekends. 3. How can I get to the zoo (easy)? 4. Just ______ (go) along Bridge Street and the hospital is on your left. Ⅳ.单项选择 1. Jenny’s pet cat is good at trees. A. climbing B. cutting C. sitting D. studying 2. If you buy two notebooks in the shop, you can get a(n) eraser. A. free B. other C. far D. true 3. Larry likes reading. He goes to the library after school. A. still B. often C. just D. never 4. I usually half an hour exercising every morning. A. take B. spend C. need D. use 5.—What is Mike doing? —He's watching his brother . A. to swim B. to swimming C. swims D. swimming V.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.我的宠物狗看上去像是我的好朋友。 My pet dog ______my good friend. 2.在我们的街区有一个图书馆。你可以去那里看书。 There's a library ______ ______ ______. You can go there to read books. 3.你不需要付茶水钱。它是免费的。 You don't need to pay for the tea. It _______ . 4.我表弟周末通常和他的朋友们去公园。 My cousin usually goes to the park with his friends_______ . Ⅵ.完形填空 Dear Amy, I'm 1 I can't meet you at the train station tomorrow. My parents are out. I have to be at home 2 my little brother. Let me tell you 3 to get to my home. When you come out of the train station, find the 4 please. It's on the left of the train station. Take the No. 11 bus and get off at Rongjun Hospital. It 5 you about thirty minutes. There are three red houses across from the hospital. You can see them 6 . The one in the middle is 7 . There is an apple tree in front of my house. If you can't find it, please 8 me. My phone number is 339-2883. The 9 is not good tomorrow. It's windy. Don't 10 to wear a sweater. Yours, Jenny 1. A. happy B. sorry C. free D. lazy ( ) 2. A. with B. for C. to D. about ( ) 3. A. when B. where C. how D. what ( ) 4. A. post office B. bus stop C. police station D. pencil box ( ) 5. A. pays B. makes C. spends D. takes ( ) 6. A. either B. too C. easily D. hard ( ) 7. A. I B. mine C.my D. me ( ) 8. A. bring B. visit C. call D. email ( ) 9. A. street B. water C. home D. weather ( ) 10. A. forget B. remember C. fight D. turn ( ) Ⅶ.阅读理解 A driver gets lost on his way to Denver. He stops in front of a farmhouse on the side of the road. He gets out and knocks at the door. A very old woman answers the door. The driver asks her how to get to Denver. “Sorry, I don't know how to get there,” the woman says. The driver feels sad. He gets back in his car and drives away. Then he hears someone shouting. He looks in his rearview mirror(后视镜). The woman and an old man are waving(招手) him back. “The old man must know how to get there!” the driver says to himself. He turns his car around and drives back to them. When the driver gets out of the car again, the old woman says,“ This is my husband. He doesn't know how to get there, either.” 1. Where does this driver get lost? ( ) A. In a big city. B. On the way to Denver. C. On a farm. D. In Denver. 2. The driver feels sad because . A. nobody answers the door B. the old woman doesn't talk to him C. he doesn't get any help D. the old woman tells him the wrong way 3. What about the old man? ( ) A. He doesn't know the way, either. B. He must know the way. C. He doesn't want the driver to come back. D. He wants to go with the driver. 4. From this passage, we know that the old woman . A. doesn't like the driver at all B. is very clever but bad C. knows the way but her husband doesn't D. is quite funny and wants to help 5. Which can be the best title of this passage? ( ) A. A driver's life B. Welcome to Denver C. How to get to Denver D. What to do if you get lost 参考答案 Ⅰ.短文填空 1. neighborhood 2. spend time 3. climbing around 4. supermarket 5. often exercises 6. clean air and sunshine 7. free 8. enjoys reading 9. easily 10. Road Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. money. 2. air 3. climb 4. spends 5. monkeys Ⅲ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. crossing 2. spending 3. easily 4. go Ⅳ.单项选择 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D V.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.looks like 2.in our neighborhood 3.is free. 4.on weekends Ⅵ.完形填空 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A Ⅶ.阅读理解 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C

  • ID:4-20580164 Unit 8 A green world巩固练习(含答案)2023-2024学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册

    初中英语/牛津译林版/八年级下册/Unit 8 A green world

    11531600102235002024年春学期期末复习八下 Unit 8巩固练习 一、词汇 1.--Have you __________ (挖) in the garden? --Yes. But I can’t find the treasure. 2.Mr. Green looks ____________ today. Look, he is looking ___________ at his students. (严肃) 3.Air pollution has ____________ (引起) some problems. We must try to clean up the air. 4.Taiwan, _______ (隔开) by Taiwan Strait from the mainland, is not a country but part of China. 5._________ (依靠) too much and too long on our parents is not good for the growth of children. 6.What meaningful ________________ (调查) you did! 7.This kind of drug(药) often_______________ (产生) a feeling of excitement. 8.Have you heard of this saying, “Knowledge is_______________ (力量)". 二、选词填空 每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 recycle power see series green harm down improve they pollute ???The earth is about 4,600 million years old. Many of the things that we have done are good. But many more are not good for the earth. For example, people have cut 1 plenty of trees. At the same time, 2 is a big problem in the world. In big cities cars and buses have produced 3 gas into the air. Now, many people are beginning to take these problems seriously and find out new ways to 4 these matters. ???Some cities are going to carry out life waste classification (垃圾分类). People make up 5 mind to separate the life waste into four kinds. Then people can protect the environment by 6 waste. ???In the future, green buildings will be popular. Not long ago, the fourth Zhejiang Province Green Building Expo opened at World Trade Center. In the Expo, it shows a 7 of energy-saving things. ???For example, at the crossing of Gu Cai Road and Wen San Road, there is a new public toilet. It can be 8 as Hangzhou’s first self-powered “low-carbon” public toilet. The toilet’s four light boxes, three electric (电动的) dryers, one fan and one deodorant (除臭的) machine are all given 9 in energy-saving way. ???1 hope, in the future, the sky can be clearer, the water cleaner, and the land 10 . Then both people and animals can have a greener earth. 三、补全对话 A: Hello, this is Eric. 1 B: This is Peter speaking. Hi, Eric. How’s it going? A: Pretty good. I am thinking about traveling to Kunming. Could you introduce an interesting place to me? B: Sure. The West Hill is a good place to visit. A: Sounds great. 2 B: You can take the subway there. It’s very fast. A: Wonderful. 3 B: Yes, there is. You can have rice noodles and flower cakes. By the way, 4 A: I will come in July. B: Great. I will pick you up at the airport. A: Thanks a lot. B: 5 A.When will you come to Kunming? B.Could I speak to Peter? C.It doesn’t matter. D.How is the subway? E.You’re welcome. F.How can I get there? G.Is there anything delicious? 四、完形填空 In the face of a tourist boom(激增), New Zealand plans on a tourist tax(税收)for foreign visitors. New Zealand is a country with 4.5 million people. But the (1) of foreign visitors has grown by nearly a third in the past three years, with 3.8 million visiting the country during the first quarter of 2018. The government (2) from next year, foreign visitors heading to New Zealand will pay (3) NZ $25 and NZ $35(112yuan-156yuan) to get into the country. However, people from Pacific Island Forum countries(太平洋岛国论坛国家)and children under two will not be included. "More and more money is spent on tourism. To meet visitors' need, we have to (4) more infrastructure(公共设施),such as washrooms and car parks, and hire more people," Kelvin Davis, head of New Zealand tourism officer, said, many places are fighting with environmental problems (5) by tourism. It sounds fair(公平的)that foreign tourists (6) a little so that the countrycan put up the infrastructure they need and better protect the natural places they enjoy. Some may think the new tax will (7) New Zealand a "less attractive" country. Davis said, "For (8) visitors, they are already paying out NZ $1,200(5300yuan), so an extra(额外的)NZ $25 isn't going to make such a (9) ." New Zealand isn't (10) . Countries like Turkmenistan and Malaysia have been taxing foreign visitors. Japan will act on a tax law of this kind from January 2019. ( )1.A.number B.people C.person D.human ( )2.A.speaks B.talks C.says D.tells ( )3.A.among B.between C.in D.into ( )4.A.buy B.sell C.provide D.lend ( )5.A.taken B.caused C.solved D.turned ( )6.A.pay B.buy C.cost D.take ( )7.A.give B.bring C.get D.make ( )8.A.new B.old C.young D.foreign ( )9.A.difference B.change C.tax D.tour ( )10.A.expensive B.cheap C.alone D.lonely 五、阅读理解 505333046990There were more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of the creature’s (生物) body. These bags came down to his legs. The right arm was huge, and there were bags of skin on it, too. The right hand was like a man’s foot. But the left arm and the left hand were beautiful! The left arm had wonderful skin, and the fingers of the left hand were long and beautiful. It was like a young woman’s hand! “Walk, Merrick!” said the shopkeeper angrily. “Come on, quickly, move!” He hit the creature with his hand. Slowly, the creature walked across the room. But he could not walk well. His legs were big and fat and he had a bad back. He could not walk far without a stick. “All right, thank you,” I said. “Let him sit down. I don’t want to see any more.” I felt ill, and the smell in the room was very bad. “Yes, sir,” said the shopkeeper. “Sit down, Merrick.” We went out of the room and closed the door. The shopkeeper smiled at me with his yellow teeth. “Wonderful, sir, isn’t it?” he said. “The best Elephant Man in England! Hundreds of people come to see him, you know, hundreds! I take him all over the country, I do!” “Yes, very interesting,” I said. “Can I sit down?” “ Yes, sir, of course. Here’s a chair.” He looked at me, smiling. “Would you like a glass of water, sir?” “Yes, please,” I said. Then I looked at the things in the dirty shop. There were two or three bad apples and some old black bananas: that was all. “Er, no... no, thank you. I’m all right,” I said. “Did you... did you call the creature Merrick?” “That’s right, sir. Joseph Merrick. The best Elephant Man in England! I take him all over the country, you know. Lots of people want to see him.” “Yes, I see. Do you get a lot of money?” “Well, sometimes we do, sir, yes. But it’s difficult, you see, sir, because of the police. The police don’t like us, you see, sir. So we can’t stay in a town very long. We usually move every week.” “Yes, I see. Well, anyway, Mr... er?” “Silcock, sir. Simon Silcock.” “Yes, well, Mr. Silcock, I’m a doctor at the London Hospital. My name is Dr. Treves. I think this... er... this man Joseph Merrick is very interesting, and I would like to see him at the hospital. 3 .” 1.Why did the writer give such a detailed description of the creature at the beginning? A. To show the creature is badly ill. B. To show the writer is good at describing. C. To make readers interested in the creature. D. To make the passage different from others. 2.It can be inferred from the passage that . A. Dr. Treves knew the best Elephant Man in England B. there were bags of skin all over the creature’s body C. Simon Silcock did make lots of money from Merrick D. there may be something wrong with Merrick 3.Which sentence may be the most suitable by Dr. Treves? A.I want to be his new owner, if you like B.I want to look at him more carefully, you see C.I think he is a huge patient for a doctor D.I think I can cure him to prove I’m a good doctor 六、完成句子 1.我们可以通过缩短冲澡时问来节水。 We can __________ ____________ by ___________ shorter showers. 2.一些衣服放在善商店出售,一些送给穷人,还有一些送到工厂回收利用。 Some of the clothes ___________ ___________ in charity shops,_________ are _________ _________ the poor, and_________ are _________to factories for recycling. 3.如果在公共场所丢过圾,我们会被警察罚款。 If we_________ _________ in a public place,we will __________ ______ by the police. 4还有法律来限制空气污染和水污染 There are also_________ ____________ ___________ air and water pollution. 5.我们依赖其丰富的资源生存,所以要理智地保护它,这点很重要。 We_______ ________its rich resources ______ _______,so it is important ________us to protect it________. 七、书面表达 现在越来越多的人意识到保护动物的重要性。我校决定组织以“I want to be a volunteer to protect animals”为题的英语演讲比赛。请你以Robin的名义写一篇英语演讲稿推荐自己,内容如下: 品质 善良,对无家可归的猫和狗… 乐于助人,… 大方(generous),常捐零花钱给… 事迹 组织慈善义演,为WWF筹款 分发传单呼吁人们保护动物 感悟 动物是人类的朋友 保护动物就是保护我们自己 打算 ……(至少两点) 要求: ⒈词数90个左右,演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 ⒉所写短文必须包括以上内容,自由发挥的内容必须围绕主题。 I Want to Be a Volunteer to Protect Animals Hello everyone! I'm Robin. I want to be a volunteer to protect animals. I'm glad to make a speech here. Thanks for listening! 参考答案 一、词汇 dug 2.serious seriously 3.caused 4.separated 5.Depending 6.surveys 7.produces 8.power 9.harm 10.steps 二、选词填空 1.down 2.pollution 3.harmful 4.improve 5.their 6.recycling 7.series 8.seen 9.power 10.greener 三、补全对话 1-5BFGAE 四、完形填空 1-5ACBCB 6-10ADDAC 五、阅读理解 1-3CDB 六、完成句子 1.save water taking 2.are sold some given to others sent 3.drop litter be fined 4.laws to limit 5.depend on to live for wisely

  • ID:4-20580160 Unit 9 Can you come to my party?情境式背单词

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/八年级上册/Unit 9 Can you come to my party?/本单元复习与测试

    Unit 9 Can you come to my party? prepare for为……做准备 She is busy preparing for the exam. 她正忙着准备考试。 exam /?ɡ'z?m/n. (=examination) 考试 She is taking an English exam. 她正在参加英语考试。 go to the/a doctor去看医生 He finally decided to go to a doctor after a week. 一周后,他终于决定去看医生。 flu /flu?/n. 流行性感冒;流感 Lots of people get the flu in the winter. 冬天很多人得流行性感冒。 available /?'ve?l?bl/ adj. 有空的;可获得的 Sorry, but I’m not available today. 抱歉,我今天没空。 another time其他时间;别的时间 Let’s talk another time. 让我们改天再聊吧。 until /?n't?l/ conj. & prep. 到……时;直 到……为止 He won’t play games until he finishes his homework. 直到完成作业, 他才会玩游戏。 hang /h??/v. (hung /h??/) 悬挂;垂下 Hang your coat up. 把你的上衣挂起来。 hang out闲逛;常去某处 We can just hang out. 我们可以只是闲逛一下。 catch /k?t?/ v. (caught /k??t/) 及时赶上;接住;抓住 The cat wants to catch the mouse. 这只猫想要抓住这只老鼠。 invite /?n'va?t/v. 邀请 It was nice of them to invite us. 他们真好,邀请了我们。 accept /?k'sept/v. 接受 He decided to accept the job. 他决定接受这项工作。 refuse /r?'fju?z/v. 拒绝 She refused to have the cake because she was full. 她拒绝吃蛋糕,因为她已经吃饱了。 the day before yesterday前天 Today is Wednesday. The day before yesterday was Monday. 今天是星期三,前天是星期一。 the day after tomorrow 后天 Today is Tuesday. The day after tomorrow is Thursday. 今天是星期二,后天是星期四。 weekday /'wi?kde?/n. 工作日(星期一至星期五的任何一天) There are usually five weekdays in a week. 通常一周有五个工作日。 look after 照料;照顾 She looks after me quite well. 她把我照顾得很好。 invitation /'?nv?'te??n/n. 邀请;请柬 Many thanks again for your invitation. 再次多谢你的邀请。 turn down拒绝 She turned down the drink from others. 她拒绝了别人的饮料。 reply /r?'pla?/ v. 回答;答复 I replied to him in time. 我及时回复了他。 forward /'f??(r)w?(r)d/v. 转寄;发送adv. 向前;前进 She ran forward to welcome her mother. 她跑向前去欢迎她妈妈。 delete /d?'li?t/v. 删除 The email was not useful, so he deleted it. 这封电子邮件没有用,所以他把它删除了。 print /pr?nt/ v. 打印;印刷 I use the machine to print my photo. 我用这个机器打印我的照片。 sad /s?d/ adj. ( 令人) 悲哀的;( 令人)难过的 He looks really sad.他看起来真的很伤心。 goodbye /'ɡ?d'ba?/interj. & n. 再见 Goodbye! It was great to meet you. 再见!认识你很高兴。 take a trip 去旅行 People like to take a trip on holidays. 人们喜欢在假日去旅游。 glad /ɡl?d/adj. 高兴;愿意 I’m so glad to see you. 见到你真高兴。 help out(帮助……)分担工作、解决难题 Could you help out with the housework? 你能帮忙分担家务吗? preparation /'prep?'re??n/n. 准备;准备工作 Preparation for the party started early. 聚会的准备工作很早就开始了。 glue /ɡlu?/ n. 胶水 Could you buy some glue onthe way? 你能在路上买点胶水吗? without /w?'?a?t/ prep. 没有;不(做某事) I can see nothing without my glasses. 没有眼镜我什么也看不见。 surprised /s?(r)'pra?zd/adj. 惊奇的;感觉意外的 She looked surprised when I told her. 我告诉她时她显得很惊讶。 look forward to盼望;期待 I am looking forward to the good news. 我期待着好消息。 hear from 接到(某人的)信、电话等 She’s so glad to hear from her friend. 她很高兴收到朋友的来信。 *housewarming/'ha?sw??(r)m??/n. 乔迁聚会 The Smiths had a housewarming the day before yesterday. 前天史密斯一家举办了一个乔迁聚会。 opening /'??pn??/n. 开幕式;落成典礼 The opening of the Winter Olympic Games was really exciting. 冬奥会开幕式真的很激动人心。 concert /'k?ns?t/, /'kɑ?ns?rt/ n. 音乐会;演奏会 How many people were there at the concert? 音乐会上有多少人? *headmaster /'hed'mɑ?st?/,/'hed'm?st?(r)/n. 校长 Our headmaster seems to know a lot. 我们的校长看起来知道得很多。 event /?'vent/n. 大事;公开活动;比赛项目 This year’s event will be one week earlier than that of last year. 今年的活动将比去年提前一周。 guest /ɡest/n. 客人;宾客 We’re happy to see our guests. 我们很高兴见到我们的客人。 calendar /'k?l?nd?(r)/n. 日历;日程表 I’d like to go, but my calendar is really full today. 我想去,可我今天的日程表实在太满了。 daytime /'de?ta?m/n. 白天;日间 Usually we can’t see stars in the daytime. 通常我们在白天看不到星星。 Ted /ted/ 特德(男名) May /me?/ 梅(女名) Vince /v?ns/ 文斯(男名) Steen /sti?n/ 斯蒂恩(姓) Jake /d?e?k/ 杰克(男名) Susan /'su?zn/ 苏珊(女名)

  • ID:4-20580155 Unit 9 Period 4 Section B 2a-Self Check 练习题(含答案)人教版七年级英语下册

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/七年级下册/Unit 9 What does he look like?/Section B

    1198880010325100Period 4 Section B 2a-Self Check Ⅰ.短文填空 Do you know Joe Brown? He has a very interesting job. He is a police 1. a_____. He draws a picture of the criminal and helps the police to find the criminal. He wants 2. _____ (draw) a good picture of each criminal, but it is sometimes 3. _____ . Many people don't always see 4. (thing) the same way, so they may describe the same person5. _____ (different). Also, they don't always remember things 6. _____ (good). One woman says the criminal is of medium height and young 7. _____ long straight brown hair and big eyes. 8. A_____ woman says he's tall and thin with curly blonde hair. In the end, the 9. _____ (really) criminal is a short 10. _____ heavy old man with short black hair. Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. Students have some tests at the e_____ of every term. 2. This sweater is too big for me. Please show me a_____ one. 3. Don't (放) your dirty clothes here, Lucy. You need to wash them now. 4. There are two (路线) to the post office. One is near and the other is far. 5. In our class, _____ (每个) girl has a red skirt. Ⅲ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Tom is a singer. I think his job is (real) interesting. 2. Each of us (like) our English teacher. 3. Mr. Black is a great (art). Many people like his drawings. 4. Listen! Susan is (describe) what she usually does in her free time. 5. People think (different) about the TV show. Some people like it, and others don't. Ⅳ.单项选择 1.—I plan to go out for a trip, but I'm afraid I don't know the . —A map is helpful, I think. A. price B. way C. time D. money 2.—Could you please your new classmate? ——Sure. She has long curly hair and wears glasses. A. follow B. describe C. know D. forget 3. Tina and Mary eat every day. Because they don't like the same food. A. again B. later C. quickly D. differently 4. , she goes to watch the new movie with her friend. A. At the end B. In the end C. At the end of D. In the end of 5.—This dress is too long. Please give me one. ——Sure, madam. Give back to me and try on(试穿) this one. A. other; one B. other; it C. another; it D. another; one V.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.他就是那位短头发、小眼睛的演员。 He is that actor with hair and small _____. 2.让我来告诉你李易长什么样。 Let me tell you_____ Li Yi _____ _____. 3.他们看待事情的方式不一样。 They don't see things _____ _____ _____ . 4.你能帮我把这张图片刊登在报纸上吗? Can you help me_____ the picture _____ newspapers? 5.我想画一张这只熊猫的画。 I want to _____ _____ _____ this panda. Ⅵ.补全对话 A: Hi, Jill. 1. ___________________? B: My favorite subject is history. A: 2. ___________________? B: My history teacher is Mr. King. A: 3. ___________________? B: He is tall and has big eyes, and his face is long. A: Does he wear glasses? B:4. ___________________. He has good eyesight(视力). A: I see. What does he like to wear? B:5. ___________________. A: A white jacket and blue jeans? He must be handsome. Ⅶ.阅读理解 My name is Lily. I'm twelve years old. I am a girl with long brown hair. I am a student from Sunshine Middle School. There are some different subjects at school, and I like art best. Do you know why I like art best? That's because I like my art teacher. Mrs. Hilbert is my art teacher. She is a great teacher. She is a wonderful artist. She is of medium height. She has long curly hair and two big eyes. She looks beautiful and young. She teaches us how to mix paints(绘画颜料)to get the right color. She teaches us how to draw and paint. I have a dream. My dream is to be an artist. Mrs. Hilbert often says to me, “You have a good dream, Lily. Work hard, and your dream will come true one day.” 1. What color is Lily's hair? ( ) A. Black. B. Brown. C. Red. D. White. 2. What does the underlined word “mix” probably mean in Chinese? ( ) A. 混合 B. 制造 C. 清洗 D. 涂色 3. What is Lily's dream? ( C ) A. To be a teacher. B. To be a singer. C. To be an artist. D. To be a doctor. 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ( ) A. Lily is a teacher from Sunshine Middle School. B. Lily likes art best because it is an interesting subject. C. Mrs. Hilbert is a tall woman with long curly hair. D. Mrs. Hilbert teaches students some things about art. 5. What's the main idea of the passage? ( ) A. Lily and her art teacher. B. Lily and her family. C. Lily's great dream. D. Lily's favorite subject. 参考答案 Ⅰ.短文填空 1. artist 2. to draw 3. difficult 4. things 5. differently 6. well 7. with 8. Another 9. real 10. and Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. end 2. another 3. put 4. ways 5. each/every Ⅲ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. really 2. likes 3. artist 4. describing 5. differently Ⅳ.单项选择 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C V.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1. short eyes 2. what looks like 3. the same way 4. put in 5.draw a picture of Ⅵ.补全对话 1. What is your favorite subject? 2. Who is your history teacher? 3. What does he look like? 4. No, he doesn't. He has good eyesight(视力). 5. He likes to wear a white jacket and blue jeans. Ⅶ.阅读理解 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A

  • ID:4-20580153 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!情境式背单词

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/八年级上册/Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!/本单元复习与测试

    Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! meeting /'mi?t??/ n. 会议;集会;会面 How many people came to the meeting? 多少人来参加了会议? video /'v?di??/n. 录像带;录像 On the weekends, I usually watch videos. 周末我通常看录像。 organize /'??(r)ɡ?na?z/ v. (=organise) 组织;筹备 They are organizing an important meeting. 他们正在组织一次重要的会议。 potato chips /t??ps/炸土豆片;炸薯条 I’d like some potato chips. 我想要些炸土豆片儿。 chocolate /'t??kl?t/,/'t?ɑ?kl?t/n. 巧克力 Do you want some chocolate? 你想吃点巧克力吗? upset /'?p'set/ adj. 难过;失望;沮丧 I was pretty upset at the time. 当时,我非常沮丧。 taxi /'t?ksi/n. 出租汽车;的士 I came home by taxi. 我是坐出租车回家的。 advice /?d'va?s/ n. 劝告;建议 You should follow your doctor’s advice. 你应该遵从医嘱。 travel /'tr?vl/ v. & n. 旅行;游历 Traveling around the world is my dream. 环游世界是我的梦想。 *agent /'e?d??nt/ n. 代理人;经纪人 She is a great house agent. 她是一位出色的房地产经纪人。 *expert /'eksp??(r)t/n. 专家 He’s an expert in education. 他是一位教育专家。 keep ... to oneself 保守秘密 Don’t tell it to others. Please keep it to yourself. 别把这件事 告诉别人, 请保守秘密。 teenager /'ti?ne?d??(r)/ n. (13~19 岁的) 青少年 Most teenagers like to go toparties. 大多数青少年喜欢参加派对。 normal /'n??(r)ml/adj. 正常的;一般的 His temperature is normal. 他的体温正常。 unless /?n'les/conj. 除非;如果不 Unless you go faster, you’ll be late. 除非你走快点, 不然你就要迟到了。 certainly /'s??(r)tnli/ adv. 无疑;肯定;当然;行 We’ll certainly remember this trip! 我们肯定会记住这次旅行! wallet /'w?l?t/, /'wɑ?l?t/n. 钱包 What a beautiful wallet! 多么漂亮的钱包! mile /ma?l/n. 英里 It’s two miles from here to the beach.这里距离海滩两英里远。 angry /'??ɡri/adj. 发怒的;生气的 He was angry at my words. 他为我说的话生气。 understanding/'?nd?(r)'st?nd??/ adj. 善解人意的;体谅人的 My mother is always understanding, especially when I’m sad. 我母亲总是善解人意,尤其是当我难过的时候。 careless /'ke?l?s/, /'kerl?s/ adj. 粗心的;不小心的 How careless he is!他多么粗心啊! mistake /m?'ste?k/n. 错误;失误 Don’t worry. We all make mistakes. 别担心,我们都会犯错。 himself /h?m'self/pron. 他自己 He knows himself well. 他很了解自己。 careful /'ke?fl/, /'kerfl/ adj. 小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的 Be careful when crossing the road. 过马路时要当心。 advise /?d'va?z/v. 劝告;建议 The doctor advised me to take more exercise. 医生嘱咐我多加锻炼。 solve /s?lv/, /sɑ?lv/v. 解决;解答 She tried her best to solve the problem. 她尽了最大的努力解决这个问题。 step /step/ n. 步;步骤 I’ll do it step by step. 我会一步一步地做这件事。 trust /tr?st/ v. 相信;信任 They trust each other very much. 他们非常信任彼此。 experience /?k'sp??ri?ns/,/?k'sp?ri?ns/n. 经验;经历 She has many years of teaching experience. 她有多年的教学经验。 in half 分成两半 He cut the apple in half. 他把苹果切成了两半。 *halfway /'hɑ?f'we?/,/'h?f'we?/ adj. & adv. 在中途;部分地做(或达到) We are halfway to solving the problem. 我们已经解决了问题的一半。 else /els/adv. 别的;其他的 Would you like anything else? 你想要点别的什么吗? Karen /'k?r?n, 'kɑ?r?n/ 卡伦(女名) Ben /ben/ 本(男名) Michael /'ma?kl/ 迈克尔(男名) Laura /'l??r?/ 劳拉(女名) Mills /m?lz/ 米尔斯(姓) Robert /'r?b?t/, /'rɑ?b?rt/ 罗伯特(男名) Hunt /h?nt/ 亨特(姓)

  • ID:4-20580143 Unit 10 I'd like some noodles Period 1 Section A 1a-2d 练习题(含答案)人教版七年级英语下册

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/七年级下册/Unit 10 I'd like some noodles./Section A

    1268730012077700Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. Period 1 Section A 1a--2d Ⅰ.短文填空 Sally and Tom are in the restaurant. The waiter is 1. (为他们点餐).Sally would like 2. (一些西红柿)in the beef soup. She'd like 3. (一大碗) beef soup. Tom would like the 4. (羊肉面) with some 5. (土豆和卷心菜). Ⅱ.根据图片及首字母提示完成单词 1. Would you like some c for lunch? 2. ______ are my favorite vegetables. 3. Linda often has c______ for lunch. 4. I'd like a bowl of . 5. I'd like some c______ and beef. Ⅲ.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1. Do you have this skirt in a larger ______(尺码)? 2.—How are you going to get there? —I don't know______(还). 3. This is a(n) ______ (特殊的) place in the house for playing. 4. Helen likes eating (土豆) very much. 5. I want a ______(碗) of rice. Ⅳ.单项选择 1. —Would you like some to eat? —Just a little, please. A. chicken B. orange juice C. carrots D. apples 2.—What would you like? —A large bowl, please. A. kind B. size C. time D. color 3.— ? —Yes, I'd like some milk. A. Where are you B. What do you do C. May I take your order D. How can you get the milk 4. —Is there water in the glass? —Yes. There is . A. some; any B. any; some C. some; some D. any; any 5. —Would you like something to eat? — . I'm not hungry. A. Yes, I'd like to B. No, I don’t C. No, thanks D. Yes, please V.按要求完成句子 1. There is some milk in the glass.(改为否定句) _____ _____ milk in the glass. 2. I would like a medium bowl of noodles.(对画线部分提问) ______ ______ bowl of noodles would you like? 3. I’d like mutton and tomato noodles.(对画线部分提问) noodles would you like? 4. I want to buy a new coat.(改为同义句) I ______ _____ buy a new coat. 5. There is a tomato.(改为复数句) There ______ ______ . Ⅵ.补全对话 A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. 1. I'd like a birthday cake for her. A: 2. B: A large one, please. A: What would you like to write on it? B: 3. A: OK. What's your phone number? B: 4. A: What's your address? B: 5. A. Would you like a large one or a small one? B. Please write “Happy Birthday to Mary”. C. Tomorrow is Mary's birthday. D. It's 888-7865. E. What kind of cake would you like? F. 022 Center Street. G. What number would you like? Ⅶ.完形填空 Kaikai is a Chinese boy. But now he 1 in the UK. He lives and 2 with Mr. and Mrs. Green in London. They are very nice to him. But they like different 3 . For breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Green would like milk, eggs and some vegetables, and sometimes they have fruit. Kaikai would like milk and eggs, but he doesn't like vegetables 4 breakfast time. Lunch is at one 5 . Mr. and Mrs. Green usually have large hamburgers. Kaikai doesn't like 6 . He thinks they're 7 .He would like some rice. After that, 8 like some fruit. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Green usually have afternoon tea. For dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Green have soup, beef, vegetables and fruit. Kaikai wouldn't like 10 beef. He'd like some noodles. 1. A. live B. is C. am D. isn't ( ) 2. A. eat B. have C. eats D. to have ( ) 3. A. drinks B. fruit C. food D. vegetables ( ) 4. A. under B. of C. at D. on ( ) 5. A. clock B. time C. a clock D. o’clock ( ) 6. A. them B. they C. it D. its ( ) 7. A. good B. unhealthy C. healthy D. interesting ( ) 8. A. she’s B. she’d C. he’d D. he's ( ) 9. A. Or B. So C. And D. For ( ) 10. A. any B. some C. many D. a lot ( ) Ⅷ.阅读判断 The Noodle House has really good noodles. They are cheap, and they are great! You can get small, medium, or large bowls of noodles. The Noodle House has some specials. Special 1 has beef and tomatoes and is only?5. Special 2 has mutton and cabbage. It is?6. Special 3 has chicken and carrots. It's only ?8. I like it best. You can get some other great food at the Noodle House. For example, you can get 16dumplings for ?11. You can get great desserts! You can get strawberry, banana and orange ice-cream. They are all nice! Try the Noodle House soon! 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. The noodles in the Noodle House are cheap and great. ( )2. There are three kinds of bowls of noodles. ( )3. Special 2 has beef and tomatoes and is only ?5. ( )4. You can get 16 dumplings for ?11. ( )5. You can get chocolate ice-cream at the Noodle House. 参考答案 Ⅰ.短文填空 1. taking their order 2. some tomatoes 3. one/a large bowl of 4. mutton noodles 5. potatoes and cabbage Ⅱ.根据图片及首字母提示完成单词 1. carrots 2. Tomatoes 3. chicken 4. noodles 5. cabbage Ⅲ.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1. size 2.yet 3. special 4. potatoes 5. bowl Ⅳ.单项选择 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C V.按要求完成句子 1. There isn't any/There is no 2. What size 3. What kind of 4. would like to buy 5. are some tomatoes Ⅵ.补全对话 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. F Ⅶ.完形填空 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A Ⅷ.阅读判断 (T )1 (T )2. (F )3. (T )4. ( F )5.

  • ID:4-20580136 Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!重点词汇、语法自测(含答案) 2024-2025学年人教版英语九年级全册

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/九年级全册/Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!/本单元复习与测试

    11112500108585001217930012522200U13重点词汇、短语练习题 一、单项选择 1. Father’s love seems like _______ mountain. He always hides love deep at _______ bottom of his heart. A. the; a B. /; the C. a; the D. a; / -95885240665 2. Which of the following shows that you can put your waste there? ______ A. B. C. D. 3. We need to tell people to just do one small thing well _______ 100 things poorly. A. as well as B. instead of C. according to D. because of 4. —Peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team. —His height gives him a big ________. A. situation B. challenge C. achievement D. advantage 5. —Wow, your sweater is beautiful! How much is it? —Thank you. It ______ me 30 dollars. A. spent B. paid C. cost D. took 6. —Dropping litter is really ______ to our environment. —I think so. We should put it in the proper bins. A. meaningless B. helpful C. friendly D. harmful 7. We need to guard _______ any possible danger around us. A. for B. over C. with D. against 8. —Sam, let’s ______ these old things. I don’t need them anymore. —No. We can try to put them to good use. A. fix up B. hand out C. throw away D. pull down 9. —Tommy, do you often throw away things you don’t need anymore? —No. Actually, they should be _______. Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind. A. taken good care of B. brought good luck to C. put to good use 10. —Why was Jim late for work this morning? —He _______ got up late. A. nearly B. gradually C. hardly D. probably 11. The old building is dangerous. It should be _______ right away. A. pulled down B. pulled back C. pulled in D. pulled away 12. —I hear the Drawing Club was _______ in our school last week. Shall we join it? —Good idea. Let’s go. A. put up B. picked up C. taken up D. set up 13. —Why could you write so well? —I read a lot and the ______ of Ernest Hemingway had a strong ______ on me as a child. A. work; attention B. works; explanation C. work; situation D. works; influence 14. I can’t believe you made the life-like cat out of paper. How _______ you are! A. loyal B. creative C. helpful D. organized 二、根据句意及提示完成句子 1. A Christmas Carol was written to make every reader think about how they could make a ____________ (different ) to their society. 2. ___________ (污染) is becoming more and more serious with the rapid development of industry. 3. I never take _________ /'w?dn/ chopsticks when I buy takeaway food. 4. The charity is trying to help those who can’t _________ (have enough money to pay for something) medical treatment. 5. I __________________ (learn) English since I was in Grade 3. 6. These tips are _________ to improve your social skills. Why not take them? (use) 7. No matter how c___________ the reality may be, we should never give up. 8. Jim is no _________ (long) afraid of making new friends at school now. 9. Our government made some _________ (法律) to care about the left-behind kids. 10. We have done a lot of s___________ research on this subject and it turns out that we are right. 11. Most of the rubbish in this town _______________ (recycle) every day through a rainbow recycling system. 12. Tom bought a toy car yesterday. The wheels of it ___________________ (是由木头制成的). 13. Sweet memories were b___________ back when I saw these old things. U13重点语法练习题 一、单项选择 1. —We need more time to see how things develop before we _______. —I agree with you. A. take after B. take action C. take turns D. take away 2. —What’s that noise, Tom? —Oh, some children _______ in the yard. A. play B. are playing C. played D. will play 3. —Jim, I’ve got a problem with my car. Could you help me? —Sorry, not right now. I ______ a short video. A. make B. have made C. am making D. was making 4. —The coffee’s finished! —Oh, sorry! I _______ to the shop to get some. A. am going B. was going C. went D. have gone 5. This book must be great. My sister _______ it five times. A. reads B. has read C. is reading D. was reading 6. —Sally, I _______ the picture already. —Wow, truly beautiful! A. finish B. have finished C. was finishing 7. We _______ each other since we met in the last summer camp. A. won’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see 8. I _______ China for three months and this is the first time I’ve tried on hanfu. A. have gone to B. have been to C. have arrived in D. have been in 9. —Bruce _______ so much in the past two years. —Yeah, he _______ be shy, but now he is confident and active. A. has changed; used to B. changed; is used to C. changed; used to D. has changed; is used to 10. The teachers used to _______ key points on the blackboard, but now they are getting used to _______ them through PPTs. A. write; showing B. writing; show C. write; show 11. If we ________ find a better way, we’ll finish the job faster. A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t 12. —Jack, could you please help me take out the trash? —Sorry, ? ______, Mom. I ______ my homework now. A. couldn’t; am doing B. can’t; am doing C. can’t; do 13. Earthquakes can be very dangerous. We _______ learn to protect ourselves. A. might B. should C. could D. would 14. When our parents become too old to take care of themselves one day, they _______ be looked after well by us. A. should B. shouldn’t C. may D. may not 15. —________ people wear helmets (头盔) when riding electric bicycles? —Yes. It’s a new traffic rule. A. Can B. Must C. May 16. Students _______ play with fire in the classroom. It’s quite dangerous. A. mustn’t B. must C. couldn’t D. could 17. —The paper cutting is pretty lively. Who made it? —It _______ be Mary. None of us except her is able to do it. A. can B. must C. need D. might 18. Your answer _______ be right, but I’m going to check to make sure. A. can’t B. might C. must 19. —Who is playing the piano in the music room? Is it Mary? —No, it _____ be her. She has _____ to Beijing on business. A. couldn’t; been B. can’t; gone C. can’t; been D. mustn’t; gone 20. A great number of beautiful flowers ________ on the second ring road in Chengdu these days. A. plant B. are planted C. are planting 21. Hou Yi _______ magic medicine for shooting down the nine suns, then Pang Meng tried to steal it. A. gives B. has given C. gave D. was given 22. —I often see Peter’s father play basketball on my way to school. —That’s not strange. Not only Peter but also his father _______ sports. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoyed D. was enjoyed 23. In our school library, there _______ a number of books on art. The number of the books _______ still growing larger and larger. A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are 二、按要求完成句子 1. 凯特计划参加学校科学日活动。 Kate was planning to ______ ______ ______ the activities on the school Science Day. 2.你离开房间时必须关灯。 You must __________ _________ the lights when you leave a room. 3.如果你把所有的数字加起来,你就会得到100。 If you _________ _________ all these numbers, you will get 100. 4.His brother joined the army three years ago.(改为同义句) His brother _________ _________ in the army for three years. 5.他过去特别安静。 He __________ __________ be really quiet. 6.每个人都应该在让小清河更干净和更清澈方面发挥作用。 Everyone should _________ _________ _________ _________ making Xiaoqing River cleaner and clearer. 7.为了孩子们的发展,应该减少他们周末的学习课程。(cut) For children’s development, their courses on weekends should __________________. 8.古代人用石头建造了这座塔。 The ancient people ________ this tower ________ ________ stone. 9.格列佛发现一只船倒着漂在水上。 Gulliver found a boat ________ floating ________ ________ on the water. 10.几年前,成立这个小组是为了保护濒危野生动物。(set) A few years ago, this group __________________ to protect endangered wild animals. 答案:U13重要词汇短语练习题 一、1-5 CBBDC 6-10 DDCCD 11-14 ADDB 二、1-5 difference, Pollution, wooden, afford, have learned 6-10 used, ruel, longer, laws, cientific 11-13 is recycled, are made of wood, rought U13重要语法练习题 一、1-5 BBCAB 6-10 BBDAA 11-15 ABBAB 16-20 ABBBB 21-23 DBB 二、 1 take part in 2 turn off 3 add up 4 has been 5 used to 6 play a part in 7 be cut down 8 built out of 9 was upside down 10 was set up

  • ID:4-20580136 Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!重点词汇、语法自测(含答案) 2024-2025学年人教版英语九年级全册

    初中英语/人教新目标(Go for it)版/九年级全册/Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!/本单元复习与测试

    11112500108585001217930012522200U13重点词汇、短语练习题 一、单项选择 1. Father’s love seems like _______ mountain. He always hides love deep at _______ bottom of his heart. A. the; a B. /; the C. a; the D. a; / -95885240665 2. Which of the following shows that you can put your waste there? ______ A. B. C. D. 3. We need to tell people to just do one small thing well _______ 100 things poorly. A. as well as B. instead of C. according to D. because of 4. —Peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team. —His height gives him a big ________. A. situation B. challenge C. achievement D. advantage 5. —Wow, your sweater is beautiful! How much is it? —Thank you. It ______ me 30 dollars. A. spent B. paid C. cost D. took 6. —Dropping litter is really ______ to our environment. —I think so. We should put it in the proper bins. A. meaningless B. helpful C. friendly D. harmful 7. We need to guard _______ any possible danger around us. A. for B. over C. with D. against 8. —Sam, let’s ______ these old things. I don’t need them anymore. —No. We can try to put them to good use. A. fix up B. hand out C. throw away D. pull down 9. —Tommy, do you often throw away things you don’t need anymore? —No. Actually, they should be _______. Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind. A. taken good care of B. brought good luck to C. put to good use 10. —Why was Jim late for work this morning? —He _______ got up late. A. nearly B. gradually C. hardly D. probably 11. The old building is dangerous. It should be _______ right away. A. pulled down B. pulled back C. pulled in D. pulled away 12. —I hear the Drawing Club was _______ in our school last week. Shall we join it? —Good idea. Let’s go. A. put up B. picked up C. taken up D. set up 13. —Why could you write so well? —I read a lot and the ______ of Ernest Hemingway had a strong ______ on me as a child. A. work; attention B. works; explanation C. work; situation D. works; influence 14. I can’t believe you made the life-like cat out of paper. How _______ you are! A. loyal B. creative C. helpful D. organized 二、根据句意及提示完成句子 1. A Christmas Carol was written to make every reader think about how they could make a ____________ (different ) to their society. 2. ___________ (污染) is becoming more and more serious with the rapid development of industry. 3. I never take _________ /'w?dn/ chopsticks when I buy takeaway food. 4. The charity is trying to help those who can’t _________ (have enough money to pay for something) medical treatment. 5. I __________________ (learn) English since I was in Grade 3. 6. These tips are _________ to improve your social skills. Why not take them? (use) 7. No matter how c___________ the reality may be, we should never give up. 8. Jim is no _________ (long) afraid of making new friends at school now. 9. Our government made some _________ (法律) to care about the left-behind kids. 10. We have done a lot of s___________ research on this subject and it turns out that we are right. 11. Most of the rubbish in this town _______________ (recycle) every day through a rainbow recycling system. 12. Tom bought a toy car yesterday. The wheels of it ___________________ (是由木头制成的). 13. Sweet memories were b___________ back when I saw these old things. U13重点语法练习题 一、单项选择 1. —We need more time to see how things develop before we _______. —I agree with you. A. take after B. take action C. take turns D. take away 2. —What’s that noise, Tom? —Oh, some children _______ in the yard. A. play B. are playing C. played D. will play 3. —Jim, I’ve got a problem with my car. Could you help me? —Sorry, not right now. I ______ a short video. A. make B. have made C. am making D. was making 4. —The coffee’s finished! —Oh, sorry! I _______ to the shop to get some. A. am going B. was going C. went D. have gone 5. This book must be great. My sister _______ it five times. A. reads B. has read C. is reading D. was reading 6. —Sally, I _______ the picture already. —Wow, truly beautiful! A. finish B. have finished C. was finishing 7. We _______ each other since we met in the last summer camp. A. won’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see 8. I _______ China for three months and this is the first time I’ve tried on hanfu. A. have gone to B. have been to C. have arrived in D. have been in 9. —Bruce _______ so much in the past two years. —Yeah, he _______ be shy, but now he is confident and active. A. has changed; used to B. changed; is used to C. changed; used to D. has changed; is used to 10. The teachers used to _______ key points on the blackboard, but now they are getting used to _______ them through PPTs. A. write; showing B. writing; show C. write; show 11. If we ________ find a better way, we’ll finish the job faster. A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t 12. —Jack, could you please help me take out the trash? —Sorry, ? ______, Mom. I ______ my homework now. A. couldn’t; am doing B. can’t; am doing C. can’t; do 13. Earthquakes can be very dangerous. We _______ learn to protect ourselves. A. might B. should C. could D. would 14. When our parents become too old to take care of themselves one day, they _______ be looked after well by us. A. should B. shouldn’t C. may D. may not 15. —________ people wear helmets (头盔) when riding electric bicycles? —Yes. It’s a new traffic rule. A. Can B. Must C. May 16. Students _______ play with fire in the classroom. It’s quite dangerous. A. mustn’t B. must C. couldn’t D. could 17. —The paper cutting is pretty lively. Who made it? —It _______ be Mary. None of us except her is able to do it. A. can B. must C. need D. might 18. Your answer _______ be right, but I’m going to check to make sure. A. can’t B. might C. must 19. —Who is playing the piano in the music room? Is it Mary? —No, it _____ be her. She has _____ to Beijing on business. A. couldn’t; been B. can’t; gone C. can’t; been D. mustn’t; gone 20. A great number of beautiful flowers ________ on the second ring road in Chengdu these days. A. plant B. are planted C. are planting 21. Hou Yi _______ magic medicine for shooting down the nine suns, then Pang Meng tried to steal it. A. gives B. has given C. gave D. was given 22. —I often see Peter’s father play basketball on my way to school. —That’s not strange. Not only Peter but also his father _______ sports. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoyed D. was enjoyed 23. In our school library, there _______ a number of books on art. The number of the books _______ still growing larger and larger. A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are 二、按要求完成句子 1. 凯特计划参加学校科学日活动。 Kate was planning to ______ ______ ______ the activities on the school Science Day. 2.你离开房间时必须关灯。 You must __________ _________ the lights when you leave a room. 3.如果你把所有的数字加起来,你就会得到100。 If you _________ _________ all these numbers, you will get 100. 4.His brother joined the army three years ago.(改为同义句) His brother _________ _________ in the army for three years. 5.他过去特别安静。 He __________ __________ be really quiet. 6.每个人都应该在让小清河更干净和更清澈方面发挥作用。 Everyone should _________ _________ _________ _________ making Xiaoqing River cleaner and clearer. 7.为了孩子们的发展,应该减少他们周末的学习课程。(cut) For children’s development, their courses on weekends should __________________. 8.古代人用石头建造了这座塔。 The ancient people ________ this tower ________ ________ stone. 9.格列佛发现一只船倒着漂在水上。 Gulliver found a boat ________ floating ________ ________ on the water. 10.几年前,成立这个小组是为了保护濒危野生动物。(set) A few years ago, this group __________________ to protect endangered wild animals. 答案:U13重要词汇短语练习题 一、1-5 CBBDC 6-10 DDCCD 11-14 ADDB 二、1-5 difference, Pollution, wooden, afford, have learned 6-10 used, ruel, longer, laws, cientific 11-13 is recycled, are made of wood, rought U13重要语法练习题 一、1-5 BBCAB 6-10 BBDAA 11-15 ABBAB 16-20 ABBBB 21-23 DBB 二、 1 take part in 2 turn off 3 add up 4 has been 5 used to 6 play a part in 7 be cut down 8 built out of 9 was upside down 10 was set up