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中英双语新闻阅读素材:三孩生育配套政策落地等3则(含笔记) >Measures to support third-child policy三孩生育配套政策落地 A document issued on Tuesday spells out the specific measures to implement the policy decision of the central authorities on May 31 to allow all couples to have a third child, as the country faces the continuous challenges of a graying society and a decreasing birthrate. 5月31日,中央政治局决定实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女的政策,以应对老龄化社会和生育率下降带来的持续挑战。 The document,?issued by?the Communist Party of China Central Committee?and?the State?Council,?said the government will no longer charge a fine for couples who violate the family planning law to have more children than they are allowed.? 7月20日,中共中央、国务院正式发布文件,三孩生育配套政策落地。 How many children an individual has (名词性主语从句)will no longer be a reference when he or she registers for a household account,?enrolls in school,?and applies for a job, the document said.? 文件提出,取消社会抚养费,将入户、入学、入职等与个人生育情况全面脱钩。 The document also asked?local governments to streamline the handling of matters, such as the issuing of birth certificates, vaccinations for newborn babies and applications for social security cards.?推进出生医学证明、儿童预防接种、社保卡申领等"出生一件事"联办。 The decision proposed?measures to provide affordable nursing services and reduce the cost of births and the care and education of children. 文件提出,建设普惠托育服务体系,降低生育、养育、教育成本。 笔记: ?provide?affordable?nursing services:建设普惠托育服务体系 social security cards:社保卡 streamline the handling of matters:简化办事流程 birth certificates :出生医学证明 registers for a household account:户口登记 a graying society:老龄化社会 a decreasing birthrate :逐渐下降的出生率 >Human test spaceflight completed蓝色起源完成载人太空试飞 US aerospace company Blue Origin completed its first test spaceflight with founder Jeff Bezos onboard, marking a giant leap forward for the company's commercial suborbital spaceflight tourism ambitions.? 美国航天公司蓝色起源完成首次载人太空试飞。该公司创始人杰夫?贝索斯参与此次试飞。这标志着该公司的亚轨道商业太空旅行计划取得重大突破。 笔记: 1.marking a giant leap forward for:(在什么方面)取得重大突破 同义词组:Surgeons have?made?major?beakthroughs in?kidney?transplantation. 外科医生们在肾移植方面取得重大突破。 2. suborbital:sub副的+orbital轨道=亚轨道 词根记单词:subcenter:分中心;subtitles:副标题;subtropi :副热带的 3. aerospace :aero航空的、飞机的+space空间=航空航天技术、宇宙空间 例句:Aerospace is a new field for us to explore. 宇宙空间是我们要探索的一个新领域。 The company's?spacecraft?New Shepard lifted off at about 8:12 am Central Time on Tuesday from its West Texas test site. Four people flew onboard New Shepard, including Bezos, his brother Mark Bezos,?former American aviator?Wally Funk and Blue Origin's first paying customer, Oliver Daemen.? 美国中部时间7月20日8时12分,"新谢泼德"飞行器从美国得克萨斯州西部一处发射场升空,该飞行器此次共运载4人,除贝索斯外,另外3人分别是贝索斯的弟弟马克?贝索斯、美国前女飞行员沃利?芬克以及蓝色起源公司接待的首位付费太空游客奥利弗?德门。 笔记: lift off:(火箭)发射(lift举起来+off离开)、飞机起飞 The vehicle?was launched to?an altitude of about 100 kilometers from Earth, where the passengers experienced several minutes of weightlessness. The entire flight lasted?roughly?10 minutes. 飞行器由运载火箭送至距地面约100千米处的地球亚轨道,乘客们体验到了数分钟的失重状态。整个飞行持续约10分钟。 笔记: ...?Earth,?where(=on the which)?the passengers experienced several minutes of weightlessness. 这句中,副词where在非限制性定语从句中作地点状语,指代主句中表示地点的词语。 非限制性定从出现的特征是:,+关系副词(where,when,which等)。