
类型: 素材

埃里克森医院致电队友 在丹麦对芬兰一战,埃里克森突然倒地的一幕令人震惊。在一度昏厥之后,埃里克森被送往医院,丹麦足协主席透露,埃里克森在医院致电队友,要求他们继续比赛。 Christian Eriksen sent greetings to his Danish teammates from hospital where he is recovering after collapsing on the pitch during his team's opening Euro 2020 match against Finland. collapse? v. 倒塌, 晕倒 "This morning we have spoken to Christian Eriksen, who has sent his greetings to his teammates. His condition is stable, and he continues to be hospitalized for further examination," the Danish Football Association said on Sunday. Eriksen collapsed during Saturday's game in Copenhagen. He fell to the ground during a throw-in, shortly before the end of the first half. The match was suspended following prolonged efforts from the medical staff to resuscitate Eriksen with CPR and a defibrillator. suspend? v. 暂停; 终止 prolonged? adj.持久的,长期的 resuscitate? v.使复苏 defibrillator? n.(心脏)除颤器 UEFA later announced that the match would resume. When the match restarted, Finland won 1-0 thanks to a 59th minute goal from Joel Pohjanpalo. "We would like to thank everyone for the heartfelt greetings to Christian Eriksen from fans, players, the Royal Families from both Denmark and England, international associations, clubs, etc.," the Danish FA also said in Sunday's statement. "We encourage everyone to send their greetings to the Danish FA, where we will make sure they are passed on to Christain and his family," the statement added.? After he collapsed, Eriksen's Danish teammates formed a wall around him to protect the Inter Milan star from view as he was receiving treatment. Players from both teams, as well as fans in the stadium, were visibly distressed as Eriksen was being attended to by medics. distressed? a.难过的; 痛苦的 attend to 处理; 照料 埃里克森医院致电队友 在丹麦对芬兰一战,埃里克森突然倒地的一幕令人震惊。在一度昏厥之后,埃里克森被送往医院,丹麦足协主席透露,埃里克森在医院致电队友,要求他们继续比赛。 Christian Eriksen sent greetings to his Danish teammates from hospital where he is recovering after collapsing on the pitch during his team's opening Euro 2020 match against Finland. collapse? v. 倒塌, 晕倒 "This morning we have spoken to Christian Eriksen, who has sent his greetings to his teammates. His condition is stable, and he continues to be hospitalized for further examination," the Danish Football Association said on Sunday. Eriksen collapsed during Saturday's game in Copenhagen. He fell to the ground during a throw-in, shortly before the end of the first half. The match was suspended following prolonged efforts from the medical staff to resuscitate Eriksen with CPR and a defibrillator. suspend? v. 暂停; 终止 prolonged? adj.持久的,长期的 resuscitate? v.使复苏 defibrillator? n.(心脏)除颤器 UEFA later announced that the match would resume. When the match restarted, Finland won 1-0 thanks to a 59th minute goal from Joel Pohjanpalo. "We would like to thank everyone for the heartfelt greetings to Christian Eriksen from fans, players, the Royal Families from both Denmark and England, international associations, clubs, etc.," the Danish FA also said in Sunday's statement. "We encourage everyone to send their greetings to the Danish FA, where we will make sure they are passed on to Christain and his family," the statement added.? After he collapsed, Eriksen's Danish teammates formed a wall around him to protect the Inter Milan star from view as he was receiving treatment. Players from both teams, as well as fans in the stadium, were visibly distressed as Eriksen was being attended to by medics. distressed? a.难过的; 痛苦的 attend to 处理; 照料