Cooking Potions游戏课件(共15张PPT)

类型: 课件

SPELLING GAME Click on the right picture Let’s see. I need something beginning with E NEXT Yes, I need an EYE Click on the right picture Now I need something beginning with S NEXT Yes, I need a SPIDER Click on the right picture OK, I need something beginning with D NEXT Yes, I need a DRAGONFLY Click on the right picture Well, I need something beginning with F NEXT Yes, I need a FROG Click on the right picture Let’s see, I need something beginning with O NEXT Yes, I need an OCTOPUS Click on the right picture OK, I need something beginning with L NEXT Yes, I need a LIZARD Click on the right picture Well, I need something beginning with A NEXT Yes, I need an APPLE Click on the right picture Now, I need something beginning with H NEXT Yes, I need a HEART Click on the right picture Good, I need something beginning with P NEXT Yes, I need a PUMPKIN Click on the right picture Good, I need something beginning with W NEXT Yes, I need a WORM Click on the right picture Let’s see, I need something beginning with B NEXT Yes, I need a BONE Click on the right picture Finally, I need something beginning with T NEXT Yes, I need a TOOTH The potion is ready. Would you like to try it? 添加微信领取更多PPT