Unit 4 Keeping Clean More reading and writing 课件(共14张PPT)

类型: 课件

Unit 4 Keeping Clean More reading and wrting ………………………………… 单元新知 More reading and writing Look, listen, and read. 1 Old London and London Today In the old days, London was a city with dirty air. Today the air in London is better and clean. The sky is clear on a sunny day! More reading and writing There are many old buildings in London. Today new buildings are side by side with the old buildings. Together, they make London a beautiful city. More reading and writing Look at the Thames River. The lights are bright at night. In the old days, there were lots of small boats on the river. Now you see big ships. More reading and writing London Bridge is famous all over the world. Can tall ships go under this bridges? Yes, the bridge can open for big ships. It's amazing! Read again. Answer the questions. 2 1 Is the air in London usually dirty now? __________________________________________ 2 Which river runs in London? __________________________________________ 3 How can tall ships go under London Bridge? __________________________________________ No, it isn't. The Thames River. The bridge can open for tall ships. Look, read, and compare. Mark the correct letter by the picture. 3 A B C D Noodles, meat, and vegetables were cheap. There are lots of children's books and music CDs. Noodles, meat, and vegetables are expensive. There were not many children's books or music CDs. 1 2 128 children's books no music CDs 387 children's books 130 music CDs D B 3 4 128 children's books no music CDs 387 children's books 130 music CDs C A 随堂练习 1. There are many ______ (old/new)buildings in London. 2. Today the air in London is better and ______ (dirty/clean). 3. In the old days, there were lots of ______(small/big)boats on the river. 4. ______(Short/Tall)ships can go under the London Bridge. 选词填空。 old clean small Tall 课后作业 朗读More reading and wrting 文章。