Unit 4 Keeping Clean Vocabulary & Target 课件(共24张PPT)

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Unit 4 Keeping Clean Vocabulary & Target ………………………………… 单元新知 warm 暖和的 例句 It is very warm in spring. 春天很暖和。 单元新词 巧记 w+arm(手臂)=warm(暖和的) 联想 形近词:arm(名词)农场 cool 凉爽的 例句 It is cool in autumn. 秋天很凉爽。 联想 对应词:warm(形容词)暖和的 单元新词 wet 潮湿的 例句 It is wet in summer here. 这里夏天很潮湿。 联想 反义词:dry(形容词)干燥的 单元新词 dry 干燥的 例句 It is cold and dry. 天气又冷又干燥。 联想 形近词:try(动词)尝试 反义词:wet(形容词)潮湿的 单元新词 clean 干净的 例句 We have a clean classroom. 我们有一个干净的教室。 联想 clean(动词)清理 单元新词 dirty 肮脏的 例句 My clothes are dirty. 我的衣服脏了。 联想 dirty(动词)弄脏 单元新词 tidy 整洁的 例句 Your bathroom is clean and tidy. 你的洗漱间既干净又整洁。 联想 反义词:messy(形容词)凌乱的 单元新词 messy 凌乱的 例句 Please clean your messy room. 请清理一下你凌乱的房间。 联想 mess(名词)混乱 单元新词 单词检测 老师读单词,大家一起跟着读,并说出动词原形。 tidy dirty clean dry wet cool warm messy Vocabulary Listen and say. warm wet clean tidy cool dry dirty messy Bonus am, is was are were Target Listen and say. What was your bedroom like this morning? It was messy. Is it tidy now? Yes, it is. My books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now. 两人一组,运用下面句型进行对话练习。 结对练习 A: What was your bedroom like this morning? B: It was ____________. A: Is it __________ now? B: ____________. 结对练习 A: What was your bedroom like this morning? B: It was ________. A: Is it _______ now? B: ___________________. 提示图片: messy Yes, it is tidy 结对练习 A: What were your shoes like this morning? B: They were ________. A: Are they ________ now? B: ___________________. 提示图片: dirty Yes, they are clean 随堂练习 一、汉译英 1. 暖和的 _________ 2. 凉爽的 _________ 3. 潮湿的 _________ 4. 干燥的 _________ 5. 干净的 _________ 6. 肮脏的 _________ 7. 整洁的 _________ 8. 凌乱的 _________ warm cool wet dry clean dirty tidy messy 二、根据上下文,从方框内选词填空。 like A: __________ was your bedroom__________ this morning? B: It __________ messy. A: Is it __________ now? B: Yes, it is. My books __________ on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now. was tidy What were What like was tidy were 课时小结 重点单词 重点句子 —What was your bedroom like this morning? —It was messy. warm wet clean tidy cool dry dirty messy —Is it tidy now? —Yes, it is. 课后作业 熟记本单元所学单词、句型。