2024年中考英语专题复习 任务型阅读18篇(浙江省2023年中考真题+2024名校最新模拟)含解析

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2024年中考英语专题复习 任务型阅读18篇 (浙江省2023年中考真题 2024名校最新模拟) (2023·浙江湖州·中考真题)假设你是某视频网站的博主Grace,正在回复网友提出的有关短视频拍摄的问题,请根据“5 tips for making online videos”,补全1-4题的信息,每空一词。 1 2 3 4 (2023·浙江衢州·中考真题)阅读下面材料,根据文中信息为学校主题活动“Bright Eyes, Bright Views”制作一张英文海报,完成以下任务。 任务A:补全第1-4题的信息。每空限填一词。 任务B:写一个句子,完成第5题。不超过15个词。 To see the world around us, we use our eyes. Our eyes are very clever. Each eye catches a different picture, so we can have a 3D picture of what we see. Our eyes can help us to see things that are a very long way away or very close. We can see well when it is bright or dark. Being able to see well is really important. We do things every day with eyes. If we couldn’t see well, it would be very dangerous. Our eye is made up of different parts. In the middle of the eye is the pupil that lets in light. The coloured part is called the iris, which helps the pupil open and close. The eyelid can stop the eyeball from being dry and protect it. The eyelashes keep dirt and other things away from our eyes. Our eyes will not work so well when we don’t use them properly. So it’s very necessary for us to take good care of our eyes. There are many things we can do to protect them. For example, it’s good for us to get our eyes checked at least twice a year. Our eyes are amazing and are working hard every second we are awake. Be kind to our eyes! Bright Eyes, Bright ViewsSee the world with our eyes ● Our eyes are clever. Each eye sees a 5 picture and helps form a 3D picture. ● Our eyes are important. They help us do a lot of things safely every day. Know about our eyes 1. The Pupil—the part in the center of the eye that lets in 6 . 2. The Iris—the coloured part that helps the pupil 7 and close. 3. The Eyelid—it keeps the eyeball 8 and protects the eyeball. 4. The Eyelashes—they stop dirt and other things from getting into our eyes. Look after our eyes● Check our eyes at least twice a year. ● 9 (2023·浙江丽水·中考真题)Write a Screenplay 同学们,你们尝试过剧本写作吗? 其实剧本的格式与其他文本大有不同。请阅读Part A的剧本范例及格式说明,然后完成Part B的任务。 Part A Part B 请根据下列短文信息,补全对应剧本中第1~5小题的信息。注意: 第3和4小题不得超过六词,其他小题每空限填一词。 “How much further? It’s 10 p.m. already,” asked Anna in tiredness. “Can’t imagine we’ll be home until midnight,” replied Bob, turning on the car radio. The announcer(播音员)sounded worried. “Attention! A heavy rainstorm is on the way to the area. If you are not at home, please get home as soon as possible.” SCENE 1. CAR. 10 . ANNA, a young woman, and her husband BOB drive home. They look tired. ANNA (to 11 ) 12 It’s 10 p.m. already. BOB Can’t imagine well be home until midnight. He 13 . RADIO ANNOUNCER ( 14 ) Attention! A heavy rainstorm is on the way to the area. If you are not at home, please get home as soon as possible. (2023·浙江温州·中考真题) I was travelling on a British ship from India to London in 1905. Among all the passengers, no one would fail to notice Padishah, an Indian businessman. From the moment he got on the ship, he kept showing off the diamond on his turban. The big diamond successfully attracted attention, including that of the five ostriches on the deck. One morning, as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed his diamond suddenly. The bird ran around and mixed itself with the others in no time. “Whose are these stupid ostriches? I want my diamond back!” Padishah shouted angrily. People began to crowd on the deck. I was among the first to arrive. I didn’t feel half sorry for the man as he was asking everyone what to do for the diamond’s return. Word swept across the ship about the accident, reaching a man named Potter. After lunch in the hall, Potter went to Padishah and claimed, “I’ve contacted the ostriches’ owner in London. He accepted my offer for all five and now I am the owner. I have the right to keep the birds and the diamond inside.” I thought Potter was rather smart and regretted deeply at a lost chance. Padishah was so upset and blurted, “There’s no way you can get my diamond,” he continued as he got calmer. “I can offer you 100 pounds for the birds.” Potter simply refused and left. After a while, Potter came back to the hall with a sly smile. He announced that he wanted to sell four birds separately to separate people by auction. The starting price was 80 for a bird. One of them, he would keep for himself. Before the crowd realised what was happening, a diamond businessman got one bird for 100 pounds. The prices for the following birds rose higher and higher. After the fourth being sold, Padishah got half mad, not knowing what to do. Potter seemed suddenly sorry and said, “I should have kept them all. But... Trust me! The last bird must be the one.” I stared at the last bird for quite a while and asked Potter for a private conversation. After a long talk, I finally got the bird for 700 pounds.______ The next morning, I was waiting in line to get off the ship, picturing the amazing future life in mind. Then, I saw Padishah and Potter walk arm in arm on the shore, just like old friends. At that moment, I learnt a lesson worth a diamond. 15.What happened to Padishah on the deck? A.He was hurt by a passenger. B.He failed to get others’ attention. C.People shouted angrily at him. D.An ostrich took away his diamond. 16.Potter came back to the hall to ______. A.say sorry to Padishah B.tell people he was the new owner C.sell ostriches at high prices D.talk with the diamond businessman 17.Which of the following can he put into ______ in Paragraph 8? A.How worried I was! B.What a great deal it was! C.How upset Padishah was! D.What an honest man Potter was! 18.What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?(请用约40词回答) (2023·浙江绍兴·中考真题)阅读下面材料,从所给的A—E五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入1-4题,并回答第5题。 A Guide to Have More Fun When is the last time you had fun? Felt truly happy? If you’re making efforts not to be bored in your life, we’ll offer you expert advice on how to have more fun. ◎Find a new hobby. You may not be having as much as you want because you feel like you’re doing the same old thing day after day. 1 It will not only provide something to look forward to in your daily life, but it will also make you more open to new ideas. ◎ 2 Experts suggest that music helps reduce (减少) stress and improves your feelings. Every time you feel stressed, turn on a song you like to reduce your stress. By doing so, you’ll make it a part of your daily activities which will improve your feelings. ◎Take a trip together. Travel is great for your mental health. 3 And try to improve your relationships with the people you travel with. Travel doesn’t have to be big or expensive either. It can be as simple as taking a road trip just a few hours away. ◎ 4 You won’t seriously influence your productivity if you take the time to enjoy a little game once in a while. Even just playing with silly putty while you’re at your desk will make your study day a little more enjoyable. Even busy with your study, it’s still important to find time for fun. It makes your life not so boring and offers lots of health benefits like less stress, better memory and more energy. A.Listen to music. B.Play some games. C. Stay alone at home. D.Get a change of scene. E. Try a new activity you love. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.What else can you do to have more fun? (2023·浙江金华·中考真题)阅读下列短文,在空白处填入与短文内容相符的信息,完成阅读摘记。每空不得超过三个词。 Welcome to Jinhua Science and Technology Museum! The museum covers 11,000 square meters, with four theme exhibition halls for you to explore. So far, more than 500, 000 people have paid a visit since it was open in 2020. Here follows what you can see and do. Life and Development The first floor exhibition hall focuses on Life and Development. Here, you can learn about the origin and development of life, for example, how our brain is developing. You can also enjoy some pictures about the animals that have disappeared. Exploration and Discovery If you are interested in physics, the second floor is a good choice. It offers a good chance to do some hands-on activities. Some physics experiments are also allowed, which help you better understand different scientific phenomena(现象). Design and Intelligence Robot fans will surely be attracted by different robots on the third floor. Amazingly, the robots can draw, dance and even play the piano for you. Of course, you can also play games with them. Earth and Universe The hall on the fourth floor is about Earth and Universe, where you can experience kinds of activities about universe exploration(探索). The records of space exploration will give you a strong feeling of pride. More fun is waiting for you! We are open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Wednesday to Sunday, closed on Monday and Tuesday (except holidays and festivals). And we stop receiving visitors by 4:00 pm. Welcome to book your free tickets and visit us. For more information, please call us at 0579—82872222. Jinhua Science and Technology Museum ◆Size: It covers 1 . ◆History: It has been open for over two years. ◆Opening time: It opens for five days a week. ◆Ticket price: Enter the museum 2 . ◆Telephone: Call 0579- 82872222 for more information. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. (2023·浙江·中考真题)第一节 阅读以下材料,然后从下面方框中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出符合各部分信息的问句(其中一项为多余选项) ,完成各题。 GALLANT KIDS How to Make a Difference Liam’s Lunches of LoveLiam Hannon was only ten when he started handing out free lunches to people who were hungry. With help from his family and other supporters, he hands out 75 to 100 lunches three times a month. We asked Liam to tell us about it. Q: 1 A: Four summers ago, I didn’t want to go to camp. Instead, I did an online treasure-hunt program. My first task was to do something to help homeless people, and I got the idea of making them lunch. Q: What’s the best part about what you do? A: I’d say meeting the people. They’re real people who just need a little kindness in their lives. Some of them have become friends of our family. Q: 2 A: I want to tell them to do something they enjoy. And get help from friends and family. I invite my friends to help with lunches, and almost every time, they’ve come and given out lunches with me and my dad. EDITOR’S(编者) NOTE 3 First, think what needs to be improved. By doing this, you may see steps you can take towards that goal. Many people don’t give a start because they want to make a HUGE difference. But actions and results don’t have to be huge to be meaningful. Take Liam, for example. His goal was not to solve the problem but to help. So he did. For the people who got those lunches, he made things better. Share your ideas with a parent. Every helpful act you do, no matter how small, makes the world better! A.How can you make the world a better one? B.What do you like doing in your spare time? C. How did you get the idea of making free lunches? D.What would you tell other kids who want to make a difference? 29. 30. 31. 32.What can you do to make a difference? Why? (2024·浙江金华·一模)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并回答问题。选项中有一项为多余选项。 When we talk about science fiction (科幻小说), many people will mention Isaac Asimov, one of the “Big Three” sci-fi writers (along with Robert A.Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke). ____1____ When Asimov was three years old, he moved to New York City with his family. Though it was more difficult than they had expected, his father managed to buy a candy store. It turned out to be a big influence on Asimov’s future. As Asimov worked long hours in the store, he noticed that the sci-fi magazines kept drawing customers in. ____2____ His father, however, thought that sci-fi magazines were useless. He told his son not to waste time reading about things that “do not exist and never will”. ____3____ Asimov continued to read those magazines — secretly. While they opened the door to a whole new world for the boy, his father gave him a library card. The boy became a regular visitor to the library nearby. As Asimov himself once wrote, “____4____ And I made the most of it. For a poor boy whose family could not afford to buy books, the library was like a door to wonder.” Asimov sold his first sci-fi story when he was still in high school. As his writing kept improving, Asimov’s stories became more and more popular. By the time he was thirty-six,____5____ He created the word “robotics” and invented the famous “Three Laws of Robotics”. It’s hard to believe that these great achievements all started from a love of “useless” magazines in a candy store. A.Asimov was born in 1920 in Russia. B.Asimov became interested in them very soon. C. This didn’t kill Asimov’s love of science fiction. D.His father bought a lot of sci-fi magazines for Asimov. E. Asimov was considered to be a master of science fiction. F. I can never be thankful enough that I chose to walk into the library. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.Do you like science fictions? What do you learn from the story? (请用不超过10词回答问题) (2024·浙江湖州·二模)阅读下面材料,从所给的A-E六个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入小题,并再回答5题。 Have you ever lost your temper (脾气)? Did you shout or want to hit someone? ________ You may get angry when something doesn’t go your way. Maybe you get mad at yourself when you don’t understand your homework or when your team loses an important game. Maybe your teacher gave you too much homework. Or maybe a friend borrowed your favorite video game and then broke it. That made you angry! There are different ways people feel anger. ________ Are you breathing faster? Is your face bright red? Do you want to break something or hit someone? Anger can make you shout at those around you, even people you like or love. Some people keep their anger buried deep inside. If you do this, you might get a headache or your stomach might start to hurt. You may start to cry. ________ You should find a way to let it out without hurting yourself or others. Don’t lose control if you get angry. ________ Instead, admit to yourself that you are angry and try to know why. What can you do to keep the situation from happening again? If your little sister gets a toy and you don’t, it’s not OK to break that toy. Maybe you can ask her to share it with you. It helps to talk about your anger with an adult, such as a parent, teacher, or relative. Once you talk about anger, those bad feelings usually start to go away. A.It’s not good to hide your anger. B.Anger can be even a good thing. C. Many things may make children angry. D.Taking it out on others never solves anything. E. Usually your body will tell you when you are angry. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.Write down your way to control your temper. (不少于5个词) (2024·浙江台州·一模)阅读下面材料,从方框中所给的 A-E 五个选项中选择正确的选项 (其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入1-4题,并回答第5题。 ??Why not find a new friend in 2024—yourself! Being treated with kindness, respect and love are things you would expect from a good friendship and you shouldn’t have to go far to find them. 44 ????What does self-love mean? 45 Imagine your best friend is worried or upset, then think about how you’d support them and try to make them feel better. Speaking to yourself with kindness. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others. ???? 46 Because learning to love who you are improves your self-respect. The mental health charity Young Minds says this makes you believe in yourself and feel that you deserve (值得) having good things—such as kind friends and fun experiences. ???? 47 Start to be kind, especially if you make a mistake. Instead of being angry, tell yourself that everyone gets things wrong sometimes. Try not to compare yourself to others. Focus on yourself instead. Writing down your strengths and asking your family and friends for their thoughts. This will help you see the positives in your life. A.Why does it matter? B.How to better yourself? C. Start by being your own friend. D.Self-love can help schoolwork. E. It means taking really good care of your body and mind. How will you better yourself in 2024? (Answer in no more than 15 words) 48 (2024·浙江杭州·一模)阅读下面材料,从方框中所给的A一E五个选项中选择小标题(其中有一项是多余选项),将其序号填人第1-4小题,并回答第5小题。 Have you ever been to a zoo? Do you know how much food all the animals in the zoo need in one day? Actually, many zoos are lack of money. So how do they get more money? Let’s have a look. 49 Shanghai Wildlife Park live-streams every morning to show how the animals live. Thousands of people watch pandas eating bamboo. So far, the zoo has nearly 3.5 million fans. 50 Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo gets help from online adoption. It’s a new way for more people to care about animals. About 150 animals have been adopted (收养). 51 Beijing Zoo has brought out ice-creams in the shape of elephants, giraffes and pandas. It also makes stuffed (有柔软填充物的) toys with the image of tigers. 52 Nantong Forest Safari Park made a monkey named Kai Sa become a star. Thousands of Kai Sa’s fans have bought the zoo’s annual membership cards (年卡) and visit it every weekend. A.Online adoption B.Sell cards of animals C. Live-stream animals D.Make cultural and creative products E. Create animal stars 5. In which way would you like to help the zoo? Why? (40词以内) 53 (2024·浙江温州·一模)Lovell had been away for ten years. He had saved enough money to start a little store through hard work. Before he would run his business, he went back to see Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom. After his parents died, they gave him a home. It was their teachings made as much a man of him as he was.??? However, when he got to the house, he found the windows were boarded up (封闭). Being surprised, he visited the neighbour, Mrs. Stetson and was told Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom lived in the poorhouse (济贫院).??? “Uncle Tom got seriously ill and Aunt Sally was too weak to work.” Mrs. Stetson said slowly. “They needed money so they sold the house.”??? Lovell was silent for a while. Then he asked in a weak voice, “who owns the house now?” “Peter Townley. All the furniture was sold too, and that almost killed Aunt Sally. She and Uncle Tom will have been married fifty years and it’s awful to have to celebrate their golden wedding (金婚) in the poorhouse.”??? Lovell left after the tea and came again the next evening. “I’ve bought the house from Peter Townley,” he said to Mrs. Stetson, “▲” For the next two weeks, they visited every house where Aunt Sally’s furniture could be found. They also asked for help from their neighbours to prepare the anniversary (纪念日).??? Finally, the evening of the anniversary came. Lovell drove Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom to the old house. Thinking she would spend her anniversary in the poorhouse, Aunt Sally was so surprised that she gave a cry as she entered her house. Her old furniture was back, and the house was full of their old friends. Tears of happiness streamed down her face.??? They had a celebration in the house. There were speeches, songs and stories. Lovell kept himself in the background and helped cut the cake all the evening. When the guests had gone, he went to Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom.??? “Here’s a little anniversary present,” he put a red purse into Aunt Sally’s hand. “There’s enough money to keep you from having to go to the poorhouse again.”??? “We can’t take it, Lovell,” protested Aunt Sally.??? “Don’t worry,” laughed Lovell. “I’ve got plenty of money now. It is time for me to pay back.”???? “Lovell,” said Uncle Tom. “You don’t know what everything you’ve done means to Sally and me.”??? The next day, Lovell said goodbye and went on his way. “You’ve just got enough left to buy the train ticket and you are not able to afford your little store,” he said to himself, “but think about how you feel. It’s not such a bad deal.” 54.Why weren’t Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom in the house when Lovell visited? A.Because they didn’t want to meet Lovell. B.Because they had sold their house for living. C.Because they got ill and were in the hospital. D.Because they were preparing for the anniversary. 55.Which of the following can be put into ▲ in Paragraph 5? A.Please help me with my other plans. B.Come to the anniversary two weeks later. C.I’m worried about Uncle Tom and Aunt Sally. D.Let’s tell Uncle Tom and Aunt Sally the good news. 56.What is the best title for the passage? A.A Poor Family B.A Helpful Neighbour C.The Old House D.The Anniversary Present 57.What did Lovell mean by saying “It’s not such a bad deal.” at the end of the story? (请用约40词回答。) (23-24九年级下·浙江杭州·阶段练习)阅读下面材料,从A-E五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入第1-5题,并回答第5题。 Each country in the world has its own traditional clothes. From these traditional clothes, people can tell the difference between one country and another. Let’s have a look at three kinds of well-known traditional Chinese clothes. No.1 Hanfu ________ What hanfu is like is not fixed because each dynasty has its own style of hanfu. There are many kinds of hanfu, such as Ruqun for women. Ru is one kind of short shirt, and Qun is one kind of skirt. In modern China, more and more people are interested in wearing hanfu, from history lovers and students and even young workers. No.2 Tang suit The Tang suit usually refers to a kind of Chinese jacket. Red and blue are its most common colors. Usually, a Tang suit is made of silk, cotton and other materials. A typical design of a Tang suit has Chinese characters, such as “Fu” and “Shou”. ________ No.3 Zhongshan suit ________ It got the name because of Sun Zhongshan. Later on, Chairman Mao often wore it. So it had another name the Mao suit: The design of Zhongshan suits combines traditional Chinese and Western clothing styles. ________ There are five central buttons on the front and three smaller buttons on each sleeve. Clothing is an important part of culture. We should know more about our traditional clothing and more traditional Chinese culture. A.These two words mean happiness and long life in Chinese. B.They have four pockets on the front, two up two down. C. It is typical clothes for men. D.It is the oldest traditional Chinese clothes. E. It is popular with the children. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.Give the passage a proper title. (within 5 words) (23-24九年级下·浙江宁波·阶段练习)The brush pen, one of the “Four Treasures of the Study”, was invented thousands of years ago. However, the oldest pen was just a stick or a piece of bamboo. It was difficult for people to write well on thin silk. It is said that Meng Tian, a general of the Kingdom (王国) Qin, improved the pen. When Meng was leading an army to fight against the Kingdom of Chu, he had to report the situation to his king in time. But his pen was too hard and caused him much trouble, so he was thinking of ways to improve it. One day after hunting (狩猎), Meng made his way home with some wild rabbits on the horse back. Fat and heavy, one rabbit’s tail left a long trail (痕迹) on the ground when they moved on. Suddenly a good idea came to his mind when he saw it, “If I tie the rabbit’s hair to a stick, would it be easy to write with?” On arriving home, he tied the rabbit’s hair to a stick and tried writing with it. But the rabbit’s hair was too smooth to write well and wasted a lot of silk. Meng was so disappointed that he threw away his “invention” into a stone hole in the yard. However, Meng never gave up and kept trying all the time. A few rainy days later, he happened to find his “invention” fatter in a stone hole. He picked it up with hope. The brush worked beautifully on silk. It turned out that the special water had cleaned the oil from the hair. Meng succeeded at last. Thanks to Meng, the brush pen is playing a key role in Chinese culture. Today, students are taught to use the brush pens in school. It makes their life more colorful and helps them better understand Chinese culture. 63.Why did Meng Tian want to improve the pen? A.Because the king asked him to do so. B.Because he wanted to be an inventor. C.Because he didn’t have silk to write on. D.Because the pen brought him much trouble. 64.Which is the right order of improving the brush pen? a. The brush pen could write well. b. Meng tied the rabbit’s hair to a stick. c. The special water washed the oil away. d. Meng dropped the stick into a stone hole. A.b-d-a-c B.d-b-a-c C.b-d-c-a D.c-d-b-a 65.What’s the main idea of the passage? A.When was the brush pen invented. B.How was the brush pen invented. C.Why was the brush pen invented. D.What was the brush pen used for. 66.What can we learn from Meng Tian? (10个单词以内) (23-24九年级下·浙江湖州·阶段练习)阅读下面材料,从下面所给的A—E四个选项中选出合适的内容(选项中有一个为多余选项)填入1—4中,并回答第5题(不超过10个单词)。 Do you feel that it has been a long time since you came up with an amazing idea or something new? This is a sign that there are improvements you should make in your thinking process (过程). ________ Thankfully, you can get better at thinking well by trying these simple methods over time. ●Think when you are relaxed. ________ If you can’t relax, things might change. For example, it might be hard to do well if you feel worried about upcoming exams at school. In this case, it’s important to ask for help from those around you to reduce the pressure. ●________ Smart people learn from what happened before and their mistakes. Good thinking gets better over time, and you can learn from events to make it even better. From every experience, even the tough ones, there’s something to learn. ●Get your brain and heart to work together. Sometimes, your mind might disagree with your feelings. If you only listen to your mind, your thinking might not work well. One way to make sure they agree is to be in a calm and quiet place and relax. ________ You can improve your thinking process with the ways above. It doesn’t have to happen in one day. You will see some improvements slowly and make your ideas better. A.Learn from past experiences. B.Then, you can make wiser decisions. C. Listening to music can help improve your thinking process. D.Stop thinking under pressure if you want to make the most from it. E. However, our thoughts may harm how we feel and make choices. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.What other ways can we use to improve our thinking process? (23-24九年级下·浙江杭州·阶段练习)①Walking around the city, you will see girls wearing hanfu on the underground or people wearing T-shirt with Chinese characters in the streets. A new trend (潮流) is getting popular in China. It’s guochao or China-Chic. Guochao adds traditional Chinese culture into products, and it shows the rise of China’s native fashion. ②Guochao got people’s attention in 2018. Before that, the market was controlled by foreign companies. There were few Chinese brands. To win the market share, many Chinese brands followed the footsteps of these Western brands. In 2018, Chinese sportswear brand Li-Ning made changes to the situation. It introduced its Wu Dao collection to the world. The collection not only looked fashionable, but also included elements of traditional Chinese culture. It quickly caught people’s attention at home and abroad. And it created amazing sales. ③Later, many Chinese brands, from food, drinks and clothing to mobile phones and cars, started to add Chinese culture into their products. Even the film and music industries made every effort to create Chinese styles. “We want our products to be the ones that young people would like to share”, they said. ④These brands got what they wanted. Young people gradually converted their attention from Western culture to guochao. They accepted it with pleasure. What’s more, they started to develop interest in traditional Chinese art and literature. Now they wear traditional clothes, practice Chinese calligraphy (书法) and play Chinese musical instruments. Some of them are working together to spread Chinese culture to people around the world. ⑤At the same time, people of different ages start to choose products “made in China”. According to a survey, 68% Chinese people prefer Chinese brands. Among them, 62% say they are open to international brands, but local brands remain the first choice. ⑥No matter how guochao develops, there is one thing that won’t change—people’s confidence in our country’s development and culture is growing. 72.In Paragraph 1, the writer introduces guochao by ________. A.telling a story B.listing a fact C.asking a question D.making a comparison 73.What can we learn about Chinese brand Li-Ning from Paragraph 2? A.It increased the world market share before 2018. B.It always followed the footsteps of foreign brands. C.It spent lots of time creating products with Chinese elements. D.It started the trend of guochao around the world. 74.Which is the structure of the passage? A.①--②--③④⑤--⑥ B.①--②③--④⑤--⑥ C.①--②③④--⑤--⑥ D.①--②③④--⑤⑥ 75.According to the writer, leads to the popularity of guochao. (no more than 15 words) (23-24九年级下·浙江杭州·阶段练习)People try to make predictions about the future. But what surprises does technology have in store for us? The answer is nanotechnology (纳米技术). Nanotechnology is the science of building tiny machines, so small that they are invisible. To give you an idea of the size of these machines, the difference between a nanometer and a meter two units of length, is the same as the difference between a rock and the planet Earth! Most scientists agree that nanotechnology will change our lives in the future—but how? At the moment it’s difficult to predict whether this new technology will be like a wonderful dream, or a terrifying nightmare (噩梦). In the 1966 the film Fantastic Voyage, an inventor develops an amazing new way to treat diseases. He narrows a group of scientists and their machines and injects (注射) them all into a patient. They then travel around the patient’s body, visiting the different parts of the body and repairing them. Of course, this is just a film—but the reality of nanotechnology is not very different. Scientists are already making nanobots, tiny robots that are very small. In the future, doctors might be able to inject these into a patient, and the nanobots will travel around the body and repair the diseased parts. Some people are worried that nanotechnology could be difficult to control. Nanobots might come into the environment and damage people, plants and animals. Others have even more serious worries. Eric Drexler is a futurist, a scientist who makes predictions about the future. In his book Engines of Creation he predicted the invention of nanobots. He also described a special kind of nanobot that can make a copy of itself using the materials around it—and this is where the nightmare begins. In Michael Crichton’s book Prey, nanobots reproduce themselves so quickly that they use all the materials around them and then look for more and more, and more, eventually “eating” the world. Some people are worried that this might really happen. The most serious predictions (that very few scientists believe) say that nanobots could destroy the whole planet in about three hours! 76.What does the underlined word “invisible” in Paragraph 2 mean? A.Unseen. B.Eatable. C.Unbelievable. D.Clever. 77.Why does the writer mention the film Fantastic Voyage when speaking of nanotechnology? A.To present a fact. B.To explain a machine. C.To treat a patient. D.To show a prediction. 78.According to Eric Drexler’s book, what can a special kind of nanobot do? A.Repair diseased parts. B.Travel around the body. C.Make a copy of itself. D.Protect the environment. 79.What is the main idea of the text? (请用15词以内回答) (23-24九年级下·浙江杭州·阶段练习)阅读下面材料,从下面所给的A-E五个选项中选择正确的选项 (其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入1-4题。并完成5小题。 When your best friends are upset, sad, or disappointed, all you want to do is lift their spirits. Here are some easy ways to cheer them up. Help your friend clean their room. Being surrounded by a mess doesn’t do much for your mental state. Helping your friend tidy up their room gives you something productive to do together. Plus, when they’re on their own, they can relax in a clean, peaceful space. Encourage them to talk it out. Talking is effective. Teenagers usually want someone to talk to when they are stressed. If they aren’t interested in talking, invite them to do an activity with you and they will likely start talking. Practice gratitude. Thinking about and focusing on the good things in your life can do wonders for lifting your spirits. Help your friend turn their attention to those things. Try new things together. Staying active can help get depression (抑郁) away. Invite the person to join you in a dance class or anything else they may have mentioned before that they wanted to try out but never have. Fun time with friends is surely helpful. Do an aimless act of kindness together. So go out, do things, even small things (e.g. opening a door for someone, paying for someone’s drink, smiling at and greeting a stranger. etc.), for others and see how your day changes. A.Just be there for them and listen to them. B.Together, you can each list all the things you’re grateful for. C. Science has shown just being in nature naturally improves one’s mood. D.Meanwhile, having a tidy space can help you feel more in control and calmer. E. Oftentimes when we do things for other people, we are the ones that benefit. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.Please give one more piece of advice on how to cheer up your friends. (15词以内) 参考答案: 1.idea 2.clear 3.programs 4.allowed 【导语】本文主要介绍了制作在线视频的5个技巧。 1.根据“Think of an idea that excites you”可知,想一个让你兴奋的想法,故填idea。 2.根据“Nobody likes a video with bad lighting and unclear sound. Consider using more lights or putting clip-on microphones on your actors”可知,没有人喜欢光线不好、声音不清晰的视频,考虑使用更多的灯光或夹式麦克风,这样就能得到清晰的声音,故填clear。 3.根据“Video editing programs can be found online and they’re easy to learn”可知,在网上寻找视频编辑程序,故填programs。 4.根据“Using copyrighted material without permission is not allowed”可知,未经允许不得使用受版权保护的材料,故填allowed。 5.different 6.light 7.open 8.moist 9.Do eye exercises. (答案不唯一) 【导语】本文主要介绍了眼睛的重要性,眼睛的构成并建议要好好保护眼睛。 5.根据“Each eye catches a different picture, so we can have a 3D picture of what we see.”可知,每只眼睛都能捕捉到不同的图像,所以我们能看到3D图像,故填different。 6.根据“In the middle of the eye is the pupil that lets in light.”可知,在眼睛的中间是让光线进入的瞳孔,故填light。 7.根据“The coloured part is called the iris, which helps the pupil open and close.”可知,有颜色的部分叫做虹膜,它帮助瞳孔打开和关闭,故填open。 8.根据“The eyelid can stop the eyeball from being dry and protect it.”可知,眼睑可以防止眼球干燥,也就是保持眼球湿润,故填moist。 9.开放性题,答案合理即可。参考答案为Do eye exercises. 10.NIGHT 11.Bob 12.How much further? 13.turns on the car radio 14.worried 【导语】本文主要介绍了播音员播报马上要有暴风雨,而Anna和Bob在晚上还未到家,用剧本的形式描述两人的对话。 10.根据“It’s 10 p.m. already”可知是晚上十点,所以场景一的时间是晚上,参照Part A中的范例,此处时间应该全部大写。故填NIGHT。 11.根据“asked Anna...replied Bob”可知此处是Anna和Bob的对话。故填Bob。 12.根据“How much further? It’s 10 p.m. already”可知此处是Anna询问已经晚上10点了,还要走多远。故填How much further? 13.根据“ turning on the car radio.”可知Bob打开了车载收音机,此处时态用一般现在时,主语是He,谓语动词用单三。故填turns on the car radio。 14.根据“The announcer(播音员)sounded worried”可知播音员很担心。故填worried。 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.The writer realised that Padishah and Potter were old friends and they worked together to lie to people and get money. Though the writer knew that he was cheated, the lesson he learnt was valuable—don’t trust people easily./seeing is not believing./don’t be greedy. 【导语】本文主要讲述了作者在乘船前往伦敦的过程中,两个人合谋欺骗别人说鸵鸟吞下了钻石,之后他把每只鸵鸟进行拍卖,而作者也买了一只鸵鸟,结果却发现这两个人是朋友。 15.细节理解题。根据“One morning, as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed his diamond suddenly”可知一只鸵鸟吞下了他的钻石。故选D。 16.推理判断题。根据“After a while, Potter came back to the hall with a sly smile. He announced that he wanted to sell four birds separately to separate people by auction”可知他回到大厅并且宣布他想通过拍卖的方式将四只鸟分别卖给不同的人,由此可推知他想以高价卖这些鸵鸟。故选C。 17.推理判断题。根据“After a long talk, I finally got the bird for 700 pounds”可知经过长时间的交谈,作者终于以700英镑的价格买到了这只鸟,他觉得很值得,选项B“真是一个好交易”符合语境。故选B。 18.根据“Then, I saw Padishah and Potter walk arm in arm on the shore, just like old friends”可知作者看到那两个人手挽手走在岸边,就像老朋友一样,所以他们两个合谋欺骗别人的钱,所以作者从这个故事中学到不要轻易相信别人,眼见不一定为实,不要贪婪。故填The writer realised that Padishah and Potter were old friends and they worked together to lie to people and get money. Though the writer knew that he was cheated, the lesson he learnt was valuable—don’t trust people easily./seeing is not believing./don’t be greedy. 19.E 20.A 21.D 22.B 23.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Eating a meal you like can also have more fun. 【导语】本文就如何获得更多乐趣给出建议。 19.根据“Find a new hobby.”可知,本段建议找一个新的爱好,选项E“尝试一项你喜欢的新活动。”符合语境,故选E。 20.根据“Experts suggest that music helps reduce (减少) stress and improves your feelings.”可知,音乐有助于减轻压力,改善你的情绪。选项A“听音乐。”符合语境,故选A。 21.根据“Take a trip together.”可知,本段建议去旅行,选项D“换一个环境。”符合语境,故选D。 22.根据“You won’t seriously influence your productivity if you take the time to enjoy a little game once in a while.”可知,如果你偶尔花点时间享受小游戏,就不会严重影响你的工作效率。选项B“玩一些游戏。”符合语境,故选B。 23.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Eating a meal you like can also have more fun. 24.11,000 square meters 25.for free/for nothing 26.play games 27.physics 28.Life 【导语】本文主要介绍了金华科技馆。 24.根据“The museum covers 11,000 square meters, with four theme exhibition halls for you to explore.”可知,博物馆占地11000平方米,故填11,000 square meters。 25.根据“Welcome to book your free tickets and visit us.”可知,门票免费,for free/nothing“免费”符合句意,故填for free/nothing。 26.根据“Of course, you can also play games with them”可知,可以和机器人玩游戏,play games符合句意,故填play games。 27.根据“Some physics experiments are also allowed”可知,可以在这里做物理实验,physics“物理”符合句意,故填physics。 28.根据“Life and Development”可知,此处介绍“生活与发展”的展厅,故填Life。 29.C 30.D 31.A 32.We can turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, because it helps to save energy. /Many children like reading but don’t have enough books, so I will donate some to help them./I want to be a volunteer in an old people’s home. I can tell the old people funny stories and cheer them up.(答案不唯一) 【导语】本文主要讲述了如何让世界变得更好。 29.根据“My first task was to do something to help homeless people, and I got the idea of making them lunch.”可知,作者的第一个任务是做一些事情来帮助无家可归的人,于是有了给他们做午餐的想法,因此此处询问想法怎么来的,选项C“你是怎么想到做免费午餐的?”符合语境,故选C。 30.根据“I want to tell them to do something they enjoy.”可知,此段描述作者对孩子说的话,选项D“你会对其他想要有所作为的孩子说些什么?”符合语境,故选D。 31.根据“Every helpful act you do, no matter how small, makes the world better!”可知,描述了如何让世界怎么变得更好,选项A“你怎样才能让世界变得更美好?”符合语境,故选A。 32.开放题,言之有理即可。We can turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, because it helps to save energy./Many children like reading but don’t have enough books, so I will donate some to help them./I want to be a volunteer in an old people’s home. I can tell the old people funny stories and cheer them up. 33.A 34.B 35.C 36.F 37.E 38.Yes, I do. Interest is the best teacher. 【导语】本文主要介绍了阿西莫夫爱上科幻小说并开始自己写科幻故事的经历。 33.根据“When Asimov was three years old, he moved to New York City with his family.”可知从小时候说起,此处讲他的出生,A项“阿西莫夫于1920年出生在俄罗斯。”符合语境。故选A。 34.根据“As Asimov worked long hours in the store, he noticed that the sci-fi magazines kept drawing customers in.”可知阿西莫夫注意到这些杂志并产生了兴趣,B项“阿西莫夫很快就对它们产生了兴趣。”符合语境。故选B。 35.根据“Asimov continued to read those magazines — secretly.”可知爸爸的话没有浇灭他对科幻小说的热爱,C项“这并没有扼杀阿西莫夫对科幻小说的热爱。”符合语境。故选C。 36.根据“And I made the most of it.”可知此处用第一人称来讲阿西莫夫自己的感受,F项“我对自己选择走进图书馆感激不尽。”符合语境。故选F。 37.根据“He created the word ‘robotics’ and invented the famous ‘Three Laws of Robotics’. ”可知取得了成就,E项“阿西莫夫被认为是科幻小说大师。”符合语境。故选E。 38.主观发挥题,答案合理即可。故填Yes, I do. Interest is the best teacher. 39.C 40.E 41.A 42.D 43.答案合理即可。Use my sense of humor in life. 【导语】本文介绍了脾气以及给出了相关建议。 39.根据“You may get angry when something doesn’t go your way.”以及本段内容可知,本段在介绍会因为什么事情而生气。选项C“很多事情可能会让孩子生气。”符合,故选C。 40.根据“Are you breathing faster? Is your face bright red? Do you want to break something or hit someone? Anger can make you shout at those around you, even people you like or love.”可知,本段在介绍生气时的身体反应,选项E“通常,当你生气时,你的身体会告诉你。”符合,故选E。 41.根据“You should find a way to let it out without hurting yourself or others.”可知,你应该想办法在不伤害自己或他人的情况下发泄出来。因此不能掩饰愤怒,选项A“掩饰你的愤怒是不好的。”符合,故选A。 42.根据“Don’t lose control if you get angry”可知,如果你生气了,不要失控,选项D“拿别人出气解决不了任何问题。”符合,故选D。 43.答案合理即可。故填Use my sense of humor in life. 44.C 45.E 46.A 47.B 48.I’m going to do more exercise to keep healthy. 【导语】本文主要介绍了自爱的意义和重要性,以及如何提升自己的内容。 44.根据“Why not find a new friend in 2024—yourself!”及下文内容可知,2024年我们要将自己作为自己的新朋友看待,下文介绍了这么做的意义和方法。选项C“从做自己的朋友开始”引出下文,符合语境。故选C。 45.根据“What does self-love mean?”可知,下文应解释自爱的意义。选项E“它意味着要好好照顾自己的身心”符合语境。故选E。 46.根据“Because learning to love who you are improves your self-respect.”可知,因为学会爱自己可以提高自尊,所以设空处询问学习自爱的原因。选项A“为什么这很重要”符合语境。故选A。 47.根据“Start to be kind, especially if you make a mistake. Instead of being angry...This will help you see the positives in your life.”可知,本段主要介绍了如何成为更好的自己。选项B“如何提升自己”符合语境。故选B。 48.开放式问题,言之有理即可,注意答案不要超过15个词。参考答案为I’m going to do more exercise to keep healthy. 49.C 50.A 51.D 52.E 53.I’d like to help the zoo by adopting an animal online. Because being an online owner of an animal can not only help the zoo and animals, but also help me develop a sense of duty. 【导语】本文介绍了一些动物园正在面临困境,为走出困境,不同的动物园找到了不同的有效方法。 49.根据第二段“Shanghai Wildlife Park live-streams every morning to show how the animals live.”可知,本段讲述的是通过直播获得流量和关注。C选项“直播动物”符合语境。故选C。 50.根据第三段“Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo gets help from online adoption.”可知,本段讲述了线上收养动物来对动物园进行捐助。A选项“线上收养”符合语境。故选A。 51. 根据第四段“Beijing Zoo has brought...image of tigers.”可知,北京动物园通过出动物的周边产品来走出困境。D选项“制作文化类和创意类的产品”符合语境。故选D。 52.根据最后一段“Nantong Forest...visit it every weekend.”可知,南通森林野生动物园通过明星猴子走出困境。E选项“创造出动物明星”符合语境。故选E。 53.此题为开放性试题,答案言之有理即可。故填I’d like to help the zoo by adopting an animal online. Because being an online owner of an animal can not only help the zoo and animals, but also help me develop a sense of duty. 54.B 55.A 56.D 57.Although Lovell could not afford to open his little shop because he tried his best to help Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom, he gained love and affection from it, and he did not regret it. It’s a treasure in his life. 【导语】本文主要讲述了洛弗尔十年后终于攒到钱可以开商店,当他得知莎莉姨妈和汤姆叔叔为了生计卖掉了房子时,他为他们买回了房子和家具,并准备周年纪念礼物。 54.细节理解题。根据第3段“ ‘Uncle Tom got seriously ill and Aunt Sally was too weak to work.’ Mrs. Stetson said slowly.‘They needed money so they sold the house.’可知,莎莉姨妈和汤姆叔叔为了生计卖掉了房子,因而洛弗尔来访时他们不在家里。故选B。 55.推理判断题。根据第5段“ ‘I’ve bought the house from Peter Townley’...where Aunt Sally’s furniture could be found. They also asked for help from their neighbours to prepare the anniversary.”可知,Lovell买下了这所房子,他还请求邻居们帮忙准备周年纪念活动。故可推测,此处是他向邻居寻求帮助。 选项A“请帮助我完成其他计划”最符合。故选A。 56.最佳标题题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了洛弗尔十年后终于攒到钱可以开商店,当他得知莎莉姨妈和汤姆叔叔为了生计卖掉了房子时,他为他们买回了房子和家具,并准备周年纪念礼物。因而本文最恰当标题应为:The Anniversary Present“周年礼物”。故选D。 57.根据全文内容可知,洛弗尔虽然因为帮助莎莉姨妈和汤姆叔叔,开不起他自己的小商店了,但他从中收获了爱和感动,因而他不后悔,这应该就是“这不是一笔糟糕的交易”的含义,故填:Although Lovell could not afford to open his little shop because he tried his best to help Aunt Sally and Uncle Tom, he gained love and affection from it, and he did not regret it. It’s a treasure in his life. 58.D 59.A 60.C 61.B 62.Traditional Chinese Clothes 【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了三种著名的中国传统服饰。 58.根据“What hanfu is like is not fixed because each dynasty has its own style of hanfu.”可知,每个朝代都有自己的汉服风格,所以汉服的历史很长,选项D“它是中国最古老的传统服饰”符合语境。故选D。 59.根据“A typical design of a Tang suit has Chinese characters, such as ‘Fu’ and ‘Shou’.”可知,唐装的典型设计有汉字,此处应是说有汉字的原因,选项A“这两个词在汉语中的意思是幸福和长寿”符合语境。故选A。 60.根据“It got the name because of Sun Zhongshan”可知,中山装因孙中山而得名,主要是男性穿,选项C“这是典型的男士服装”符合语境。故选C。 61.根据“There are five central buttons on the front and three smaller buttons on each sleeve.”可知,此处介绍中山装的样式,选项B“它们前面有四个口袋,上面两个下面两个”符合语境。故选B。 62.根据“Let’s have a look at three kinds of well-known traditional Chinese clothes. ”可知,文章主要是介绍了三种著名的中国传统服饰,所以文章标题应是“Traditional Chinese Clothes。”故填Traditional Chinese Clothes. 63.D 64.C 65.B 66.He kept trying and never gave up. (参考答案) 【导语】本文主要讲的是文房四宝之一——毛笔发明的传说故事。 63.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“ But his pen was too hard and caused him much trouble, so he was thinking of ways to improve it.”可知,蒙恬想改进笔是因为笔太硬了,给他带来很多麻烦。故选D。 64.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“he tied the rabbit’s hair to a stick and tried writing with it. ”和“he threw away his “invention” into a stone hole”,第五段“special water had cleaned the oil from the hair.”和“The brush worked beautifully on silk.”可知,蒙恬改进笔时先是把兔子的毛绑在棍子上,发现不好用,气得他把棍子扔到了一个石头洞里,结果特殊的水把油冲走了后,毛笔很好写了。故选C。 65.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲的是文房四宝之一——毛笔发明的传说故事。故选B。 66.开放性作答,结合实际,言之有理即可。参考答案为He kept trying and never gave up. 67.E 68.D 69.A 70.B 71.Read and learn widely. 【导语】本文主要介绍了三个改进思考过程的方法。 67.根据上文“Do you feel that it has been a long time since you came up with an amazing idea or something new? This is a sign that there are improvements you should make in your thinking process (过程).”可知,当你很久没有想出新的点子,说明你的思维需要改善;根据下文“Thankfully, you can get better at thinking well by trying these simple methods over time.”可知,此处提到有一些方法可以帮助你更好地思考,所以空格处应承接上文,又能引出下文,选项E“然而,我们的想法可能会伤害我们的感受和选择。”符合语境,故选E。 68.根据小标题“Think when you are relaxed.”可知,此处说明要在放松的状态下思考,即避免在压力下思考,选项D“如果你想充分利用,就不要在压力下思考。”符合语境,故选D。 69.根据下文“Smart people learn from what happened before and their mistakes.”可知,此处说明聪明的人会从以前发生的事情和他们的错误中吸取教训。选项A“从过去的经验中学习。”符合语境,故选A。 70.根据上文“One way to make sure they agree is to be in a calm and quiet place and relax.”可知,空格处应说明在一个安静祥和的地方放松自己后会发生什么。选项B“然后,你可以做出更明智的决定。”符合语境,故选B。 71.开放性作答,言之成理即可,答案不超过10个单词。参考答案为Read and learn widely. 72.B 73.D 74.B 75.people’s confidence in our country and culture 【导语】本文介绍了中国国潮的兴起。 72.推理判断题。根据“Walking around the city, you will see girls wearing hanfu on the underground or people wearing T-shirt with Chinese characters in the streets”可知,在第一段中,作者通过列举事实介绍国潮。故选B。 73.细节理解题。根据“To win the market share, many Chinese brands followed the footsteps of these Western brands. In 2018, Chinese sportswear brand Li-Ning made changes to the situation”可知,为了赢得市场份额,许多中国品牌追随了这些西方品牌的脚步。2018年,中国运动服装品牌李宁改变了这一局面。也就是说李宁开启了国潮在全世界的潮流。故选D。 74.篇章结构题。根据全文可知,文章第一段引出国潮话题,第二三段讲述了国潮的兴起,第四五段讲述了国潮的影响,第六段讲述了国潮发展的背后是中国文化自信的发展。故选B。 75.根据“No matter how guochao develops, there is one thing that won’t change—people’s confidence in our country’s development and culture is growing.”可知,作者认为,人们对国家和文化的信心导致了国潮的流行。故填people’s confidence in our country and culture。 76.A 77.D 78.C 79.The possible uses and risks of nanotechnology. 【导语】本文主要介绍了纳米技术可能的用途和可能存在的风险。 76.根据“the difference between a nanometer and a meter two units of length, is the same as the difference between a rock and the planet Earth!”可知,一纳米和一米之间的区别是两个长度单位,就像岩石和地球之间的区别一样。由此可推知纳米小到看不见,invisible的意思是“看不见的”。故选A。 77.根据“In the 1966 the film Fantastic Voyage, an inventor develops an amazing new way to treat diseases. He narrows a group of scientists and their machines and injects (注射) them all into a patient. They then travel around the patient’s body, visiting the different parts of the body and repairing them. Of course, this is just a film—but the reality of nanotechnology is not very different.”可知,在1966年的电影《神奇之旅》中,一位发明家发明了一种神奇的治疗疾病的新方法:把一群科学家和他们的机器都注射到病人身上,访问身体的不同部位并进行修复。虽然这只是电影,但纳米技术的现实并没有太大的不同。由此可推知提到这部有关纳米技术的电影是为了展示预测。故选D。 78.根据“He also described a special kind of nanobot that can make a copy of itself using the materials around it”可知,他还描述了一种特殊的纳米机器人,它可以利用周围的材料复制自己。故选C。 79.根据文章可知,本文主要介绍了纳米技术可能的用途和可能存在的风险。故填The possible uses and risks of nanotechnology. 80.D 81.A 82.B 83.E 84.You can take them out for a walk to get some fresh air. 【导语】本文主要介绍一些简单的方法可以让低落的朋友高兴起来。 80.根据“Helping your friend tidy up their room gives you something productive to do together.”可知,此处与整理房间相关,选项D“同时,拥有一个整洁的空间可以让你感觉更有控制力,更平静。”符合语境,故选D。 81.根据“Teenagers usually want someone to talk to when they are stressed.”可知,当青少年感到压力时,他们通常想找人倾诉,选项A“只要陪伴在他们身边,倾听他们。”符合语境,故选A。 82.根据“Thinking about and focusing on the good things in your life can do wonders for lifting your spirits. Help your friend turn their attention to those things.”可知,帮助你的朋友把他们的注意力转移到生活中的美好事物上,选项B“你们可以一起列出所有你们感激的事情。”符合语境,故选B。 83.根据“Do an aimless act of kindness together.”可知,此处建议一起做一件漫无目的的善举,选项E“很多时候,当我们为别人做事时,我们是受益的人。”符合语境,故选E。 84.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:You can take them out for a walk to get some fresh air. 试卷第1 11页,共3 33页 试卷第1 11页,共3 33页 答案第1 11页,共2 22页 答案第1 11页,共2 22页