
类型: 学案

1159510010744200定语从句在写作中的应用 关系词类别 关系词 先行词 关系词在从句的成分 关系代词 who 人 主语;宾语 whom 人 宾语 whose 人,物 定语 that 人,物 主语;宾语;表语 which 物或整个句子 主语;宾语 as 人,物或整个句子 主语;宾语;表语 关系副词 when 时间名词 时间状语 where 地点名词 地点状语 why reason 原因状语 例句: 1.who指人, 在定语从句中做主语或宾语。 Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognising their own strengths. 幸福和成功经常属于那些善于认识自己长处的人。 2.whom指人, 在定语从句中做宾语, 常可省略。 Do you know the boy(whom) we met at the gate? 你认识我们在门口碰到的那个男孩吗? 3.which 指物, 在定语从句中做主语或宾语, 做宾语时常可省略。 The exact year(which/that) Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008. 安杰拉和她的家人在中国共同度过的确切年份是2008年。 4.that 指人时, 相当于who 或whom; 指物时, 相当于which。在定语从句中做主语或宾语, 做宾语时常可省略。 She is the writer(that) I want to see very much. 她就是那位我非常想见的作家。 Among the many dangers(which/that) sailors have to face, probably the greatest of all is fog. 在海员们必须要面对的许多危险中, 最严重的可能就是雾。 5.whose可指人或物, 修饰名词或代词, 在定语从句中充当定语。“whose+名词” 可改为 “the+名词+of which/whom” 或 “of which/whom the+名词”。 The books on the desk, whose covers are shiny, are prizes for us. 桌子上的这些书是给我们的奖品, 它们的封面很亮。 6.when指时间, 在定语从句中做时间状语。其先行词是表示时间的名词time, day, week, year, month等, 相当于“介词+which”,介词可使用in/on/at/during…等。 As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time when he should be able to be independent. 作为家中最小的孩子, 亚历克斯总是渴望自己能够独立的日子。 7.where 指地点, 在定语从句中做地点状语。其先行词是表示地点的名词, 可以用“介词+which”代替关系副词,介词可使用in/on/at/under…等。 The house where/in which he lives is near the river. 他住的房子在河边。 注意:高考对where的考查趋于复杂, 先行词由 “明显的地点” 转为 “模糊的地点”, 或者说“抽象的地点”。这些名词有stage, case, position, situation, point, occasion, activity 等。 Students should involve themselves in community activities where/in which they can gain experience for growth. 学生应该参与社区活动, 在这些活动中他们能获取成长的经验。 8.why 指原因, 在定语从句中做原因状语, 可用for which来替代。why不可引导非限制性定语从句。 The reason why/for which Jim failed to come was that he was seriously ill. 吉姆没能来的原因是他生了重病。 9.one of the+复数名词+定语从句……中的一个 As far as I know, your sister is one of the students who have passed the exam. 据我所知,你妹妹是通过考试的学生之一。 10.the only one of the+复数名词+定语从句……中唯一的一个 Mr. Green was the only one of the workers that was invited to Beijing. 格林先生是这些工人中唯一被邀请去北京的。 例句: 上周我从图书馆里借了《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》这本书, 书是我的同学向我推荐的。 I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, which my classmates recommended to me. 如你所知, 迈克是个诚实的人。 Mike, as you know, is an honest man./Mike is an honest man, as you know. As you know, Mike is an honest man. 我想要感谢史密斯教授, 没有他的帮助我不会取得今天的成就。I wish to thank Professor Smith, without whose help I would never have achieved what I am today. 她的两个儿子都在国外工作, 每周都给她打电话。 Her sons, both of whom work abroad, ring her up every week. 上星期日我从书店买了一些书,其中三本是英文小说。Last Sunday I bought some books from the bookstore,three of which were English novels. 我遭遇到如此棘手的处境以致于我不知道该怎么办。 I have encountered such a triky situation that I have no idea what to do. 这就是我昨天用过的那台仪器。 This is the same instrument that I used yesterday.. 我们谈论了我们感兴趣的人和事。 We talked about the things and persons that we were interested in. 只有那些面对困难不遗余力的人才能取得他们渴望的成就。 Only those who spare no effort to confront problems can achieve what they long for. 我认为你总是发脾气的原因可能是学习上的巨大压力。 I think the reason why you are always angry may be the high pressure of study. 众所周知,香港是一个购物天堂,Kate打算在那里买她需要的东西。 As we all know, Hong Kong is a shopping paradise, where Kate intends to buy what she needs. 12.As sb. puts it ... 按照某人所说的…… As sb. puts it , university education determines one’s future. 按照他常说的,大学教育决定一个人的命运。 13.饥饿的熊循着气味来到我们的营地,而营地由高高的金属线栅栏包围着。The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp, which was surrounded by a high wire fence. 14. 我和同学上个周末参加了一次采摘活动,这次活动给我留下了深刻的印象。My classmates and I took part in a picking activity last weekend,which impressed me deeply. 15.Following the speech is a mini lecture with the title of “A Brief History of Chinese Music” by Professor Guo, after which there will be various fantastic performances played by students.(之后就是由学生表演的各种精彩的节目). (“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句) 16.such ... as ... 像……这样的;诸如此类的…… 信不信由你,我们已经找到了像那家厂子里用的材料。 Believe it or not, we have found such materials as are used in that factory. 17.the same ... as .../the same as ... 像……一样的 她对他的方式和态度与以前完全一样。 Her manner and attitudes towards him were quite the same as they had always been. 我们都知道,当我们需要帮助时,我们的朋友会伸出援手,他们会帮我们渡过难关。As we all know, our friends lend us a helping hand when we need help and they help us get through difficult situations. 19.他谈到了他在那个国家所见到的人和所参观的地方。 He talked about the people and the place that he had visited in that country. 20.这是一份很困难而且很有压力的工作,但却是一份能真正帮助别人的工作。 This is a difficult and stressful job but one where_you_can_really_help_people.