2024届高考英语作文复习专项:2024年3月苏锡常镇一模读后续写--承载爱意的小红罐 讲义素材

类型: 素材

1178560010668000读后续写原题呈现: One of my favorite possessions is a little red can. It sits among my collections, looking somewhat old and out of place. But this can is special. It has a history. It was dear to me when I was younger, but mean even more to me now. ——【确认是回忆过去,联想到续写两句里的red can 和 decades later —— 可以猜到“主人公我和祖母之间可能因为这个‘red can’产生了更紧密的关系”】 ——【接下来要回忆过去,可以猜一下,这个red can是怎么来的】 I've always loved to visit my grandparents in Cleburne, Texas, and as anyone in the family can tell you, there is always a gathering around the dining room table for meals and conversations so that we can keep in touch closely. It is important to keep in touch with the family members since we are busy with our own business, so my family members keep the tradition to have the gathering every month. We enjoy the moment when all of us meet in a place and communication helps us to?solve the problem of isolation【祖父母家能让我们不再isolated】.?As the first grandbaby, though, I was at a slight disadvantage. When I sat in the dining chair, only my nose could reach the table.?Cleburne is a small town with a small population, and the phone book could only lift me an inch.?So, Grandma and Grandpa came up with the idea of the little red can.【这个red can估计早就有了,毕竟也用了定冠词“the”,说明特指 —— 结合续写第二句的proudly,是不是可以把“爱和亲情的传承”当成是本文的主旨呢】? It was about?ten inches high, made of tin, and painted a glorious shiny red【描写red can的词,可以用在续写中(具体看情况)】. It worked perfectly,?enabling me to bang away on the table with my little spoon and cup as I tried to keep up with the joyful talks around the table【让主人公怀念的场景,可以呼应】. After I finished a meal, I was placed on the floor, and the can was opened, and?all sorts of surprises kept me busy【让主人公怀念的场景,可以呼应】?while the adults visited.?The can was full of lovely dolls which attracted little girls like me greatly. Besides, there were fresh and novel items that were mysterious to me and left me to explore.?【red can里的惊喜,是点名red can这个关键信息的句子,这里的内容可以在续写里用上】 1. 续写词数应为150词左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Pretty soon, other grandbabies started to arrive, and each of them had their own turn on?the little red can. Decades later, Grandma proudly pulled out the little red can again when I traveled to Cleburne with my daughter. ? 如何分析材料 Step 1:(仅代表个人建议)建议先读后边的续写首句,再读材料。先根据续写首句,猜一下大概写什么,然后方便去原文找一些【可以用到的词汇】 1.Pretty soon, other grandbabies started to arrive, and each of them had their own turn on the little red can. 2.Decades later, Grandma proudly pulled out the little red can again when I traveled to Cleburne with my daughter. ? 3.发现关键词: - little red can - Grandma - grandbabies 4.猜主旨:和love and affection亲情有关 5.提问:red can 和本文有什么联系 6.提问:为什么Grandma是proudly pulled out,为什么是骄傲滴?是当年我用这个red can做了什么了不起的事让Grandma感到骄傲咩? Step 2:阅读材料 - 筛选可以使用的词汇:在材料中找描写red can的词用在续写中;在材料中找到“red can解决了某些问题的词”用子啊续写中 - 找出矛盾(要解决的问题) - 明确氛围和环境 - 找到“续写两句话”没有提到的情节,但是却可以点明、反衬、暗示某种品质,比如值得庆祝、纪念和令人悲伤、后悔的事情 - 找到是否有值得主人公反思、牢记的(某个亲人、朋友、同学、老师说的话,可以在关键情节时激励主人公) - 找到是否有值得主人公怀念的情形 第一段续写 情节思考 1.联想下一段的第一句proudly,祖母为什么因为【这个red can】感到骄傲 2.把【red can】和【love / affection between families】联系起来 3.是不是可以说【这个red can】是家族传承的 情节 1.每个人都快乐地摆弄着盒子里的玩意儿items 2.我们迫不及待地给每个人规定玩耍的时间,每次轮到我玩耍,我都玩到忽略其他人的存在 3.小时候对我来说,这个red can只是个装满惊喜、能让我开心的小东西 4.当时我还不明白这个red can的含义,长大一点,父亲告诉我这个red can也是他小时候和我祖母小时候的玩具 5.这么多年一直作为亲情纽带的象征传承了下来,期间一遍又一遍重新上色、维修,才保持如此光鲜的外表。 写作示范 Pretty soon, other grandbabies started to arrive, and each of them had their own turn on the little red can. ① We played with the items inside with great joy. We couldn’t help setting playtime for everyone, and I tended to igonore others’ presence every time the red can was in my hands. ② The can for a child was nothing but a little container filled with suprises. ③ At that time, I didn’t truly understand the meaning of it. ④ As I grew up, I learnt from my father that this red can was also a toy my grandma and he played when they were children. ⑤ It has been passed down as a symbol of family ties for so many years, during which time it has been recolored and repaired to maintain its glorious shiny red(原材料词汇). 第二段续写 情节思考 1.我刚进入祖母的家,有什么感受? —— 不能上来直接写red can,这样清洁不饱满,也不方便凑字数; —— 只要描述你去了某地,都要先描述去这个地方的第一感受 2.我的女儿也来了,怎么把daughter代入情境中? —— 女儿像我当初一样,被red can里的各种surprises吸引 ——?all sorts of surprises kept my daughter?busy 3.再次回到这里,会不会回忆起以前的场景? 4.收尾:以family, red can, bond, love, left by grandma等信息收尾 情节 1.每次拜访祖母,我都要先在以前bang with my cup and spoon的桌子旁坐一会 2.回忆美好的童年when我的其它cousins 一起玩耍,以及那个red can 3.跑跳声、笑声、哭声,在我脑海中都萦绕不去 4.突然一阵声音把我从回忆中拉出来,我才发现red can已经到了我的女儿手里,我的父母在旁边看着她笑着 5.看着女儿如此kept her busy,我感觉非常开心 6.然后我和祖母坐在桌子旁分享最近的生活,聊着、笑着,享受着这份爱和亲情。 7.我知道,这个red can还要继续传承下去 写作示范 ① Every visit to my grandmother's house brought me back to the moment when I bang with my cup and spoon on the table. ② Sitting at the table would remind me of the scene where my cousins and I played together with sounds of running, laughter and tears echoing through the house. ③ Suddenly a sound forced me out of my memory.?Then? I found the red can was in my daughter's hands, my grandma standing by smiling at her. ④ Watching my daughter kept busy with it fills me with great joy. ⑤ Then, my grandmother and I chatted at the table, sharing recent stories and laughing. We were fully immersed in the love and affection of families. ⑥【结尾】I knew that this red can would continue to be passed down through generations, carrying with it the essence of our family bond.