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版本:人教新目标(Go for it)版
类型: 试卷

5618480290830869950621665 第六天 一 、单项选择。 ( )1. exercise you take, you'll be. A.The fewer;the fatter B.The less;the fatter C.The less;the more fatter D.The more;the fatter ( )2.—Excuse me.Can you tell me ? —At about 8 o'clock,sir. A.what time the plane will reach Beijing B.what time will the plane arrive in Beijing C.what time the plane will arrive Beijing D.what time will the plane get to Beijing ( )3.—How does Lucy usually go to school? —She ride a bike,but now she there to lose weight. A.used to;is used to walk B.was used to;is used to walking C.was used to;is used to walk D.used to;is used to walking ( )4.Dennis is staring at me in disbelief.It makes me A.unlucky B.uncomfortable C.unusual D.happy ( )5.The news that some famous actors taking drugs surprised me. A.were catching B.will be caught C.were caught D.have caught 二、完形填空。 We live in a colorful world.In different countries,colors have 6 meanings.They are used to 7 different holidays.In ancient Rome,a red flag was a 8 for battle( 战 斗 ) .In India,red is the color of soldiers.In South Africa,red is the color of mourning(服丧).In China,red is the color of 9 and it is often used at 10.In ancient Greece,green represented victory.In England, people 11 green as a mark of honour(荣誉) .Green is the national color of Ireland.In India yellow is for a businessman or a farmer.In China and Japan,people wear white when very sad things happened.When their relatives 12 ,they usually wear white.The ancient Greeks wore white to bed to have pleasant 13 .In ancient Rome,public servants wore blue.Today the police still wear 14 .Colors can also represent different 15 .For example,you will be a leader or an active person who enjoys life if you like yellow,orange or red. ( )6.A.samt B.different C.some D.no ( )7.A.represent B.make C.feel D.speak ( )8.A.strength B.decision C.light D.sign ( )9.A.good luck B.bad luck C.sadness D.politeness ( )10.A.birthday parties B.weddings C.classes D.meetings ( )11.A.put on B.took off C.wore D.dressed ( )12.A.are dead B.are born C.visit D.are unwelcome ( )13.A.sleep B.asleep C.dreams D.think ( )14.A.red B.white C.green D.blue ( )15.A.things B.people C.feelings D.stress 824230646430 九年级英语 三、根据短文完成句子。 Name:Chen Hua From:Beijing I have changed a lot over the years.For example,I used to be afraid of exams,but now,it doesn't bother me in the slightest,and I used to spend time watching TV every day.But now,I have no time,I study all day.My mother used to take me to the concert often,but now,I hardly ever have time on it.I like running,and I used to run every day after class,but now I'm not allowed.My parents want me to study all day.They want me to become the top student in the class,and I don't want to let them down.So I have to give up running.I used to have colorful time,but now I'm busy enough,and I'm always happy.As you can see,people sure change! Name:Li Yun From:Guangzhou I've changed a lot over the years.I used to have lots of free time to play computer and watch TV.But now I work harder on studies.I don't go to bed until 10:30 because of my homework.I used to love toys because they are so interesting.However,I prefer to play basketball now and it really gives me so much fun!As for my daily life,I used to be afraid of the dark,so I couldn't sleep with the light off.But I can sleep with the light off now.Time goes by,it's amaring how I've changed and I am never a child! 16.Chen Hua used to spend time 17.Li Yun used to have lots of free time 18.For Chen Hua,his parents all day. 19.Li Yun prefers to now and it really gives her so much fun. 20. used to have colorful time,but no more now. 四、选择恰当的选项,补全对话。 Maria:Did you use to eat candy? Peter:Yes,I did. Maria: 21 Peter:No,I don't. 22 Maria:Me?I enjoy eating candy all the time.Also,I used to watch TV a lot. Peter:So did I.Did you use to spend much time pla- ying computer games? Maria:Yes,I did.23 I used to walk to school. A.Do you walk to school now? B.But I don't have time any more. C.Do you like eating candy now? D.Did you use to ride a bike when you were free? How about you? E.What about you? Peter:I used to go to school by bus.But now I like walking to school. 24 Maria:No,I ride a bike to school every day. 25 Peter:Of course I did. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 答案 一、1—5 BADBC 二、6—10 BADAB 11—15 CACDB 三、16.watching TV and running every day 17.to play computer and watch TV 18.want him to study 19.play basketball 20.Chen Hua 四、21—25 CEBAD