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  • ID:4-20056053 四川省雅安市四校联考2023-2024学年高二下期期中考试英语试题(PDF版含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)



  • ID:4-20056027 2024届广东省深圳市高三下学期二模英语试题(扫描版无答案)


  • ID:4-20056021 山西省吕梁市方山高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)



  • ID:4-20056009 湖北省孝感市重点高中2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中考试英语试卷(图片版无答案)


  • ID:4-20055915 外研版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 3 The world of Science words and expressions课件(共15张PPT)

    高中英语/外研版(2019)/必修 第三册/Unit 3 The world of science

    Unit 3 words and expressions press v. 按,压,逼迫,催促 n. 出版社,报刊杂志,新闻报道,按,压 pressure n. 压力 He pressed the doorbell. press sb. to do sth. 催促(逼迫)某人做某事 He pressed her to go with him. press…against….把……贴在…..上, 压在……上 Mike took a few steps backwards and pressed his back against the wall. press conference 记者招待会,新闻发布会 under pressure承受压力 relieve pressure 缓解压力 put pressure on sb. 给某人施压 2.shoot v.(shot,shot)射出(光,亮等),放射 射杀,拍摄,射门 n.[c ]嫩芽,新枝,拍摄 shoot at 朝……射击 The movie was shot in New York last year. The boys shot at the birds in the street. Tom shot a goal. 汤姆进了一个球。 a fashion shoot 时装摄影 new green shoots 绿色的新芽 3.capable adj. 有能力的, 能力强的,能干的 capably adv. a very capable woman 很能干的女子 be capable of (doing) sth. 有能力做某事 He is capable of running a mile in four minutes. At this critical moment , we have to be capable of facing all difficulties. He is capable of this task.他能胜任这个任务。 4.desire n. /vt. 欲望,渴望 a desire for sth./ to do sth. 对某物/做某事的渴望 He has a strong desire for happiness. He tried to satisfy his mother’s desire to return to her homeland. desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 People with disabilities desire to live a normal life. 5.significant adj. 重要的,影响深远的,显著的 significance n. 重要性 be of great significance = be greatly significant 意义重大 The discovery of the new drug is of great significance for people suffering from heart problems. a speech of great significance 有重大意义的讲话 6. injure vt. (使)受伤,弄伤 get injured 受伤 injury n. (身上的)伤,损伤 injured adj.受伤的 the injured 伤者 do sb. an injury /do an injury to sb.伤害某人 If someone gets injured , first aid should be given before the doctor comes. After the car crashed , an ambulance took the injured to hospital at once. 7.minor adj. 小的,不很重要的,次要的 vi.辅修 a minor road 一条小路 minor in ….. 辅修…… minor ------minority n. 少数 major -------majority n. 大多数 be in the / a minority 占少数 be in the /a majority 占大多数 origin n. 起源,起因,出身,血统 the origins of life on earth 生命的起源 in origin 在来源上,在血统上 The word is French in origin. 这个单词源于法语。 by origin 从出身上说 He was not English -----he was a Frenchman by origin. originate vi 起源,发源 originate from …. original adj.最初的,原先的,新颖的 n.原作,原稿,原件 originally adv. 最初,原来 In a word , to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it. I will keep a copy, and give you the original. 9.cure n. 药剂,疗法 vt. 治愈(疾病), 解决(问题),矫正,改 正(某人不良行为) a cure for ….治愈…..的方法 cure sb. of sth.治好某人的某种病,矫正某人的不良行为 The doctor cured the biologist _____ his headache. The best cure ______ boredom(无聊) is hard work. Thanks to the doctor, my illness ______ at last. of for was cured 10.declaration n. 声明,宣告 declare vt. 宣布,声明, 宣称 a declaration of war 宣战 declare for /against 声称支持/反对 declare war on /against 向….宣战 declare sb./sth. adj. 宣布某人/某物….. declare that ….. declare sb./sth. (to be)宣布某人/某事物为….. Germany declared war on France . He declared that he was innocent . I now declare this meeting open. She declared herself to be a supporter of the charity. The commission declared against the proposed plan. 11.experiment n. do/carry out/conduct an experiment vi. 做实验 experiment on animals 用动物做实验 experiment with new methods 用新方法做实验 experiment on sth. /sb.在某物上进行实验 experiment with sth. 用…..做实验 12.attach v. 系,贴,绑,附上, attach … to ….把……附到 …上 Attach a recent photo to the application form. 在申请表上附一张近照。 attach importance/significance to ….认为……重要 More and more people are beginning to attach importance to living a low-carbon life. be attached to ….喜欢,附属于 She is very attached to her family. The school is attached to Beijing Normal University. 13.conduct v. 传导(热,电),实施,引导, 指挥 Copper conducts electricity well.铜的导电性很好。 I asked the waiter to conduct him to the door. 我让服务员领他到门口。 Who is conducting at tonight’s concert? conductor n. (乐队)指挥,导体 14.proof n. 证据,证明 adj. 防……的,耐…..的,抗…..的 Can you provide any proof of identity? 你能提供什么身份证明? waterproof clothes a sound-proof room

  • ID:4-20055894 2024届高考英语二轮复习小作文投诉信商品类课件(共52张PPT)


    投诉信----商品类 [23-24高二上·安徽合肥·期末题型] 假定你是李华,在某海外购物网站上订购了一款智能手表作为新年礼物送给母亲,但是收货之后出现了一些问题,请你给该网站客服写一封邮件,内容包括: 1.投诉内容;2.你的诉求。 注意:写作词数应为80左右; 真题再现 online shopping browse Taobao shopping cart delivery package 谋篇布局 投诉信 基本框架 投诉信 2.主体 1.开头 3.结尾 写信背景+写信目的(投诉) 表明自己期待回复 投诉原因+诉求 1、开头:写信背景+写信目的(投诉) 自我介绍+经历回顾 I am a customer/buyer/diner(食客), who (经历回顾). 定语从句 接下来就可以写目的了(投诉)! 1、开头:自我介绍+写信目的(投诉) 1. I am writing to complain / make a complaint about...... 2. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction / complaint ...... 3. I am writing to inform you that I am dissatisfied with your...... 4. I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about...... 1、开头:自我介绍+写信目的(投诉) 注意衔接! 我是一名顾客,昨天买了你们店里的电脑。无法抑制自己的失望,我写信来表达我的不满。 I am a buyer who bought a computer from your store yesterday. Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows. 形容词作状语 P2开头:The reasons why I am not content with it are as follows. 衔接下文 To whom it may concern: I am a customer/buyer/diner, who (经历回顾). Unable to contain(抑制) my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows. 1、开头 绝大多数情况下,英文邮件的称呼后面跟逗号 Dear Harry, Dear Mr Potter, 有一种情况下用冒号,那就是不知道收信人叫什么、是男是女、什么职位,用"To whom it may concern",后面跟冒号 To whom it may concern: 2、主体:投诉内容+诉求 第一、第二怎么说? first of all, first and foremost, to begin with, in the first place, what’s more, in addition = additionally, furthermore, moreover, In the first place,__________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ______________(抱怨的第二个方面). It took ages/centuries to receive my product, which is a major source of my annoyance. 抱怨啥? 运输慢!!! transportation It took ages/centuries to receive my product, which is a major source of my annoyance/anger. 花了很长时间做某事 It took ages/centuries to receive my product, which is a major source of my annoyance. 抱怨啥? 运输慢!!! transportation 包装差! package on/upon receiving the goods, I found it so poorly packed up that some components/contents were lost/ were lightly worn . on/upon doing 刚做...的时候 worn [adj] 磨损的 on/upon receiving the goods, I found it so poorly packed up that some components were lost were lightly worn .. Hardly I had received the goods when I found it so poorly packed up that some components were lost were lightly worn .. Hardly had I received the goods when I found it so poorly packed up that some components were lost were lightly worn .. It took ages/centuries to receive my product, which is a major source of my annoyance. 抱怨啥? 运输慢!!! transportation 包装差! package 质量差 quality quality 【质量,品质】 qualitative 【 adj. 质量的 ,定性的】 qualitative difference 质的差别 qualify 【v. 取得资格,有权利去做;使 合格,胜任】 qualified 【adj. 有资格的,合格的】 质量 The last straw is its inferior quality, for which the product failed to function when it should have. 最后一根稻草 【adj.】次的,较差的;低等的,下级的 superior 【adj】优质的、上级的 因为这个 介词+which It took ages/centuries to receive my product, which is a major source of my annoyance. 抱怨啥? 运输慢!!! transportation 包装差! package 质量差 quality 售后服务 after-service What shocked me most was that your after-service treated my complaints with indifference. 服务 主语从句 商品投诉类型 投诉类型 运输 包装 质量 服务 It took ages/centuries to receive my package, which was a major source of my annoyance. on/upon receiving the goods, I found it so poorly packed up that some components/contents were lost/were lightly worn. The last straw is its inferior quality, for which the product failed to function when it should have. What shocked me most was that your after-service treated my complaints with indifference. 赔钱!!!! 本人要求...... request、require、ask、demand、desire、urge I urge that my product be refunded or exchanged, 名词性从句虚拟语气复习 坚持 _____________ 命令 _____________ 建议 _____________ 要求 _____________ insist order, command advise, suggest, propose, recommend demand, require, request, desire, urge, ask 与这些词(任何词性)相关的名词性从句需要用虚拟语气。 从句:sb + (should) do 赔钱!!!! 本人要求...... request、require、ask、demand、desire、urge I urge that my product be refunded and exchanged, 缺少衔接? therefore、thus、hence Under these circumstances, In light of what’s mentioned above, 鉴于 赔钱!!!! 本人要求...... request、require、ask、demand、desire、urge In light of what’s mentioned above, I urge that my product be refunded or exchanged, which is due to be completed by next Monday. 截止时间? be due to do 按期、如期...... 2、主体:投诉内容+诉求 In the first place,________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition,________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), (虚拟语气)I urge that my good (should) be refunded and exchanged, which is due to be completed by next Monday(时间). 3、结尾 希望问题得到解决! I’m looking forward to.......? I would appreciate it if you could reply me as soon as possible. Your early/prompt reply will be highly appreciated. I would appreciate it if you could attend the activity. Your attendance will be highly appreciated/expected/anticipated. Your participation will be highly encouraged/expected/anticipated. 主动不如被动好 3、结尾 希望问题得到解决! I’m looking forward to.......? 强硬版: Your prompt reply and a satisfactory solution are eagerly anticipated.(被动语态) 温和版: It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled(解决) in a satisfactory manner. To whom it may concern: I am a customer/buyer/diner who_____________(经历回顾). ②(形容词短语表示某人做某事前的状态)Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows. In the first place,________(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition,________(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), (虚拟语气)I urge that my goods (should) be refunded and exchanged, which is due to be completed by next Monday(时间). 温和版:It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled in a satisfactory manner. 强硬版:Your prompt reply and a satisfactory solution are eagerly anticipated.(被动语态) 投诉信模板 1. [2022年1月浙江卷] 假如你是中学生李华,最近在某个购物网站上购买了一双运动鞋,但到货后发现了一些问题,请给该网站写一封投诉信,投诉信内容如下表: 要点:1.写信目的; 2. 不满之处; 3. 表达期望(重新邮寄或退款)。 注意:1.书信内容包括以上要点; 2.词数80左右(书信格式已给出,不计入总词数); 3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 To whom it may concern: I am a customer/buyer/diner who_____________(经历回顾). ②(形容词短语表示某人做某事前的状态)Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows. In the first place,________(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition,________(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), (虚拟语气)I urge that my good (should) be refunded and exchanged, which is due to be completed by next Monday(时间). 温和版:It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled in a satisfactory manner. 强硬版:Your prompt reply and a satisfactory solution are eagerly anticipated.(被动语态) 投诉信模板 bought a pair of sneakers from your website couple days ago it took ages to receive the package upon opening the package, I found it so poorly packed up that the shoes were lightly worn. 2. [23-24高二上·四川遂宁·阶段练习] 书信写作-投诉信 假如你是汤姆,在一家商店购得劣质商品,于是与营业员交涉。但是该营业员对你态度粗暴,不予理睬,你为此想向经理写一份投诉信。注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.不得出现真实姓名; 3.开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Manager, To whom it may concern:/Dear Manager:I am a customer who____________________________________________________. Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows.In the first place,________________________________________________________________. In addition, __________________________________________________________________________ _____ Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), I urge that my good (should) be refunded and exchanged, which is due to be completed by next Monday.It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled in a satisfactory manner./Your prompt reply and a satisfactory solution are eagerly anticipated.Yours,Li Hua bought a pair of earrings from your store last week the earrings were of poor quality, for which they twisted(扭曲) and cracked(破裂) when I was trying to put on them what shocked me most is that your staff treated me with indifference. 3. [22-23高二下·河北衡水·阶段练习] 书信写作-其他应用文 假定你是李华,最近你在某英文购物网站上购买了一台笔记本电脑,但是到货后发现一些问题。请你给该购物网站售后部门写一封投诉信,内容包括: 1.阐述你的问题; 2.表达你的诉求。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Sir or Madam, Yours sincerely, Li Hua To whom it may concern:I am a customer who____________________________________________________. Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows.In the first place,________________________________________________________________. In addition, ______________________________________________________________ Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), I urge that my good (should) be refunded and exchanged, which is due to be completed by next Monday.It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled in a satisfactory manner./Your prompt reply and a satisfactory solution are eagerly anticipated.Yours,Li Hua bought a computer from your online store recently upon recieving the package,I found it so poorly packed up that some components were lost the last straw is its inferior quality, for which it even failed to function when it should have. 4. [21-22高二下·四川成都·期中] 书信写作一投诉信 假如你是李华,上个月你在国外某品牌官网上购买了一条围巾,打算送给妈妈作为生日礼物,却在收货时发现一些问题。请你就此给该网站写一封投诉邮件,要求如下: 1.表明写信目的; 2.反映问题; 3.表达诉求。 注意:1.词数100字左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:退款refund To whom it may concern: Yours sincerely, Li Hua To whom it may concern:I am a customer who_______________________________________________________. Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows.In the first place,________________________________________________________________. In addition, ______________________________________________________________ Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), I urge that my good (should) be refunded and exchanged, which is due to be completed by next Monday.It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled in a satisfactory manner./Your prompt reply and a satisfactory solution are eagerly anticipated.Yours,Li Hua bought a scarf as a gift from your online shop several days ago it took centuries to receive the goods, which is a major source of my annoyance what shocked me most is that your after-service treated my previous complaint with indifference 5. [23-24高二上·安徽合肥·期末题型] 假定你是李华,在某海外购物网站上订购了一款智能手表作为新年礼物送给母亲,但是收货之后出现了一些问题,请你给该网站客服写一封邮件,内容包括: 1.投诉内容;2.你的诉求。 注意:写作词数应为80左右; To whom it may concern:I am a customer who_______________________________________________________. Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows.In the first place,________________________________________________________________. In addition, ______________________________________________________________ Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), I urge that my good (should) be refunded and exchanged, which is due to be completed by next Monday.It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled in a satisfactory manner./Your prompt reply and a satisfactory solution are eagerly anticipated.Yours,Li Hua bought a smart watch as a gift from your website recently it took centuries to receive the goods, which is a major source of my annoyance so inferior is its quality that it failed to function, which fueled my anger. 服务类投诉信 投诉信相关短语表达 1. complain against sb. about sth. 投诉....... 2. dissatisfaction/discontent with 不满于..... 3. put up with / bear / tolerate 忍受 4. awful/terrible 糟糕的 5. poor service 糟糕的服务 6. out of one’s expectation 令某人大失所望 7. don’t live up to our trust and support 辜负了我们的信任和支持 8. look into / go into / investigate 调查 9. event/ incident / matter/case 事件/案件 10. sanitary situation 卫生条件 11. bad manners 不礼貌 12. disturbance 干扰 13. solve/settlw 解决 14. recurrence 再次发生 投诉信相关短语表达 投诉信相关句型 投诉点句式一: When I was about to ...... , I found / noticed that...... I was about to ......., only to find that...... 当我(正要)......的时候,我(竟然)发现/注意到...... 例1: 我正要上厕所时,我注意到它脏得令人无法忍受。 When I was about to use the toilet,I noticed that it was unbearablely dirty. I was about to use the toilet, only to find that it was unbearablely dirty. 投诉信相关句型 投诉点句式二: The last straw came / My discontent increased when...... 当...... , 最终我崩溃了/我的不满情绪加剧了。 例1: 我无法入睡,因为窗外的噪音是一个很大的干扰,最终我崩溃了。 The last straw came when I failed to sleep well for the reason that the noise outside the window proved a terrible disturbance. 投诉点句式三: 投诉信相关句型 sb/ sth was so ... that I could barely..., which fueled my anger/ discontent. So... did the sb/ sth ... that I could barely..., which fueled my anger/ discontent. 例1: 他的服务态度是如此冷漠,以至于我几乎不能享受晚餐,这激起了我的不满。 sb/sth 是如此......以至于我几乎不能......, 这激起了我的不满。 His service attitude was so indifferent that I could barely enjoy the dinner, which fueled my discontent. 投诉点句式四:(服务态度冷漠) 投诉信相关句型 I urged XX to ..., only to be objected coldly. 我敦促XX......, 却竟然被冷冷地拒绝. Several times though I......, no satisfactory solution was offered. 虽然好几次我......, 但依然没有得到令人满意的解决方案。 例1: 虽然我给售后服务中心打过好几次电话,但都没有提供满意的解决方案。 Several times though I called after-sale center,no satisfactory solution was offered. (2022年全国甲卷书面表达) 假设你是李华,最近你在使用某中学生英文报的过程中发现了一些问题。请你用英语给该报美籍负责人Smith写一封投诉信,内容包括: 1.写信的目的; 2.投诉的问题(有语法与拼写错误、一些阅读材料陈旧、纸张质量不如以前); 3.希望得到的结果。 有语法与拼写错误、一些阅读材料陈旧、纸张质量不如以前 Dear Smith, I am a ________ who_____________(经历回顾). ②(形容词短语表示某人做某事前的状态)Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows. In the first place,________(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition,________(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), (虚拟语气)I urge that____________________. It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled in a satisfactory manner. Yours, Li Hua student has been using your English newspaer I was about to do some English exercises, only to find that there were some spelling mistakes. Some of the reading material is so old that it has no reference value. The last straw came when I noticed the the quality of the paper is not as good as before.(补充第三点投诉) these problems should be settled, which is due to be completed by next issue. (2022年6月浙江卷) 假设你是李华,最近跟父母去国外旅行时所居住的旅馆服务不好。请根据以下要点提示给旅馆老板写一封英文投诉信,信中应包括下列内容: 1.空调不能正常运行; 2.浴室不干净; 3.晚上周围噪声很大,且不给更换房间; 4.服务员态度随意,漠不关心。 Dear Smith, I am a ________ who_____________(经历回顾). ②(形容词短语表示某人做某事前的状态)Unable to contain my disappointment, I am writing to express my complaint with reasons as follows. In the first place,________(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition,________(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances/(in light of what’s mentioned above), (虚拟语气)I urge that____________________. It’s my sincere hope that everything should be settled in a satisfactory manner. Yours, Li Hua customer odered a room in your hotel I was about to sleep , only to find the air conditioner failed to function and the noise outside proves a terrible disturbance. My discontent increased when I noticed the bathroom was no clean. I urged the reception to give me another room, only to be objected coldly. the reception should apologize to me and refund my room fee,which is due to be completed by next Monday. 1.空调不能正常运行;2.浴室不干净; 3.晚上周围噪声很大,且不给更换房间;4.服务员态度随意,漠不关心。

  • ID:4-20055856 2024届高三英语二轮复习江南十校联考语法填空讲评课件(共21张PPT)


    语填 【2024 年安徽省江南十校三月联考】 The Analects of Confucius (《论语》) records the words and deeds of the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, (56) __________ (write) somewhere between the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period more than 2,000 years ago. It (57) __________ (highlight) the political and moral ideas of Confucius and Confucianism. 行为 哲学家 动词 谓语动词 非谓语动词 =连词数量+1 to do doing done 时态 {3B4B98B0-60AC-42C2-AFA5-B58CD77FA1E5} 一般 进行 完成 完成进行 现在 过去 将来 / 过去将来 / / / 时态 时态 {3B4B98B0-60AC-42C2-AFA5-B58CD77FA1E5} 一般 进行 完成 完成进行 现在 过去 将来 / 过去将来 / / / do did will/shall do would/should do be (am/is /are)+doing be (was/were)+doing will/shall be doing have/has done had done will/shall have done have/has been doing had been doing 时态 【2024 年安徽省江南十校三月联考】 The Analects of Confucius (《论语》) records the words and deeds of the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, (56) __________ (write) somewhere between the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period more than 2,000 years ago. It (57) __________ (highlight) the political and moral ideas of Confucius and Confucianism. 行为 哲学家 write--wrote--written--writing written 道德的 谓语动词 highlights Ren is a core concept in the book adopted by Confucius with original meaning of loving others. (58) ________ (represent) a high moral standard, it includes all virtues. Confucius stresses that self-discipline is (59)__________ must for practicing the rules of propriety (礼) and achieving ren. 核心 起初的,原先的; 原作的;独创的,新颖的 original---originate(v. 起源,产生)--origin(n.) virtue [n.美德]----- virtuous [adj. 道德高尚的] versatile [adj. 多才多艺的] 非谓语 Representing 名词 a 未给提示词 介词 冠词 连词 代词 根据空格位置判断词性 【高考链接】 While you’re in China, Mount Huangshan is 65___________ must to visit!(2021年新高考全国Ⅰ卷) It took us about 3 hours to go all 48________ way around the Xi’an City Wall.(2021年全国甲卷) The plum trees are 70_________ first to flower even as the snow is melting (融化).(2020年全国Ⅱ卷) a the all the way 一路上 the 序数词 恰恰在…时候 Modern methods ___63___ tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive ___64___(perform) consistently over a large area. In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut___65___(report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a ___66___(believe) that populations are increasing. Scientists have responded by ___67___(note) that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion(错觉) that populations are___68___(high) than they actually are. Of___69___ nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations(亚种群), three are declining, six____70____(be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data. 在此表示特定的范围,是特指,意为“在这十九个公认的北极熊亚种群中”, the Unexpectedly, I’m face-to-face with the gorilla(大猩猩), who begins screaming at 62__________ top of her lungs.(2018年全国Ⅲ卷) the at the top of one’s lungs=at the top of one’s voice “大声地,放声” 冠词 1.位置:通常在名词前 动词+________+名词 介词+________+名词 什么时候填the 呢? 1. 空格后是序数词或最高级时,填定冠词the 2.“the+形容词”表示一类人或物。 3. 世界上独一无二的名词、发明物、演奏的西洋乐器、表示计量单位的名词前用定冠词the。 如:He is paid by the day.“他是日薪” 4. 年代前用定冠词the 5. 固定搭配中 Society has developed greatly and huge changes (60) __________ (occur) as well after the birth of the Analects of Confucius. Nevertheless, it contains lots of ideas beyond the passage of time, some of (61) __________ are still relevant today. For example, Confucius analyzes the relationship between learning and thinking by saying that learning without thinking leads to confusion while thinking without learning ends in puzzlement. Besides, the Analects of Confucius also (62) __________ (vivid) shows the images of Confucius’s students. Zi Lu is straightforward, Zi Gong is smart, and Yan Hui is mild and capable. Confucius insists on treating students (63) __________ individuals to achieve full potential, which is (64) __________ (consist) with some of the modern educational thoughts. have occured 时间的流逝 which vividly 个人,个体 连词 并列连词 从属连词 and, but, so, as 位置:左右形式一样 adj___adj; n_____n; 短语_____短语; 句子_____句子 状语从句 名词性从句 定语从句 Zi Lu is straightforward, Zi Gong is smart, and Yan Hui is mild and capable. Confucius insists on treating students (63) __________ individuals to achieve full potential, which is (64) __________ (consist) with some of the modern educational thoughts. 连词 并列连词 as treat.... as 把...当作... consist 不及物 无被动,consisted 不行 consist vi.由...组成,由...构成 consistent adj. 一致的,一贯的 be consistent with 与..相一致,相符合 ing意思不对! consistent Though it is the only unnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventure 62_____________ offers a place where you can sit down to rest your aching legs.(2021年新高考全国Ⅰ卷) My bike was old and shaky 47 _______ did the job. (2021年全国甲卷) and but shabby [adj]. 破旧的,破烂的 eg:Their homes are quite shabby It was not widely accepted as a travel concept 64________ the late 1980s. (2021年全国乙卷) 65______ he asked the villagers on the banks of the river where he could find the legendary(传说的,有名的) artist, they smiled and pointed down the river.(2020年全国Ⅲ卷) While they are rare north of 88?, there is evidence 61 _______ they range all the way across the Arctic(北极), and is far south as James Bay in Canada.(2019年全国Ⅰ卷) not … until …“直到……才” until when 罕见的 Antarctic (南极) that 同位语从句 词性变换 ①若提示词在主语或宾语的位置,且前面有冠词、形容词、物主代词等,一般填名词形式。 ②若提示词作表语,或修饰后面的名词,一般填形容词形式。 ③若提示词对整个句子或对其前、后的动词、形容词起修饰作用,一般填副词形式。 ④要牢记常见的前后缀形式,确保正确转换词性 1. (2022年新高考II卷)When he looked down, he ______(40)(accidental) slipped and fell over the edge. 2.(2020年新课标Ⅰ)Landing on the moon’s far side is ______ (62) (extreme) challenging. 3. (2020年山东) Historical _________ (44)(accurate)is important but so is entertainment. 4. (2022年新高考II卷)They both fell __________(38)(sleep) while watching TV. 5. (2022年全国甲卷)Cao believes this will make the hiking trip even more ____________(66)(meaning). (2021年新高考II卷)A company ______(44)(represent) wrote back and told me the airline was switching over from plastic to paper cups on all of its 1,200 daily flights. (2021年全国乙卷) Provide _________(68)(finance) aid and other benefits for local peoples.. (2021年新高考I卷)But that's how nature is —always leaving us __________(60)(astonish). accuracy extremely accidentally asleep meaningful representative [n.] 代理人 finacial astonished leave sb/sth +宾语补足语(形式很多:Ved, Ving, adj, adv) 【形容词变副词】以tic为结尾的形容词,先在后面加al, 再加ly 1. Fantastic(极好的)-----Fantastically(极好地)2. Elastic(有弹性的)--------Elastically(有弹性地)3. Dramatic(戏剧性的)------Dramatically(戏剧地)4. Realistic(现实的)--------Realistically(现实地)5. Drastic (激烈的)------Drastically(激烈地)6. Domestic(国内的)------Domestically(国内地)7.Artistic(艺术的)------ Artistically(艺术地)8. Majestic (雄伟的)-----Majestically(雄伟地)9. Simplistic(过于简单化的)-----Simplistically(过于简单化地)10. Optimistic(乐观的)-----Optimistically(乐观地) The Analects of Confucius is a fine example of world literature, and the publication of its (65) __________ (version) in various languages will further enhance cultural exchanges between China and the world. versions

  • ID:4-20055854 2024届高三英语二轮复习江南十校联考完形填空讲评课件(共15张PPT)


    完形 It was a winter afternoon when I tripped over a high kerb (马路牙子). Suddenly, I was flying through the air. It was only the next morning when I tried to take a photo of some splendid sunlight (41) __________ into my kitchen, that I had to face the reality: I could no longer lift my camera, let alone use it. Later, a hospital appointment (42) __________ my worst fear—the arm needed total rest. 41. A. winding B. streaming C. sticking D. knocking 42. A. confirmed B. removed C. relieved D. overcame 绊倒,摔跤 splendid [adj.] 极佳的,非常的; 壮丽的 morning sunlight _______into my kitchen. 照进 [v.] 蜿蜒前进 [n.] 树枝,棍子;[v.] 粘,贴;刺,戳 stream [n.] 小溪,小河;a stream of 一连串的 [v.] 光线照射 It was a winter afternoon when I tripped over a high kerb (马路牙子). Suddenly, I was flying through the air. It was only the next morning when I tried to take a photo of some splendid sunlight (41) __________ into my kitchen, that I had to face the reality: I could no longer lift my camera, let alone use it. Later, a hospital appointment (42) __________ my worst fear—the arm needed total rest. 41. A. winding B. streaming C. sticking D. knocking 42. A. confirmed B. removed C. relieved D. overcame 绊倒,摔跤 绊倒,摔跤 splendid [adj.] 极佳的,非常的; 壮丽的 [v.] 蜿蜒前进 [n.] 树枝,棍子;[v.] 粘,贴;刺,戳 更不用说 face the reality(意识到问题,隐隐约约感觉大事不妙), 去了一趟医院,我的担心_________ 加重,上升,确定了 [v.] 移除 [v.] 缓解 [v.] 克服 [v.] 确定,证实 ① Soon I became impatient. I couldn’t travel much. Surfing online, I (43) __________ the concept of gratitude intervention, a method to boost (44) __________ and well-being by being grateful. 43. A. broke into B. made up C. took down D. came across 44. A. dream B. thought C. mood D. desire [v.] 增长 [n.] 幸福、安康 ① ②  ③started to greatly (52) __________ both my mood and my images. 闯入,侵入 弥补;编造 拆卸;记下 偶然遇见 “增” boost increase boom 猛增 go up 升高,上涨 escalate 扩大 expand 扩大 soar 猛增,骤升 shoot up 快速增加 mount 渐渐增长 multiply 使倍增 enhance 提高 “减” fall drop/drop off reduce lower go down 下降 decline diminish 减少,降低 plunge 暴跌=plummet slid 下跌,下滑 I had never been wildly (45) __________ about the concept of counting one’s blessings. However, a Californian psychologist, Sonja Lyubomirsky, has (46) __________ research into something much more creative—using a daily photography (47) __________ as a tool for enhanced gratitude. 45. A. enthusiastic B. confused C. nervous D. particular 46. A. consulted B. imagined C. pioneered D. observed adj [n.] 幸事,福祉 开展 研究好 [v.] 咨询 观察;庆祝;遵守 [n.] 先驱,拓荒者 [v.] 开拓,开发开辟 however 转折(对比) 有个心理学家对这个理论深入的研究 vs(however) 我之前对这个东西从来就没研究呗 never+ adj=不关心,没想过,不感冒 [adj.] 热心的,热情的 I had never been wildly (45)enthusiastic about the concept of counting one’s blessings. However, a Californian psychologist, Sonja Lyubomirsky, has (46) pioneered research into something much more creative—using a daily photography (47) __________ as a tool for enhanced gratitude. 47. A. lesson B. skill C. plan D. practice n 切记瞎猜,乱填! 联系上下文,文章写的是啥,就填啥 看下文 Lyubomirsky’s instructions are (48) __________, but not necessarily easy to carry out. Take photographs throughout the day of things central to who you are. Reading how participants assigned to the gratitude interventions (49) __________ experienced enhanced positive emotions, a sense of connectedness, more support, and less (50) __________, I decided to carry on. 47. A. lesson B. skill C. plan D. practice 48. A. complex B. simple C. normal D. abstract using a daily photography (47) __________ as a tool for enhanced gratitude. 要我拍 照片 [n.]练习,实践 Lyubomirsky’s instructions are (48) simple, but not necessarily easy to carry out. Take photographs throughout the day of things central to who you are. Reading how participants assigned to the gratitude interventions (49) __________ experienced enhanced positive emotions, a sense of connectedness, more support, and less (50) __________, I decided to carry on. 49. A. occasionally B. hardly C. significantly D. slightly 50. A. interruption B. loneliness C. willingness D. motivation be assigned to 被分配到 语法知识点 v-ed 动词的过去式 形容词 过去分词做定语 重理概念 过去分词是动词的一种形式,通常由动词加上-ed或-d结尾构成,如played, watched, loved等。 具有形容词、副词、动词的性质 它可以用来表示被动语态、完成时态、或作定语和状语等。 过去分词作定语的用法 过去分词作定语通常用于修饰名词或代词,用来描述或限定它们的属性或状态 定语从句 ①表示被动意义 eg:The broken vase needs to be replaced. 这个破花瓶需要被更换。 ②表示完成状态 eg:finished products 特别注意: 可以是一个词,也可以短语 过去分词作定语与定语从句的相互转换 The fish caught yesterday was sold in the market The fish which was caught yesterday was sold in the market The students enjoyed themselves at the party held by theschool last night. The students enjoyed themselves at the party which was held by the school last night. Lyubomirsky’s instructions are (48) simple, but not necessarily easy to carry out. Take photographs throughout the day of things central to who you are. Reading how participants assigned to the gratitude interventions (49) __________ experienced enhanced positive emotions, a sense of connectedness, more support, and less (50) __________, I decided to carry on. 49. A. occasionally B. hardly C. significantly D. slightly 50. A. interruption B. loneliness C. willingness D. motivation 项目好,我才会想试一下 [adj.]显著的,明显的 不好的,和前面对应 [n.]打断,插嘴,干扰 [n.]意愿 [n.]动力 Taking a single photo was painful, but the (51) __________ to find anything to feel grateful about, and then to record it, started to greatly (52) __________ both my mood and my images. I began to photograph the (53) __________ of my days. Despite everything, I found I could find magic in the daily routines. 51. A. struggle B. excuse C. opportunity D. promise 52. A. keep B. balance C. ruin D. improve 53. A. details B. surprises C. changes D. achievements 好的 [v.]毁坏,破坏 难 chance possibility v/n 奋斗,努力 (过程) 成就 Life seems repetitive and (54) __________ when you don’t notice the (55) __________ of each moment and the constant small changes that are going on all around you. Don’t just take my word for it—experience it for yourself. 54. A. wonderful B. meaningful C. unfair D. boring 55. A. pain B. anxiety C. uniqueness D. challenge 重复的

  • ID:4-20055841 2024届高三英语二轮复习读后续写之如何扩写情节课件(共46张PPT)


    读后续写 之 情节扩充 故事梗概: 搬到一个陌生的环境(国外),我没有办法适应新环境(学业和心理)。在英语老师kate 的鼓励和帮助下(课后辅导),我重拾自信,融入集体。 P1 An English teacher, Kate , noticed that I was struggling. P2 The after school class really helped. Joy gushed(涌出) into/ welled up in my heart, which seemed to be rippling(涟漪n./ 情绪波动) in the spring water. 我的心仿佛在春水里荡漾 His anger was within his eyes, even more vigorously(精力充沛的;强壮的) than the furnace(火炉) of fire. 他眼中的怒火比炉子里的火还要旺。 表示高兴 表示生气 比喻 Hands sweating, I felt blood pulsing(脉搏;跳动) through my heart. 手心流着汗,我感到血液迅速流过心脏。 My jaw dropped deep and my eyes open wide. 我惊掉了下巴,眼睛瞪大。 表示恐惧 表示惊讶 具体 She was discouraged, like a deflated ball. 她像泄了气的皮球一样。 He shrugged and spread his hands around. 他耸了耸肩,摆了摆手 表示沮丧 表示无奈 With worry and uncertainty,I entered her office. Having required( having done:非谓语结构表示先发生的动作:先让我坐下,再告诉我消息) me to sit down,she told me that I failed the math test. And she suggested that I am supposed to spend another year in middle school if I wanted to be admitted to a relatively good high school(虚拟语气). Hardly could I conceal my tears when I heard the news(一……就,hardly ……when ,要倒装). Seeing that, Ms.Robbins came to comfort and encourage me,saying she'd like to offer any help if necessary. After leaving her office,I wondered how to tell the bad news to my parents with my palms sweating.(with的复合结构,这样写才能和第二段的开头连在一块) Having taken the courage to tell my parents the bad news,they were silent. My body shook,waiting for their blame. However,they encouraged me to have another try in ninth grade. It was then that I determined to take math seriously(强调句). The following day,I turned to Ms.Robbins for help and told her about my determination. Thanks to her patient guidance,it was beyond my wildest dream (从没预料到,出乎意料) that I made great progress and was not afraid of math any more. Finally,I made my way to a key university . Had it not been for(就相当于without, 要不是) Ms.Robbins’ help, I won’t realize that I had such potential and persistence.( 主旨升华) 写不出来内容? 讲述了高中生Sarah对烘焙充满热情,她梦想有一天能开一家自己的烘焙店。为了提高技能和获得实践经验,她每周六都会在一个公园设立一个小摊位,出售自制的曲奇和蛋糕。一天,她注意到一位忧郁的老妇人独自坐在公园的长椅上陷入沉思。Sarah给老人端来一杯茶喝一块巧克力蛋糕,并开始与之交谈。老妇人介绍她自己为威尔逊夫人,退休前是一名烘焙师,自从一星期前丈夫因癌症去世后她一直独居,来公园是她躲避孤独的方式。Sarah倾听着威尔逊夫人的故事,内心深受触动。 P1:Sarah decided to help Mrs. Wilson out. P2: Over time, their unlikely friendship became noticed in the park. P1:Sarah decided to help Mrs. Wilson out. 具体怎么帮她走出来的?------动作描写 Mrs. Wilson 的情绪、内心的变化-----情绪描写+心理描写 她俩成为好朋友了(Sarah 想成为面包师+Mrs. Wilson 退休前是面包师-------联系原文和续写内容) P2: Over time, their unlikely friendship became noticed in the park. 公园人的反应和做法(选写) Mrs. Wilson 在公园今昔的不同(可以用对比:动作、心里、情绪) Sarah 在公园的面包小摊的变化(紧扣原文) 主旨升华 把动作写详细点 写不出来内容? 1. At the same time, the wolf also noticed them and turned its head back, howling(嚎叫) angrily towards Paul and Becky.(狼发现人了) 2. Seeing the wolf running towards the car, Paul opened the door without any hesitation, pulling Mac into the car.(被狼发现,赶紧逃跑) 3. Of course, Arthur, still running on the Park Avenue, with the suitcase in his hand, refused to stop, trying his best to look for a taxi.(阿瑟赶车) 4. Instinctively(本能的,凭直觉的), I yelled out lould , pulling back the reins(缰绳) hard in order stop the horse from hurting the little creature.(阻止马伤害其他动物) 环境/时间/过度 动作 情绪/心理 环境/时间/过度 动作 情绪/心理 环境/时间/过度词+ Sb+ with....(工具)+ doing A, did B, doing C, feeling/ looking... 【1】The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. People were trying to help each other meet the challenges. 【2】Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them. 【3】One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy — his name was Bernard — had interested her very much. 【4】“I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some money, but I don’t see what he can do.” 【5】After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. “I wish we could help him to earn money.” said Clara. “His family is suffering so much.” 【6】“So do I,” said Harry. “We really should do something to assist them.” 【7】For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish(完成).” 【8】The other children also jumped up all attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one. “I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us?Well, we can make popcorn(爆米花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.” (326 words) 2020年山东高考 Para 1:梅雷迪斯太太听到这个主意后,也觉得很好。 孩子们把玉米做成爆米花 梅雷迪斯太太出门买包装纸 一起拿去给伯纳德 Para 2:万事俱备,伯纳德开始了他的小生意。 挨家挨户上订销售 生意很好 伯纳德开心赚到钱,梅雷迪斯一家感到快乐 范文 Para 1:When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. The children turned the corn into popcorn Mrs. Meredith went out to buy wrapping paper Take it to Bernard Para 2: With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business. they sold popcorn door to door Their Business is good Bernard was happy to earn money, and Meredith's family was happy too 字数不够,写的有点简单 《我去救公主》 我要带上最好的剑 翻过最高的山 闯入最深的森林 动作少了怎么办? 拆解练习一 男孩跳入湖中嬉戏 冲向湖边 脱掉衣服 跳入水中 rush to the lake take off his clothes jump into the water They boy rushed to the lake, took off his clothes and jumped into the water. sb did1, did 2 and did 3 (三个连续的动作) Having taken off his clothes, the boy rushed to the lake and jumped into the water. Having done, sb did (先后顺序) 拆解练习二 歌手唱歌 扫视观众 深吸一口气 开始演唱 glance at the audience cast a glance at the audience take a deep breath begin to sing They singer glanced at the audience, took a deep breath and began to sing. sb did1, did 2 and did 3 (三个连续的动作) After casting a glance at the audience, the singer took a deep breath and began to sing 时间状语从句 拆解练习三 老人静坐 坐在地铁上 盯着手机 皱着眉头 sit on the subway stare at his phone knit his brows/ frown Sitting on the subway, the old man stared at his phone, knitting his brows 找出一个当主句,剩下的用非谓语 Absorbed in reading, the man sat still on the subway, frowning. 形容词短语做状语 be absorbed in doing 总结一下吧 流畅三连 同时发生 有先后 有因果 sb did A, did B and did C sb did A, doing B and doing C Doing B and C, sb did A ①(先/因)Having done A, sb. did B and C (后/果) ②sb did A and B, doing C(果) ③After/ Before doing A, sb did B to do C(目的) 动作串烧 我要带上最好的剑 翻过最高的山 闯入最深的森林 把公主带回来 流畅三连 同时发生 有先后 有因果 I climbed over the highest mountain, found my way into the deep forest and brought back the princess Carrying the best sword, I went into the deep forest and borught the princess back a. I climbed over the highest mountain and found my way into the dense forest(因), bringing back the princess(果). b. After climbing over the highest mountain, I found my way into the dense forests to bring back the princess. 加感情 Depressed and helpless, the princess cired out. He finally found his way into the forest, exhausted but excited. He brought back the princess, feeling proud and excited. 情绪放句首,表示原因或伴随的情感 情绪放句末,表示动作结束后一个自然而然的结果 feeling+情绪,直白的体现人物的情绪(作伴随状语) 留位置记笔记 加个buff/工具 with sth in one’s hand with the help of sb with a smile with 的复合结构 He climbed over the hill with a sword in his hand. He, with the help of an elf (精灵),saved the princess 心怦怦跳 With my heart ___________(beat) 大脑一片空白 With my mind____________(go) blank 拳头紧握 With my fists____________(clench) 闭上眼睛 With my eyes____________(close) 头垂下来 With my head____________(droop) 手心出汗 With my palms____________(sweat) 眼睛紧盯 With my eyes____________(fix) on sth 双腿颤抖 With my legs____________(tremble) 眼泪滚下来 With my tears____________(roll) down 小脸通红 With my face____________(flush/burn) 眼睛闪烁 With my eyes____________(sparkle) 常见的with 动作面 beating going clenched closed drooped/drooping sweating fixed trembling rolling flushing spakling 好事 坏事 显而易见的事 最后发生的事 Fortunately, Wonderfully, Amazingly, Fantastically... Unfortunately Obviously, Evidently, Apparently Eventually, Finally, Ultimately 加过渡 1.终于... Eventually, Finally, Ultimately 2.直到...才 Not until+时间+半倒装 3.没过多久 shortly afterwards, / it wasn’t long before 4.一...就... The instant/moment; as soon as; hardly...when; no sooner... than. 5. 当... when/while/as/ by the time (等到...) 一到...就 Upon /on one’s arrival at / in 一看到 一想?到 at the sight of... at the thought of... 例:It turned out that she eventually overcome the difficulty and got the first prize. 状语串烧(注入灵魂) materials ① before long 时间 ② into the forest 地点 ③ to our surprise 过渡 ④with the help of an elf 工具 ⑤feeling proud and excited 情绪 表达情绪除了形容词作状语,有没有别的了? 无灵主语!!! 坏情绪 情绪 + defeated sb 情绪 + tore sb into pieces 还有无灵主语也可以表示情绪呀~ 好坏情绪共用 情绪 + seized sb/ took hold of sb 抓住... 情绪 + flashed/ crossed sb 掠过... 情绪 + swallowed sb 吞噬... 那我们用无灵主语试试看~ 开心的动作 wear a shining smile a shining smile spread across one’s face smile broadly tears of joy roll down/ shed tears of joy laugh one’s head off 好坏情绪共用 情绪 + seized sb/ took hold of sb 抓住... 情绪 + flashed/ crossed sb 掠过... 情绪 + swallowed sb 吞噬... Fantastically,a shining smile spread across Doris’s face, with joy and surprise flashing him. 副词衔接 情绪的转变 情绪的转变 give way to 给...让路 Her sorrow gave way to delight and relief. 关于听到某事的句子衔接:必背 With these words lingering/ echoing in her mind, her sorrow gave way to dilight and relief. With these words lingering/ echoing in her ming, her sorrow gave way to dilight and relief, tears of joy suddenly rolling down her cheeks. 非谓语动词,补充该情绪下的动作 Everything in the surroundings spoke of/saw/found+情绪名词 I was nervous. Everything in the surroundings saw my nervousness. I was very anxious. Everything in the surroundings found my anxiety. I was very happy. Everything in the surroundings spoke of my happiness/felicity(极乐). 单独一个情绪 实战演练 P1:Sarah decided to help Mrs. Wilson out.

  • ID:4-20055841 2024届高三英语二轮复习读后续写之如何扩写情节课件(共46张PPT)


    读后续写 之 情节扩充 故事梗概: 搬到一个陌生的环境(国外),我没有办法适应新环境(学业和心理)。在英语老师kate 的鼓励和帮助下(课后辅导),我重拾自信,融入集体。 P1 An English teacher, Kate , noticed that I was struggling. P2 The after school class really helped. Joy gushed(涌出) into/ welled up in my heart, which seemed to be rippling(涟漪n./ 情绪波动) in the spring water. 我的心仿佛在春水里荡漾 His anger was within his eyes, even more vigorously(精力充沛的;强壮的) than the furnace(火炉) of fire. 他眼中的怒火比炉子里的火还要旺。 表示高兴 表示生气 比喻 Hands sweating, I felt blood pulsing(脉搏;跳动) through my heart. 手心流着汗,我感到血液迅速流过心脏。 My jaw dropped deep and my eyes open wide. 我惊掉了下巴,眼睛瞪大。 表示恐惧 表示惊讶 具体 She was discouraged, like a deflated ball. 她像泄了气的皮球一样。 He shrugged and spread his hands around. 他耸了耸肩,摆了摆手 表示沮丧 表示无奈 With worry and uncertainty,I entered her office. Having required( having done:非谓语结构表示先发生的动作:先让我坐下,再告诉我消息) me to sit down,she told me that I failed the math test. And she suggested that I am supposed to spend another year in middle school if I wanted to be admitted to a relatively good high school(虚拟语气). Hardly could I conceal my tears when I heard the news(一……就,hardly ……when ,要倒装). Seeing that, Ms.Robbins came to comfort and encourage me,saying she'd like to offer any help if necessary. After leaving her office,I wondered how to tell the bad news to my parents with my palms sweating.(with的复合结构,这样写才能和第二段的开头连在一块) Having taken the courage to tell my parents the bad news,they were silent. My body shook,waiting for their blame. However,they encouraged me to have another try in ninth grade. It was then that I determined to take math seriously(强调句). The following day,I turned to Ms.Robbins for help and told her about my determination. Thanks to her patient guidance,it was beyond my wildest dream (从没预料到,出乎意料) that I made great progress and was not afraid of math any more. Finally,I made my way to a key university . Had it not been for(就相当于without, 要不是) Ms.Robbins’ help, I won’t realize that I had such potential and persistence.( 主旨升华) 写不出来内容? 讲述了高中生Sarah对烘焙充满热情,她梦想有一天能开一家自己的烘焙店。为了提高技能和获得实践经验,她每周六都会在一个公园设立一个小摊位,出售自制的曲奇和蛋糕。一天,她注意到一位忧郁的老妇人独自坐在公园的长椅上陷入沉思。Sarah给老人端来一杯茶喝一块巧克力蛋糕,并开始与之交谈。老妇人介绍她自己为威尔逊夫人,退休前是一名烘焙师,自从一星期前丈夫因癌症去世后她一直独居,来公园是她躲避孤独的方式。Sarah倾听着威尔逊夫人的故事,内心深受触动。 P1:Sarah decided to help Mrs. Wilson out. P2: Over time, their unlikely friendship became noticed in the park. P1:Sarah decided to help Mrs. Wilson out. 具体怎么帮她走出来的?------动作描写 Mrs. Wilson 的情绪、内心的变化-----情绪描写+心理描写 她俩成为好朋友了(Sarah 想成为面包师+Mrs. Wilson 退休前是面包师-------联系原文和续写内容) P2: Over time, their unlikely friendship became noticed in the park. 公园人的反应和做法(选写) Mrs. Wilson 在公园今昔的不同(可以用对比:动作、心里、情绪) Sarah 在公园的面包小摊的变化(紧扣原文) 主旨升华 把动作写详细点 写不出来内容? 1. At the same time, the wolf also noticed them and turned its head back, howling(嚎叫) angrily towards Paul and Becky.(狼发现人了) 2. Seeing the wolf running towards the car, Paul opened the door without any hesitation, pulling Mac into the car.(被狼发现,赶紧逃跑) 3. Of course, Arthur, still running on the Park Avenue, with the suitcase in his hand, refused to stop, trying his best to look for a taxi.(阿瑟赶车) 4. Instinctively(本能的,凭直觉的), I yelled out lould , pulling back the reins(缰绳) hard in order stop the horse from hurting the little creature.(阻止马伤害其他动物) 环境/时间/过度 动作 情绪/心理 环境/时间/过度 动作 情绪/心理 环境/时间/过度词+ Sb+ with....(工具)+ doing A, did B, doing C, feeling/ looking... 【1】The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. People were trying to help each other meet the challenges. 【2】Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them. 【3】One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy — his name was Bernard — had interested her very much. 【4】“I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some money, but I don’t see what he can do.” 【5】After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. “I wish we could help him to earn money.” said Clara. “His family is suffering so much.” 【6】“So do I,” said Harry. “We really should do something to assist them.” 【7】For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish(完成).” 【8】The other children also jumped up all attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one. “I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us?Well, we can make popcorn(爆米花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.” (326 words) 2020年山东高考 Para 1:梅雷迪斯太太听到这个主意后,也觉得很好。 孩子们把玉米做成爆米花 梅雷迪斯太太出门买包装纸 一起拿去给伯纳德 Para 2:万事俱备,伯纳德开始了他的小生意。 挨家挨户上订销售 生意很好 伯纳德开心赚到钱,梅雷迪斯一家感到快乐 范文 Para 1:When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she thought it was a good one, too. The children turned the corn into popcorn Mrs. Meredith went out to buy wrapping paper Take it to Bernard Para 2: With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business. they sold popcorn door to door Their Business is good Bernard was happy to earn money, and Meredith's family was happy too 字数不够,写的有点简单 《我去救公主》 我要带上最好的剑 翻过最高的山 闯入最深的森林 动作少了怎么办? 拆解练习一 男孩跳入湖中嬉戏 冲向湖边 脱掉衣服 跳入水中 rush to the lake take off his clothes jump into the water They boy rushed to the lake, took off his clothes and jumped into the water. sb did1, did 2 and did 3 (三个连续的动作) Having taken off his clothes, the boy rushed to the lake and jumped into the water. Having done, sb did (先后顺序) 拆解练习二 歌手唱歌 扫视观众 深吸一口气 开始演唱 glance at the audience cast a glance at the audience take a deep breath begin to sing They singer glanced at the audience, took a deep breath and began to sing. sb did1, did 2 and did 3 (三个连续的动作) After casting a glance at the audience, the singer took a deep breath and began to sing 时间状语从句 拆解练习三 老人静坐 坐在地铁上 盯着手机 皱着眉头 sit on the subway stare at his phone knit his brows/ frown Sitting on the subway, the old man stared at his phone, knitting his brows 找出一个当主句,剩下的用非谓语 Absorbed in reading, the man sat still on the subway, frowning. 形容词短语做状语 be absorbed in doing 总结一下吧 流畅三连 同时发生 有先后 有因果 sb did A, did B and did C sb did A, doing B and doing C Doing B and C, sb did A ①(先/因)Having done A, sb. did B and C (后/果) ②sb did A and B, doing C(果) ③After/ Before doing A, sb did B to do C(目的) 动作串烧 我要带上最好的剑 翻过最高的山 闯入最深的森林 把公主带回来 流畅三连 同时发生 有先后 有因果 I climbed over the highest mountain, found my way into the deep forest and brought back the princess Carrying the best sword, I went into the deep forest and borught the princess back a. I climbed over the highest mountain and found my way into the dense forest(因), bringing back the princess(果). b. After climbing over the highest mountain, I found my way into the dense forests to bring back the princess. 加感情 Depressed and helpless, the princess cired out. He finally found his way into the forest, exhausted but excited. He brought back the princess, feeling proud and excited. 情绪放句首,表示原因或伴随的情感 情绪放句末,表示动作结束后一个自然而然的结果 feeling+情绪,直白的体现人物的情绪(作伴随状语) 留位置记笔记 加个buff/工具 with sth in one’s hand with the help of sb with a smile with 的复合结构 He climbed over the hill with a sword in his hand. He, with the help of an elf (精灵),saved the princess 心怦怦跳 With my heart ___________(beat) 大脑一片空白 With my mind____________(go) blank 拳头紧握 With my fists____________(clench) 闭上眼睛 With my eyes____________(close) 头垂下来 With my head____________(droop) 手心出汗 With my palms____________(sweat) 眼睛紧盯 With my eyes____________(fix) on sth 双腿颤抖 With my legs____________(tremble) 眼泪滚下来 With my tears____________(roll) down 小脸通红 With my face____________(flush/burn) 眼睛闪烁 With my eyes____________(sparkle) 常见的with 动作面 beating going clenched closed drooped/drooping sweating fixed trembling rolling flushing spakling 好事 坏事 显而易见的事 最后发生的事 Fortunately, Wonderfully, Amazingly, Fantastically... Unfortunately Obviously, Evidently, Apparently Eventually, Finally, Ultimately 加过渡 1.终于... Eventually, Finally, Ultimately 2.直到...才 Not until+时间+半倒装 3.没过多久 shortly afterwards, / it wasn’t long before 4.一...就... The instant/moment; as soon as; hardly...when; no sooner... than. 5. 当... when/while/as/ by the time (等到...) 一到...就 Upon /on one’s arrival at / in 一看到 一想?到 at the sight of... at the thought of... 例:It turned out that she eventually overcome the difficulty and got the first prize. 状语串烧(注入灵魂) materials ① before long 时间 ② into the forest 地点 ③ to our surprise 过渡 ④with the help of an elf 工具 ⑤feeling proud and excited 情绪 表达情绪除了形容词作状语,有没有别的了? 无灵主语!!! 坏情绪 情绪 + defeated sb 情绪 + tore sb into pieces 还有无灵主语也可以表示情绪呀~ 好坏情绪共用 情绪 + seized sb/ took hold of sb 抓住... 情绪 + flashed/ crossed sb 掠过... 情绪 + swallowed sb 吞噬... 那我们用无灵主语试试看~ 开心的动作 wear a shining smile a shining smile spread across one’s face smile broadly tears of joy roll down/ shed tears of joy laugh one’s head off 好坏情绪共用 情绪 + seized sb/ took hold of sb 抓住... 情绪 + flashed/ crossed sb 掠过... 情绪 + swallowed sb 吞噬... Fantastically,a shining smile spread across Doris’s face, with joy and surprise flashing him. 副词衔接 情绪的转变 情绪的转变 give way to 给...让路 Her sorrow gave way to delight and relief. 关于听到某事的句子衔接:必背 With these words lingering/ echoing in her mind, her sorrow gave way to dilight and relief. With these words lingering/ echoing in her ming, her sorrow gave way to dilight and relief, tears of joy suddenly rolling down her cheeks. 非谓语动词,补充该情绪下的动作 Everything in the surroundings spoke of/saw/found+情绪名词 I was nervous. Everything in the surroundings saw my nervousness. I was very anxious. Everything in the surroundings found my anxiety. I was very happy. Everything in the surroundings spoke of my happiness/felicity(极乐). 单独一个情绪 实战演练 P1:Sarah decided to help Mrs. Wilson out.